Diet for constipation in children - help zucchini and vegetable puree - Causes

April 14th, 2011

  • Diet for constipation in children - help zucchini and vegetable puree
  • Causes

Causes of constipation in children under one year, and methods for their edema

The most common cause of constipation in infants - a violation of feeding and nutrient absorption. With a very good amount of intake of breast milk stool baby may be too small to trigger the urge to defecate. The constant delay chair for a few days in such cases do not relate to the true constipation and is treated as psevdozapor.

To the emergence of true constipation in infants is prolonged feeding with milk without the timely introduction of fiber-containing vegetable dishes and carbohydrates. Excess body fat at the same time aggravates constipation, contributing to increased production of alkaline soaps and further hardening of feces.

The reason for the delay of a chair in newborns may be congenital anomalies of the intestine, general muscular hypotonia (low muscle tone), combined with hypotension intestine - this may be due to birth trauma Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?  Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
 , Underweight, and some other diseases.

Treatment of constipation in children is prescribed in view of its causes. Breastfeeding appoint the timely introduction of the diet of baby juice (3 months) and first feeding Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?  Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?
   a vegetable puree. You can start typing in the four to five months. It is best to start with zucchini - it is the most neutral product. Then, you can alternate different types of vegetable puree: cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, carrots. It is an excellent prevention of constipation. Fruit juices (usually start with apple) introduced until the year the child gradually, with droplets, and is adjusted to 30-50 ml per day. A month later, a second solid foods are introduced - porridge, it also contributes to the filling of the bowel and stool normalization. In the 8 months of the child's diet is introduced yogurt, which promotes the proper functioning of the intestine.

If constipation worried a child who is breastfed to four months of age, it is necessary to control weighing (before and after feeding) and determine how much it sucks the milk - constipation may be the result of underfeeding. An indirect sign of underfeeding will lag the baby weight.

 Causes | Diet for constipation in children - help zucchini and vegetable puree

Causes of constipation in older children and diets that prevent their occurrence

The appearance of constipation in older children contribute to violations of the processes of formation and promotion of stool through the intestines, which depend on the motor function of the intestine, shape, position and width of the lumen of the colon, the volume of intestinal contents.

Constipation in a child can be the result of improper diet, on the background of constant stress and various diseases of the central nervous system, sedentary lifestyle, inflammatory bowel disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment  Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment
 Endocrine diseases.

When nutritional (caused by malnutrition), constipation good results achieved by correcting the diet. It is recommended to eat foods rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals). Fiber passes through the intestine without being absorbed in it, and promotes the formation of feces, deriving from the intestine all toxic products.

For constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
   be sure to drink plenty of fluids, foods that promote bowel: sour milk, fruit juice, wholemeal bread. It is also useful in water consumption soaked dried prunes and figs, the infusion of them, puree of dried fruits.

With increased motor activity of the intestine besshlakovuyu prescribed diet with a mixture of fat, gradually adding fiber in food gentle and then more coarse texture. Avoid foods that increase gas formation (beans, peas, fresh milk). Food should be chopped and well treated.

At low motor activity of the intestine appointed vegetable fats, such as olive oil or tea dessert spoon once or twice a day (which softens the stool). Food and must take in a sufficient amount.

Despite the important role of diet in the treatment of constipation in older children, it can not give any result, if the child is not the habit of the intestine to release at a specific time of the day. Especially dangerous is the systematic suppression of the urge to defecate. To restore this reflex is recommended to drink on an empty stomach in the morning a glass of cold water or fresh fruit or fruit and vegetable juice (eg apple and carrot) - it activates the bowel movements.

For a regular bowel movement to be watched since childhood - it warns the occurrence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Galina   Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • constipation

Fast diet - is it worth risking health? - Protein diet

November 30, 2008

  • Fast diet - is it worth risking health?
  • Protein diet

Protein diet

It is based on the principle of exclusion of carbohydrates and the almost complete transition to protein foods. There are different variations of this diet, but most often recommended to use during the day lean meat, lean fish, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming  Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming
 , Yogurt, as well as mineral water, zalenye tea, unsweetened coffee. To maintain a balance of vitamins can include grapefruit. Protein diet is highly effective for removing fluid from the body, due to the deficit of carbohydrates the body produces energy from protein. Diet longer than 3-5 days is dangerous - although she is not hungry, but due to lack of carbohydrates a person is experiencing fatigue, headaches, losing concentration - because energy is also needed for the brain.

 Protein Diet | Quick Diet - is it worth risking health?


We eat only one product throughout the diet or the same product every day for several days. Typically, stringent monodiets selected apples, yogurt, buckwheat, rice. Such diets are harsh even psychologically - all day for several days there is only one thing is very difficult. The principle is based on a sharp decline in calorie daily diet and the complete exclusion of fats. The body is also experiencing a shortage of trace elements and vitamins, so mono-diet can be good as the purification of the body for 1-3 days.

 Protein Diet | Quick Diet - is it worth risking health?

Low-carb and low-calorie diets

Such diets are more varied in content. In addition to limiting the amount of caloric every meal - it is a very small portion. The daily ration is most often include: unsweetened coffee, green tea, toast, grapefruit, orange, egg, boiled meat, fish, vegetables, steamed or fresh (tomatoes, cucumbers, greens), unsweetened fruit, yogurt. Excludes all fried, salt and milk. Such diets are designed for 1-2 weeks, and help get rid of 5-7 kg.

 Protein Diet | Quick Diet - is it worth risking health?

The negative effect of fast diets

  • Weight loss is mainly due to the elimination of water, loss of muscle mass, not fat, which the body breaks up last.
  • Deficiency of certain substances, vitamins and trace elements causes side effects. Lack of carbohydrates affects the well-being and mental work, along with the water washed away from the body potassium, calcium - they need the muscles, bones, teeth, hair. Because of the small amount of fat is not absorbed by the fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Weight, discarded during the rapid diets quickly returned as the body, emaciated like stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   It begins to actively store fat in case of repetition of this experiment.

To minimize the risks associated with the use of a particular diet need to take vitamin and mineral supplements do not reduce the caloric content of below 1,000 calories a day How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate  How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate
 Not to diet longer proposed to her life. Moreover, in order not to gain weight rapidly, out of the diet must be correct: Ideally - exercise and in any case can not sharply increase the intake of fat and carbohydrates.

Article Tags:
  • Fast diet
