How to make yourself lose weight - psychological tricks and global strategy - Action Plan

November 15, 2014

  • How to make yourself lose weight - psychological tricks and global strategy
  • Action plan
  • Power Features

 how to make yourself lose weight plan

Action plan

Plan - a detailed strategy. Everybody knows that success depends on competent strategy not less than fifty percent.

Begin to develop a plan for a week or two before you start to lose weight. Make a menu for the next few weeks, and immediately purchase products that can be stored for a long time. For example, buy dried fruit, nuts and whole-grain bread, which you replace high-calorie snacks - cookies, chips, candy, and so on. It is desirable that the beginning of the process of weight loss in your house no more products that you want to completely eliminate from your diet.

Choose a fitness center that is right for you on location, cost and provides an opportunity for customers and buy a ticket - ideally once a year, or even six months. Pre-schedule the workouts and buy sports uniforms.

Think of a class on the weekends, which will contribute to weight loss - hiking or cycling, visit adventure parks, and so on.


Fight with old habits

Be prepared for the fact that this fight will be long and difficult. Observe yourself and identify the habits that lead to weight gain. Then drawn up lists of small steps that will help you get rid of these habits.

For example, if you are used to in the evenings watching TV and snacking on something high-calorie, the list might be:

  • Please replace high-calorie snacks of fresh fruits or vegetables;
  • After a few days instead of fruits and vegetables start to drink a cup of tea without sugar, or a glass of plain water;
  • After a week or two while watching the evening telecasts start to exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 For example, push-ups, squat, do twisting, engaged on a stationary bike or stepper, and so on.


Identify emotional problems that interfere lose weight

Sadness and anger - the most common of those emotions that lead to overeating. The expression "seize stress" is familiar, probably, all, and most even sometimes try to cope with stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   in this way. However, very few people manage to "catch themselves by the hand" - to recognize that now they are using the food does not satisfy the physiological and psychological needs. Even fewer people manage to prevent such behavior.

Try to keep a diary to track the situations in which you often overeat under the influence of emotions. When you find out, you will be able to deal with such behavior. For example, if you find that overeat after a busy day at work or conflicts with loved ones, in such situations, try to confine light, healthy snack, and then go in for sports. Intensive training to help cope with negative emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
   much better than the food - after which you will not feel guilty and do not find that figure on the scales again increased.

Another emotional problem in the process of losing weight is fear of change. Even if you really want to lose weight, some part of you probably afraid, because the desire for peace, immutability, stay in the comfort zone to some extent common to all without exception. A person may be afraid of how others perceive him change occurred as he will have lifelong follow the new habits to keep the shape, and so on. Be prepared in advance to face such fears, and remember that they are natural, and are not unique to you, after all, almost everything in the world tends to follow the path of least resistance. A little effort of will - and fear will recede and you will become stronger and more confident.


Forgive yourself

Even if you are determined to lose weight, make a plan, enrolled in a fitness club, there is a big probability that from time to time you will be ripped off and allow yourself to high-calorie treats. In such cases accept that your willpower - not concrete, and you have work to do, but in any case not engaged in self-flagellation. It does not save you from mistakes in the future, but on the contrary, lower your self-esteem, leading to more severe stress, and he, again, to overeating. In self-flagellation can be much more serious than the one or two rolls that you allow yourself to once every two weeks.

Diet pills - there are no miracles - Preparations various actions

September 7, 2008

  • Diet pills - there are no miracles
  • Preparations of different actions

What are diet pills

Diet pills are divided into three main groups: reducing appetite, causing relaxation chair and carve out of the body fats. No matter how you describe the advertising of a drug miraculous properties, on closer examination, it falls into one of three groups. Although there is also a fourth group - when advertising is, and the drug is unknown. This is the most dangerous.

 Preparations of different activities | Diet pills - there are no miracles

Diet pills that reduce appetite

High-quality drugs in this group are not cheap: a month's course of treatment will cost you $ 100-150. These drugs are Meridia (German company "Knoll AG") and obestat (German firm Cipla) and domestic product Reduxine. In all these formulations the active ingredient is sibutramine Sibutramine - effective but not safe  Sibutramine - effective but not safe

Remember, this group of drugs - not supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 And drugs that can be administered only by a physician!

Meridia affects parts of the brain that respond to the feeling of satiety. Food intake is reduced by about one third. Meridia helps the formation of a right style food and therefore causes a lasting effect, as people get used to a small amount of food, which reduces the volume of the stomach. Furthermore, Meridia leads to normalization of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and reduce blood cholesterol.

While receiving Meridia may temporarily appear dry mouth, loss of appetite, constipation, insomnia, increased blood pressure, palpitations, nausea, headache, dizziness, sweating, worsening of hemorrhoids. These phenomena are temporary and do not require discontinuation of the drug (unless you have no contraindications for its reception).

Meridia has a lot of contraindications. It is contraindicated for people with severe changes of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system, nervous forms of eating disorders, thyroid dysfunction, increased intraocular pressure, drug and alcohol addiction Alcohol addiction - for no reason, no reason not arise  Alcohol addiction - for no reason, no reason not arise
 , Pregnancy, during lactation Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
 At the age of 18 years and in the elderly.

Like any high-quality drug Meridia does not promise immediate miraculous effect. The course of treatment for at least 3 months, at the same time lose the first month you about two kg, then gradually will lose weight without gaining it later, after the withdrawal of the drug.

 Preparations of different activities | Diet pills - there are no miracles

Diet pills that output from the body fats

For drugs in this group is Swiss drug Xenical .. It is also expensive treatment, designed for a long time. The course of treatment for a month will cost 2, 5-3 ths. Rubles, and the treatment should last from six months to a year and a half.

The drug is indicated for long-term treatment of obesity, including diabetes.

Orlistat acts on enzymes that cleave fats in the gastro-intestinal tract, whereby they lose their activity. Un-split fats are not absorbed in the intestine and excreted in the feces, ie, people like to sit on a rigid low-fat diet.

Xenical has few contraindications. It is contraindicated in violation of absorption of food in the intestines (chronic malabsorption syndrome), disorders of the biliary tract, increased sensitivity to the drug.

As the unpleasant side effects of Xenical can be noted fecal incontinence after his admission.

 Preparations of different activities | Diet pills - there are no miracles

Diet pills that cause loose stools

The easiest way to lose weight by reducing the amount of water in the body. Reduce the amount of water can be using a diuretic, choleretic and laxative effects. It is these properties are all well-known slimming teas. But they should not take long, as with the liquid from the body are derived such vital minerals such as potassium, calcium, mania, and so on.

 Preparations of different activities | Diet pills - there are no miracles

Tablets with questionable content

All non-pharmaceutical products, unfortunately, are not subject to scrutiny. That is why the country imported Thai tablets containing psychoactive substances in combination with a laxative. Of course, they are losing weight, as increases metabolism. But how do you addiction to stimulant amphetamine that they contain?

Conclusion: as the market means for weight loss is very large and not always controlled, it is best to understand that together with the doctor, who will advise is not just a quality product, but it is a drug that is best for you.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • diet pills
