In the last two decades of pharmaceutical goods has firmly taken its place on the shelves of pharmacies. Parapharmaceuticals, the implementation of which does not require the registration of licenses and special permits, in the structure of sales of regional pharmacy chains is about one-third, and in Moscow reaches 40%. Prominently in the assortment list parapharmaceutics take biologically active food supplements (dietary supplements), including constant popular dietary supplements for weight loss. One of these dietary supplements, called Slim Code (Slimsode) is supplied to the Russian market of NGOs "Fora-Farm".

The composition and the effect of the drug Slim Code
As part of the capsules Slim-code - a complex plant "burners" fat submitted hudiey Gordon, Garcinia cambogia, grape seed extract, yerba mate tea, aloe
Aloe - its amazing healing properties
vera, and L-carnitine, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and coenzyme Q-10. The properties of plant components, included in the Slim-code, good for Nutrition experts studied.
Indeed, an extract of Hoodia Gordonii include a component of many tools for weight loss. It is believed that Hoodia, like glucose, able to send signals to the brain about the saturation, whereby the combustion process is activated in the body fat stores, and caloric intake is reduced by a third.
Lowering cholesterol, reducing cravings for sweets, appetite suppression, slowing the process of converting carbohydrates into fats - are the useful properties of Garcinia cambogia.
Grape seed extract - a great source of antioxidants needed to neutralize the free radicals formed during activation will inevitably fat-burning processes.
The healing properties of tea mate, containing vitamins A, E, C, H, P, B, trace elements - iron, silicon, magnesium, manganese, calcium, and vitamin-and biologically active substances (caffeine, choline, theobromine), is to stimulate the metabolism, increasing mental and physical activity.
Glycoproteins, polysaccharides and amino acids, which are so rich in medicinal plant Aloe Vera, harmonize the work of all organs and systems.
Natural dietary fiber microcellulose (MCC) normalize the intestinal motility, helping to lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
L-carnitine - gives the body energy
is required for normal liver function, cardiovascular and immune systems, the activation of removing toxins, protein metabolism, reduce body fat.
Coenzyme Q10 is known as a powerful antioxidant
Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
, Increasing vitality, which accelerates weight loss and anti-aging body.
All the components included in the Slim-code, it is not unique: the combination of these medicinal plant extracts and active ingredients found in many other Badakhshan slimming. The exception is perhaps that coenzyme Q10, which is in food supplements intended for weight loss, contains infrequently.

Prerequisites for weight loss when taking Slim-Code
The price of the package of 60 capsules Slim-code - from 1000 to 1500 rubles
. You can purchase it in a regular or an online pharmacy stores offering health products
. The company, realizing Slim Key in Russia, pleasantly surprising lack of aggressive advertising of the drug
. At specialized Internet forums devoted to the problem of excess weight, the experts "Fora-Farm" miracles do not promise, and numerous questions: "But will it help me Slim-code" - calmly answered that everything depends on the endocrine background, the intensity of metabolic processes, therefore pre-judge how Slim Code will be effective in a particular case, it is impossible
. Will the long-awaited result of taking the drug, it becomes clear just two months after his regular use of one capsule three times a day
. And even in this case, according to experts, to rely only on the miraculous power capsules Slim-code should not be
. For weight loss should be approached comprehensively, following the well-known recommendations:
- lose weight should be gradual because too rapid loss of body weight is detrimental to health;
- necessary to balance the diet, seek help from a dietitian;
- a prerequisite of successful weight loss - drinking regime. Toxins will occur at an accelerated rate, if the drink per day for at least two liters of clean water. It is important to maintain normal water-salt balance;
- accelerate fat burning is impossible without exercise, so a prerequisite for success - an active lifestyle.
Contraindications Slim-bit code, but they should pay attention. Categorically denied taking the drug for pregnant and lactating women. Persons suffering individual intolerance of separate components contained in Sliema Cod from its application will also have to give up.

Who invented Slim Code
So Slim Code - this is the usual dietary supplements, does not stand out among many similar funds intended for weight loss. Doubt is only its manufacturer - Swiss company «Newman nutrients AG». To find the WAN site of the company is not possible. Apparently, it simply does not have, from which fans of various Internet investigations can be concluded that the company «Newman nutrients AG» - is the fruit of someone's imagination. Nevertheless, we were able to find information about the company, registered under this name in the Swiss canton of Zug.
The manufacturer Slim-code actually engaged in production of pharmaceutical and para-pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, vitamins, nutraceuticals and food additives
Food additives - basic classification
. The oddity is that the packages Slim Cod as a manufacturer appear once the two firms - as the Swiss «Newman nutrients AG», and Russia with the same name registered in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region. Some experts say that sooner Slim-code made in Switzerland, and it was much more effective than that which is now released in Russian enterprises. Is it really, we do not undertake to argue.