Candida vaginitis - a sign of impaired immunity

April 6, 2013

 Candida vaginitis
 The fungi of the genus Candida are part of the pathogenic microflora of the vagina of most women. In healthy women, they usually do not cause disease - normal local and general immunity inhibits their livelihoods. If the immune system is disturbed, Candida vaginitis can acquire a recurrent nature.

 Candida vaginitis - a sign of impaired immunity

The causes and contributing factors of Candida vaginitis

Causes Candida vaginitis fungal infection - drozhzhepodbnye fungi genus Candida. To catch this disease can not be without conditions - predisposing factors. By the predisposing factors include reduction of general and local immunity.

Reduced total immunity may develop on the background of various diseases, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function), any chronic diseases and intoxications, after an overall infections (eg, flu, sore throat, scarlet fever, or chickenpox Chickenpox: painful, but not dangerous  Chickenpox: painful, but not dangerous
   in children). The total breaks down the immune system under severe stress, high physical and neuropsychiatric loads from injuries, operations and so on.

Local immunity - the ability of the mucous membranes of the genital tract to prevent the penetration of infection. In many ways, local immunity depends on the normal vaginal microflora, which consists of many micro-organisms, but most of the microflora of lactobacilli up, releasing lactic acid. The acidic environment, which creates natural microflora of the vagina, is uncomfortable for the life of pathogenic microflora, are also always present in the area. The fungi of the genus Candida are often part of the pathogenic microflora, which suppresses reproduction in healthy women.

The development of normal microflora in women of childbearing age is supported by the female hormones, so the status of women is hormonal topical vaginal immunity important - if it is violated the immunity decreases.

The reason for reduction of local immunity may be the use of antibiotics that suppress the development of normal microflora. It can be systemic antibiotics (general) action, then sometimes develops first intestinal candidiasis, where the infection gets into the genital area.

Frequent topical application of antibacterial drugs (eg, frequent douching using antiseptic solutions) also contributes to the destruction of normal microflora and the development of vaginal candidiasis.

 Candida vaginitis - a sign of impaired immunity


Candida vaginitis is also called thrush due to the fact that the vaginal mucosa appear white raids resembling curdled milk. Incursions the first small and easily removed from the mucosa. But gradually attacks grow, merge with each other and tightly spliced ​​with the mucosa.

There are various types of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) - from milky white or cheesy to muco-purulent and bloody. Character of discharge varies with the addition of other infections - bacterial, viral, or trichomonas.

Often vaginitis infection is complicated by the transition mochavyvodyaschy tract. In this case, there are frequent painful urination.

It is accompanied by strong burning and itching that are especially worse at night, after a bath, a shower or bath Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
 And after sexual intercourse. Women disrupts sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Appetite, often develop neuroses, especially in relapsing forms of the disease.

 Candida vaginitis - a sign of impaired immunity

How to identify Candida vaginitis

Identify Candida vaginitis it can be based on the examination of the woman. But the disease requires laboratory confirmation. So women take smears from the vagina, the cervical canal and the urethra (a large number of white blood cells in the smear White blood cells in the smear - an important diagnosis  White blood cells in the smear - an important diagnosis
   indicates the presence of inflammation), checked the acidity of vaginal discharge (thrush it is usually normal, with mixed infections - reduced).

The woman is taken as the material for sowing in the culture media in order to identify the infectious agent and its sensitivity to antifungal drugs. This method can detect other infectious agents - bacterial or Trichomonas.

 Candida vaginitis - a sign of impaired immunity


Candida vaginitis requires a comprehensive treatment. If the disease appeared for the first time, it is sufficient normal course of antifungal therapy in combination with restorative treatment. As such treatment often odnorazovo assigned fluconazole in high dose - 150 mg.

Treat chronic recurrent Candida vaginitis is often much more complicated. In this case, for the prevention of relapses fluconazole administered in the same dose once a month up to one year. At the same time reveal the cause of persistent violations of immunity and conducted its correction,

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • vaginitis

Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor

April 25, 2013

  • Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor
  • In the vagina
  • On the labia

 warts in the private parts
 Warts on intimate places - a sign of HPV infection and reduce immunity. Remove from the organism that causes the infection is not possible, but when properly conducted complex treatment, strengthening the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
   and a healthy lifestyle can be quite a long time (sometimes permanently) to get rid of warts.

 Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor

Why do I get warts on intimate places

"Culprit" is the human papilloma virus (HPV), which is usually transmitted through sexual contact. But do not immediately after the appearance of warts blame your sexual partner. HPV - is a special virus, it causes disease only due to lower immunity. Therefore, usually determine when and how to hit the body of HPV is almost impossible. There may be many options, an infected woman could occur as follows:

  • she once contracted HPV, but for the time the virus is in the body in an inactive state; virus intensified after declining immunity;
  • female sexual partner is also infected with HPV for a long time, he had no symptoms of the disease, but he could infect his partner;
  • Finally, and perhaps fresh from infection, both men and women;
  • household way of infection - adults is extremely rare, only in very close physical contact or using the same clothes.

 Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor

What contributes to the emergence of

All the factors that reduce immunity, and will contribute to the development of genital warts. The fact that HPV, once in the body, is introduced into the cells of the deep layers of the mucosa (epithelium) and it can stay in the sleep state for a long time. After the decline of immunity it is activated, it begins to multiply rapidly and implemented in the epithelial cells, causing them to divide rapidly. Thus, the surface of the epithelium arises condyloma.

The appearance of warts can help colds, any acute illness (sore throat, flu, pneumonia), exacerbation of chronic diseases, chronic foci of infection (chronic tonsillitis, carious teeth), chronic intoxication (smoking, alcohol, drugs), high nervous and mental load, strong stresses and so on.

 Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor

Types of warts that can appear on the private parts

There are two types of warts caused by HPV, which may appear on the intimate places - pointed and flat. And those and others are caused by HPV, but its various subspecies.

Genital warts caused by HPV 6, 11, 42, 43 and 44 subspecies. Genital warts are called exophytic, as they grow over the surface of the epithelium, and have the form of external appendages. This type of warts is prone to rapid growth and spread (not always), but he rarely degenerates into cancer. Genital warts can appear anywhere on the epithelium of the external genitalia or perineum Oran.

Flat warts are caused by HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68 subspecies. They grow deep in the mucous membrane tissue, so called endophytic (internal). A favorite place is the localization of flat warts of the cervix. Introduced within the epithelium flat warts will contribute dysplasia Dysplasia - what is it?  Dysplasia - what is it?
   (changing cell) cervical epithelium. Expression of the degree of dysplasia are precancerous diseases and may become cancer. Not all flat warts turn into cancer, but still better than them to timely detect and treat.

 Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor


Genital warts are growths of gray-pink or flesh-colored ground or on a thin stalk. Warts can appear anywhere on the vulva, vagina, cervix, and around the inside of the urethra on the perineum, the anus. At first, very quickly, in just a few hours, there are several such outgrowths, then disease develops depending on the state of immunity.

When persistent violations of significant immunity may very rapid growth of genital warts, they merge to form large conglomerates. If a slight decrease in immunity, the spread of the disease can stop. In some cases, restoration of immunity genital warts disappear on their own.

Flat warts are vague spots on the genital mucosa. Often they blend with the surrounding tissues, grow slowly.

 Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor

Diagnosis and treatment

Warts are identified during the inspection, confirmed the identification of the origin of viral DNA by PCR in smears from lesions of the epithelium. Also, be sure blood test for syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
   and HIV infection. If you suspect a flat warts colposcopy Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?  Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?

Treatment of the disease should be integrated with the conduct of anti-viral, immunostimuliruyushey therapy and removal of warts.
