Treatment of cystitis - in some cases, hospitalization is needed - Effective Methods
August 8, 2013
- Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization
- Medical treatment
- What to do
- Effective methods
- Antibiotics
- Furadonin
- Homeopathic medicines
- Grandma means
- Herbs
- Separate
- Folk remedies
- At home
- Prevention
- Among women
- Men
- Children
- When pregnancy
- When breastfeeding
- Radiocystitis
- Forum

Effective treatment of cystitis
The most effective treatment of cystitis, allows you to quickly suppress the unpleasant symptoms of a urinary tract infection - antibiotics. For the treatment of cystitis are different drugs, the choice of which depends on the results of urine tests that determine the bacterial culture - disease pathogens.

Treatment of uncomplicated acute cystitis involves taking a product from the following list:
- Trimethoprim
- Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
- Amoxicillin
- Nitrofurantoin
- Ampicillin
A relatively new class of drugs used for the treatment of cystitis and suppress the symptoms of a urinary tract infection - quinolones, including ofloxacin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, trovafloxacin. Quinolone antibiotics are not less effective in combating the bacteria that provoke cystitis than other drugs, but require some restrictions - in particular, rarely quinolones used to treat cystitis in pregnant women and breastfeeding women.
In most cases, if the cystitis
Cystitis: urgently take action
not complicated by other factors, effective treatment of cystitis only takes one or two days - for the brief period of antibiotics most of the symptoms of cystitis disappears. However, the duration of treatment of cystitis with antibiotics is usually from three days to a week - this measure allows completely cure the infection and prevent the return of symptoms of cystitis in the future. The duration of treatment of cystitis with antibiotics can be increased in the following cases:
- If you delay in seeking medical attention, and without proper treatment for a long time
- If there are signs of kidney infection
- With diabetes
- With infections of the prostate gland in men
In addition, longer treatment with antibiotics cystitis required when the urinary tract infection has been caused by Chlamydia
Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease
or mycoplasma. After completion of treatment usually requires a second urine sample proving the absence of infection.

Ways to ease the pain of cystitis
In addition to antibiotics, effective treatment of cystitis involves taking various painkillers. Painkillers do not kill the bacteria that caused the cystitis, but most unpleasant effectively suppress the symptoms - including cutting pain when urinating. Among the most widely used to suppress the symptoms of cystitis drugs - ibuprofen and paracetamol.
In addition, to help ease the pain of warmers and hot packs, an increase in the amount of fluid consumed. But from coffee, alcohol and spicy, spicy food for a period of treatment of cystitis should be abandoned - such products may aggravate the symptoms of the infection.

Effective treatment of chronic cystitis
According to statistics, four out of five women who have had three bladder infection within a few months, there has been a chronic cystitis
Chronic cystitis: a correct diagnosis - the main
- Periodic return of symptoms of infection. In chronic cystitis (symptoms appear three times a year or more), we recommend the following treatments:
- Small daily doses of antibiotics - trimethoprim or nitrofurantoin, sulfamethoxazole - which must be taken for six months or longer. You need to take antibiotics for the night - the active ingredients are staying longer in the bladder, making the drug more effective. Studies have shown that this method of treatment of chronic cystitis is quite high efficiency and virtually no serious side effects.
- Receive one dose antibotikov after intercourse (in the case where the symptoms of cystitis
Cystitis - symptoms: spasms, cramps and discomfort
aggravated after sexual intercourse).
- A short (lasting one or two days) course of antibiotics when the first symptoms of cystitis.
Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization - Herbs
August 8, 2013
- Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization
- Medical treatment
- What to do
- Effective methods
- Antibiotics
- Furadonin
- Homeopathic medicines
- Grandma means
- Herbs
- Separate
- Folk remedies
- At home
- Prevention
- Among women
- Men
- Children
- When pregnancy
- When breastfeeding
- Radiocystitis
- Forum

Treatment of cystitis herbs
Cystitis Treatment with herbs - a tradition of folk medicine, numbering several thousand years, and adopted in many different cultures. Grass - one of the safest and most natural products for the treatment of cystitis: Medicinal plants have antimicrobial properties (kill bacteria that trigger an infection of the bladder), the properties of analgesics (suppress pain and discomfort associated with IC) properties diuretics (natural diuretics stimulate excretion urine toxins and bacteria). Some herbs have a narcotic effect, and even the most effective in suppressing pain and a burning sensation, the main symptoms of cystitis
Cystitis - symptoms: spasms, cramps and discomfort
In some cases, the treatment of cystitis herbs rather than fight a bacterial infection with antibiotics. First, prolonged antibiotic treatment disrupts the immune system and the microflora of the organism, thereby increasing the risk of repeated bacterial infection. Second, the regular use of antibiotics contributes to the development of resistance (immunity) of the bacteria to the action of drugs. Quite often in the treatment of chronic cystitis antibiotics observed characteristic effects of weakened immunity caused by antibiotics - constant colds, such as influenza, colds, tonsillitis.
Herbs used to treat cystitis, reduce inflammation, relax muscles, preventing the spasmodic pain caused by cystitis, and have an antiseptic effect. Furthermore, natural diuretics stimulate urine, thereby contributing to "washout" infection of the bladder and preventing the formation of kidney stones. Antimicrobial Diuretics help the body fight bacterial infections and especially effective for the treatment of urinary tract infections - that have such properties, for example, barberry and barosma.
Unlike medications, diuretics, the reception of which often causes a loss of body necessary for normal functioning of the salts and electrolytes, natural, herbal diuretics simply increase the excretion of fluid and therefore are ideal for "washing" the kidneys and urinary tract bacterial infection in the urogenital system. What's more - some of these medicinal herbs contain nutrients that have antibacterial and antispasmodic effect, while destroying harmful microorganisms and alleviated the pain. Among these plants - dandelion field horsetail, nettle, goldenrod. A medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory properties - such as chamomile, echinacea, ginger - not only facilitate the unpleasant symptoms, but also suppress the inflammatory processes in the bladder and urinary tract.

Effective grass
For the treatment of cystitis herbs are particularly effective following herbs:
- Painkillers, sedatives plants - marshmallow, medicinal comfrey, plantain, mullein, corn silk - help to reduce the inflammation of the bladder, relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms
- Antispasmodic - marshmallow, chamomile, hops, skullcap - inhibit muscle spasms of the urinary tract, thus facilitating spasmodic pain.
- Alkalizing - ginger, peppermint, marshmallow, comfrey - reduce the acidity of urine, neutralizing the acid and thereby reducing the burning sensation when urinating.
- Antibacterial (antiseptic properties) - echinacea, goldenseal, honeysuckle, bearberry, garlic, barberry, bilberry - destroy pathogenic bacterial cultures caused cystitis
Cystitis: urgently take action
And strengthens the immune system.
- Diuretics - horsetail, bearberry, fennel, dandelion, meadowsweet (spirea), corn silk, goldenrod, plantain, shepherd's purse - stimulate the kidneys and bladder, accelerating the excretion of urine.
- Anti - ginger, echinacea, chamomile, marshmallow, comfrey drug - stop inflammation in the urinary tract.
- Restorative - juniper, horsetail, burdock, black elderberry, plantain, yarrow - improve health and normalize work urogenital system.
When hematuria (blood in urine, which can be observed in acute cystitis) is particularly useful shepherd's purse - a medicinal plant with diuretic properties, effective for infections of the bladder, accompanied by difficulty in urination and blood in the urine. In addition, it helps with hematuria broths marshmallow and plantain.

Useful Plants
Plants that are effective against certain types of bacteria and other micro-organisms:
- Enterobacter (Enterobacter) - Eucalyptus
- Candida (Candida) - Ginger, barberry, fennel, yarrow
- Escherichia coli (E. Coli) - Yarrow, bearberry, calendula, fennel
Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices
, Chamomile, cumin, ginger
- Klebsiella (Klebsiella) - bearberry, thyme, honeysuckle, ginger
Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties
St. John's wort
- Proteus (Proteus) - garlic, eucalyptus, thyme, horseradish
- Streptococci (Streptococcus faecalis) - calendula, thyme, ginger, knikus pharmacy