Interferon - protects against diseases of the new century? - The main antiviral agent

May 6, 2010

  • Interferon - protects against diseases of the new century?
  • The main antiviral agent

The main antiviral agent

Interferons have been opened at the beginning of the second half of the last century. Experimentally it has been found that cells infected with influenza virus, produce and secrete into the surrounding medium proteins retard intracellular viral multiplication. These proteins called interferons. Protecting the body from viral infection depends on the amount of interferon produced by the cells.

Interferons are of different types: alpha, beta and gamma interferons. The first found the use of alpha-interferon produced by blood lymphocytes. His was prepared from donated human blood after exposure to the virus, so it became known as the human leukocyte interferon. Next, interferon alpha steel obtain genetically engineered bacteria of the amino acids. Such interferon called recombinant human. With alpha-interferon, and gamma-interferons learned to treat acute viral infection (such as influenza) chronic viral diseases (hepatitis, herpes, etc.). The beta interferons useful in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

 The main antiviral | Interferon - protects against diseases of the new century?

Human leukocyte interferon

Human leukocyte interferon, obtained from donated human blood after exposure to the virus has the ability to stimulate phagocytic activity of blood cells (phagocytes are large cells that capture and absorb viruses). This preparation produced a dry matter in vials to prepare a solution and used for preventing and treating influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections by instillation into the nose. Efficacy is higher the earlier date of application. Human leukocyte interferon necessarily checked for the presence of antibodies to the HIV virus and hepatitis C and B.

 The main antiviral | Interferon - protects against diseases of the new century?

Human recombinant interferon

Human recombinant interferon completely eliminates the possibility of contracting a viral infection of its use, since its preparation not using human blood. It is produced in the form of various preparations, the most common of which is viferon. Viferon has a strong antiviral and immunomodulatory (reducing immunity) effects. Immunomodulatory effect contributes to antimicrobial activity expressed viferona.

In addition to alpha-interferon viferon contains tocopherol Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away  Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away
   and ascorbic acid, which enhance the antiviral activity of interferon-alpha and contribute to enhanced development of the body's own interferon. Viferon used in a variety of infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by bacteria or viruses, with intrauterine infection (diseases of the fetus occurred before he was born), such as chlamydia, herpes, mycoplasmosis Mycoplasmosis - infection does not always equal disease  Mycoplasmosis - infection does not always equal disease
 , Chronic viral hepatitis, for the treatment of urogenital infections in pregnant women (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, herpes, etc.) - as an immunomodulator, and herpes also as antiviral agent for the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory diseases, including complicated bacterial infection.

Viferon increases resistance in relation to any infection, but it is especially effective in viral diseases.

 The main antiviral | Interferon - protects against diseases of the new century?

The beta interferons

Beta interferons have been used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis Treatment of multiple sclerosis - the choice is always  Treatment of multiple sclerosis - the choice is always
   - Severe progressive disease, which resulted in damages the nervous system and the person gradually becomes completely immobile. Causes of this disease are not fully established, but it is believed that it has an infectious-allergic nature. Until now, the disease is considered incurable, but with the advent of beta-interferons have the opportunity to suspend its progression. Beta interferons (such as Betaferon) has antiviral and immunoregulatory activity. Mechanisms of action of Betaseron for multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis - whether in remission?  Multiple sclerosis - whether in remission?
   not finalized, but work in this direction are carried out.

 The main antiviral | Interferon - protects against diseases of the new century?


Features of gamma-interferon can demonstrate drug Ingaron - human recombinant interferon-gamma. Ingaron has antiviral and immunomodulatory properties, activates certain types of white blood cells to protect against infections, blocks the formation of viral proteins and assembly of the mature virus particle, causes the death of intracellular bacteria, destroys virus-infected cells. It is used to treat chronic hepatitis C and HIV - infection, pulmonary tuberculosis, chlamydia, herpes, cancer. In acute respiratory viral infections and flu bury him in the nose.

Ingaron used to restore cellular immunity disorders and for treatment of certain infectious diseases, allergies, autoimmune diseases and cancer.

Interferons - high, but still not completely fully investigated biologically active substances which, however, have found widespread use in the treatment of various diseases.

Article Tags:
  • interferon

Herpes on the lips - problems with immunity - Stages

January 16, 2014

  • Herpes on the lips - problems with immunity
  • Steps
  • Children

 stage herpes on the lips

Stages of herpes on the lips

How does herpes on the lips? Herpes on the lips are in their development several steps:

  • first initial stage of herpes on the lips - the stage of the precursors; It starts with itching, tingling and sometimes numbness of the skin on the lips at the site of injury; stage lasts from a few hours to days;
  • the second stage - the stage of hyperemia and edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
 ; it is characterized by redness, swelling and severe itching of the skin; If at this point applied to the affected area lips antiviral drugs for external use (e.g., 5% aciclovir cream), the development of bubble can be prevented; stage develops on the first or second day of the disease;
  • The third stage - the bubble; in place is increased swelling and redness on the top appears a little painful vesicle (or few bubbles) with clear content; the bubble gradually grows in size, with it increases swelling of the surrounding tissues; clear the contents of the bubble gradually becomes cloudy; these are the most characteristic features of herpes Symptoms of herpes - sometimes you can not even notice  Symptoms of herpes - sometimes you can not even notice
   on the lips; it happens in the first or second day of the disease;
  • fourth stage - the conversion of a bubble in sores; maximum bubble grows in size and bursts, turning in weeping sores, which implies an inflammatory fluid - the source of HSV-I; this is the most dangerous in terms of transmission around the stage; It was at this time less is in contact with the children, and in any case do not kiss them; it usually occurs on the third day of the disease;
  • fifth stage - the formation of ulcers at the site of crusts - the crust is formed quickly enough, it is easy to remove, but after removing the wound starts to bleed and hurt; herpes begins to heal from the inside, the swelling subsides; occurs is from 4 to 9 day of disease;
  • Sixth stage - healing; the wound is delayed for two days, the same amount saved, and redness of the skin in this area; Herpes on the lip heals 9-11 day of illness; at the time of HSV-I returned to the inactive state, in which can reside until activated again under the influence of various factors.

Types of herpes on the lips can be different localization. There herpes on the upper lip, the lower lip herpes, herpes under the lip, the corners of the lips herpes, cold sores on the inside of the lips, cold sores on the inside of the cheeks, gums herpes. Some women have herpes appears regularly on the lips before menstruation - it may indicate hormonal disturbances Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   or long-term use of oral contraceptives.


Harmful if herpes on lips

How dangerous is the herpes on the lips? In most cases, a herpes lips proceeds without any complications. But in people with reduced immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   herpes infection can take prevalent. It can spread to the face, neck, ear and behind the ear space. It is very dangerous to hit the infection to the mucous membranes of the eyes - it is fraught with serious visual impairment including blindness.

In some cases, most often in children, or sucking his fingers combing rashes, herpes infection can spread to the skin, most often on the toes. Occasionally inflammation of the skin goes into the hands of eczema.

With the defeat of the ear in patients with immunodeficiencies labial herpes can spread to the meninges and brain tissue, but such complications are very rare and mostly in people with immune deficiency.

The effects of herpes on the lips also are rare. So, develop scarring in severe necrotizing during herpes in people with immune deficiencies. Frequent cold sores on the lips should serve as a basis for a full examination and determine the cause of low immunity. Oral sex with a partner who has cold sores on the lips, lead to the development of herpes on the genitals.
