- Bulimia: the consequences - when you are completely dependent on food
- Symptoms of bulimia
Bulimia or bulimia nervosa - a violation of the meal, characterized by regular overeating and self-induced vomiting. Sometimes patients also use laxatives, diuretics and / or an enema to get rid of excess calories. Some patients after overeating or starving for losing weight using excessive exercise. As with anorexia
Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body
Bulimia - a result of the habit to sit on a diet that is out of control. Binge-purge cycle quickly becomes an obsession and is addictive, like a drug addiction. This usually occurs after several unsuccessful attempts to lose weight. Most often, bulimia occurs in girls and young women.
In contrast, patients with anorexia, people with bulimia cases of significant weight fluctuations, which, however, are not as dangerous as anorexia. Long-term prognosis for bulimia nervosa is significantly better than with anorexia; the likelihood of successful treatment of patients with bulimia also higher. Often, however, patients can not get rid of their unhealthy habits completely, showing a tendency to overeat and cleanse the stomach for life, especially during severe stress.
Overeating is not relevant to the present famine. This behavior may be a reaction to depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
, Stress, dissatisfaction with the figure, which is based on the deeper psychological problems.

What causes bulimia?
Reason bulimia, anorexia as well as unknown. This is a very complex disorder, the occurrence of which is probably influenced by many factors.
It is believed that most of bulimia begins with a person dissatisfied with his body. In fact, it can be normal weight or slightly below normal, but due to a distorted perception of himself a person decides that he needs to lose weight. He sits on a diet, but because his perception is not affected, he continues to see himself too thick. The apparent ineffectiveness of diets leads to stress
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, Stress triggers overeating, it is, in turn, guilt and fear of gaining weight even more. What to do? Get rid of just eaten. How? Induce vomiting, taking diuretics, pace yourself to exercise, or even starve.
We were also studied organic causes bulimia. There is evidence that bulimia and other disorders of eating habits associated with an abnormal level of neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin. Other studies have found changes in metabolic rate in patients with bulimia and abnormalities of neuroendocrine regulation.

Causes of bulimia
On the question of why some people develop bulimia, there is no exact answer. Probably the best answer is what causes bulimia, each as unique as each person's unique life at all. But, of course, the answer is too general and of little help in the treatment of this disease.
Most experts believe bulimia psychological disorder that can sometimes be, and in patients with severe mental disorders such as clinical depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. There is also reason to believe bulimia congenital disease associated with the peculiarities of the biochemistry of the brain. In particular, it has been found that many patients with impaired functioning of serotonin bulimia. We also know that taking certain medications can cause the patient's tendency to overeat. However, the main underlying causes of disturbances in eating habits is still considered to be low self-esteem, experienced in childhood acute conflicts and cultural pressures.

Dependence on food
Typically, people become addicted to something else, including the food, when trying to get rid of painful feelings about the present or the past. Very often this is due to lack of love in childhood, a sense of worthlessness, shame and fear; only one thought, "I'm not good enough", rooted in the child's brain, can influence him throughout life. In this sense, bulimia is good that in the search for its causes, which is engaged in the patient therapy session, he will find, and the causes of many other problems that prevented him live as he wants.
In the early stages of the development of eating habits, paradoxically, raise self-esteem. Man loses weight and feels pride in the fact that today can match the dominant culture in the ideals of beauty. It can even begin to think that being thin will contribute to its success and happiness. That is why so few people are beginning to be treated for bulimia at the beginning. Remember, that in itself will not add you to the harmony of the mind, efficiency, creativity and, in most cases, even the appeal. All these qualities are rooted in the human mind, and little depends on its weight.

Violence in the lives of patients with bulimia
People suffering from bulimia does not necessarily come from dysfunctional families, where they are subject to physical and / or psychological violence (although these patients with bulimia a lot)
. It can be called the perfect children, who from childhood accustomed to the fact that you need to please everyone and be good for everyone
. These people need to get used to always have an attractive "facade"
. However, some parts of their consciousness know that person is important to be loved and accepted for who he is, but the courage to say this is not enough
. From these dual desires a person experiences stress, which is trying to cope with the help of food
. Very large amounts of food
. After an attack of gluttony person understands that everything has just eaten postponed his body in the form of extra kilos, which means that its "facade" lose the appeal, he can not please everybody, how should
. And he makes himself vomit to get rid of calories obtained
. Sometimes, instead, used laxatives and diuretics, grueling exercise and abstinence from food
People with bulimia are very prone strongly condemns himself and others, they are afraid of criticism, have difficulty expressing their emotions
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, They have a very low self-esteem. As a rule, they are very much exposed to the influence of the media and the family.
Bulimia often begins in people that have sat for years on various diets. Those with diets ended in failure, frustration overeat and decide that you can in fact get rid of calories without starvation. People who have successfully grown thin through diet, tend to become more and more slender: perfectionism is probably one of the main causes of bulimia.
Whatever the causes of bulimia to cure it, you need patience, consistent effort and a lot of time. And, most importantly, your willingness to cope with the disease.

Diagnosis of bulimia
Patients with bulimia are often ashamed of their problems and tend to hide it. It is difficult to diagnose. Typically, bulimia diagnosed by the following criteria:
Regular overeating.
The lack of control over their own power; the patient has the feeling that he can not stop eating.
After eating a sick endeavor to get rid of excess calories. To do this, it causes vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, resorted to a grueling exercise or refusal to supply for some time.
And overeating, compensatory behavior (getting rid of the food eaten) occur at least twice a week for at least three months.
The patient has a strong dissatisfaction with his body, in particular weight.