- Juice therapy - grow thin tasty
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- To prevent cancer
- The way to health
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Juice therapy: a natural way to health
Fruit and vegetable juices - is not only taste great, but also help with many health problems. Supporters of alternative treatments suggest using them as a safe and inexpensive way to remove toxins, stimulate the digestive process and boost the immune system. Fresh juices are also a powerful weapon against many diseases; Studies show that juice can speed recovery from infections and even help in the treatment of stomach ulcers. In combination with other means of alternative medicine, such as herbs, homeopathy
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and diet therapy, juice can significantly improve the body's natural ability to heal itself.
History of juice therapy
While in Western society the use of juice for the purpose of rehabilitation has become popular recently, Juice therapy appeared much earlier. She was known adherents of the traditional Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda, which originated 5000 years ago. In Ayurveda, certain juices were used to strengthen the various body tissues. According to this system, stress
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Emotional imbalance and poor digestion block the body's ability to absorb nutrients, causing a variety of diseases. Even then, it was believed that fresh juice can help meet these challenges.
Now Juice therapy practiced by many naturopaths. They think that is very useful sometimes for a day or two completely refuse to eat and drink only juice and water. It is believed that when the body does not have to spend a lot of time and energy to digest fatty foods with high protein content, it is still strong enough to do their own "malfunctions".
It also helps reveal sensitization to food, which is one of the main causes of disorders such as arthritis
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, Asthma and chronic fatigue syndrome
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. When you after a couple of days on the water and juices start gradually introduced into the diet of regular food, worsening of symptoms will be noticeable immediately and allow to determine which foods cause a reaction. Rejection of this food will significantly improve the condition of patients.
However, a juice diet should be treated with caution. In particular, in diseases such as diabetes and hypoglycemia, it can not be started without consulting your doctor. Even if you are confident in your health, it is advisable to consult a doctor before you start juicing.
Juice diet is also not recommended for those who lead a very active lifestyle, as this may lead to a decline in strength.
Eat vegetables and drink
Vegetables help prevent many dangerous diseases, including cancer. For example, to provide themselves with the necessary nutrients that strengthen the immune system and help the body fight disease, it is recommended to consume 200-300 g of carrots a day. So many will not eat each - much easier every day to drink a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice, which contains all of the same vitamins.
However, there is something that the juices we can not give - it is fiber, 20-35 grams of which requires an adult each day. It is very important for normal digestion and prevent some types of cancer. So vegetable juices still will not replace us just raw vegetables - everything you need to get, you need to eat something, and more.
In addition to vitamins, fruits and vegetables contain substances that are useful properties which experts have not studied until the end. Thus, they contain pigments which provide their fruit color, and enzymes which promote digestion of vegetables and fruits.
Scientists have found more than 400 different types of carotene, but most people only know about the Beta-carotene, a substance that the body easily converts into vitamin A. Beta-carotene has powerful anti-cancer properties and is even able to stop the development of certain malignancies. Other keratins have similar properties.
Another group of pigments with great therapeutic potential make flavonoids. The study found that people who regularly consume flavonoids significantly reduced the risk of developing heart disease.
The enzymes contained in the fresh vegetables and fruit, stimulate many chemical reactions in the human body. When heat treatment, they are destroyed, and the body has to produce the necessary enzymes themselves, which makes it difficult to recycle food.
That is why doctors recommend to drink only fresh juices
. The juices that are sold in the shops, most of the nutrients and enzymes were destroyed during pasteurization, the procedure by which increases the shelf life of products
. So invest in a juicer will not be superfluous
. What matters is the fact from which fruits and vegetables you do juice
. Unfortunately, what is on the shelves, a big part of not only contains vitamins and nutrients, but also traces of various fertilizers and pesticides, on the impact of which on the organism is known to too few
. If you buy organic food is too expensive for you, and grow their own there is no way, make juice from fruit and vegetable store, but after them very carefully will wash
. If possible, avoid the import of fruits and vegetables - more likely they are treated with special chemicals that help them not to lose its presentation during transport