Anaphylaxis: a gun on sparrows

October 12, 2008

  • Anaphylaxis: a gun on sparrows
  • Why develop an anaphylactic shock

 Anaphylactic shock
   Anaphylactic shock - it is a very rapidly developing an allergic reaction that can affect several parts of the body simultaneously. In particularly difficult cases, anaphylactic shock can result in death. For most people the symptoms of allergies cause only minor concern and only a very small percentage of Allergy prone as severe allergic reactions.

Trigger anaphylactic shock are often substances that a person ingests, or which are administered intravenously, and thus enter the bloodstream quickly. Then follows the explosive reaction that can, in one way or another, affect the skin, lungs, nose, throat and gastrointestinal tract. In very serious cases, the reaction can occur within minutes or even seconds after exposure to a trigger and without immediate help prove fatal. Most reactions are milder and end shortly after the aid.

 Anaphylaxis: a gun on sparrows

What is anaphylactic shock?

For a better understanding of the term, let's go back almost 100 years ago. The story begins during the cruise on board the Prince of Monaco Albert I. Prince invited two scientists from Paris to conduct experiments with toxins that produce tentacles living in the sea close to the Principality of jellyfish - Portuguese ships.

Charles Richet and Paul Portier isolated toxin and injected dogs vaccine to protect against this toxin, or prevention. Results hit them: shortly after the introduction of very small doses of the toxin in the dog begins to shortness of breath, and within half an hour death occurs. To indicate that a previously unknown state of Charles Richet and Paul Portier invented the term "anaphylaxis" - as the antonym of prevention, ie protection. They concluded that then repeatedly confirmed: in a few weeks the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   become sensitized to an allergen, and repeated exposure of the body of the same allergen occurs such a strong reaction.

Continuing research, Richet suggested that allergies can cause the production of special substances, due to which the dog's body reacted to repeated exposure that way. This substance proved to immunoglobulin E.

In the first half of the 20th century cause anaphylactic shock most often become immunized against tetanus Vaccination against tetanus - the struggle with a terrible infection  Vaccination against tetanus - the struggle with a terrible infection
   and diphtheria, which are made from horse blood serum. Nowadays used for this purpose human serum, and anaphylactic shock most often cause of penicillin and other antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 , Insect stings and certain foods.

 Anaphylaxis: a gun on sparrows

A few facts

It is believed that the first documentary mention of anaphylactic shock refers to 2641 BC - historians of ancient Egypt wrote about the mysterious death of the Pharaoh Menes, came soon after being bitten by a wasp or hornet. And by the time of Babylon includes two references to death occurring after wasp stings.

In 1913, Charles Richet for his work on the study of anaphylactic shock was awarded the Nobel Prize.

 Anaphylaxis: a gun on sparrows

How common is anaphylaxis?

The available statistical data are insufficient to answer this question, as the figures are likely understated. The fact that the relatively mild reaction often attributed to asthma attacks and sudden episodes of urticaria. In more serious cases, there are suspected heart attack. It is important to understand that if a patient with anaphylactic shock treatment is applied, which is used for heart attack Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know  Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
 It can have disastrous health consequences. Therefore it is necessary to know the causes and symptoms of this still little-known disease.

Bronchial asthma - the body's response inadequate

November 16, 2008

  • Bronchial asthma - the body's response inadequate
  • What is asthma

 Bronchial asthma
   When we use the term "asthma", we mean the actual asthma. The term "bronchial" is used only to differentiate with cardiac asthma that is a choking, developing as a result of acute heart failure (heart failure or heart attack).

 Bronchial asthma - the body's response inadequate

What is asthma?

Asthma - a chronic inflammation of the airways, which causes periodic attacks of coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and a feeling of tightness in the chest. In asthma airways swell and narrow, making it difficult for air to flow. Furthermore, asthma increased production of mucus in the airways, which significantly hinders breathing since air meets an obstacle on the way. Increased mucus production - hypersensitivity reactions of the tracheobronchial tree to various stimuli, including physical exercise, dust, smoke. If untreated asthma quickly begins to interfere with normal life. In addition, regular severe asthma attacks pose a threat to human life. It is therefore important to recognize the symptoms of the disease, diagnose it, and as soon as possible to begin treatment.

 Bronchial asthma - the body's response inadequate

Causes of asthma

Causes of asthma are still not determined. It is still unclear why some people suffer from the disease, while others - not. Nevertheless, scientists have asthma associated with genetic and environmental factors.

Here are some of the factors that contribute to asthma:

  • tobacco smoke and other air pollutants;
  • Infectious diseases: cold, flu, pneumonia;
  • Allergy: food allergy, pollen, humidity, dust and animal dander;
  • physical exercise;
  • pollution and toxins;
  • weather conditions, especially sudden changes in temperature, cold weather;
  • certain drugs (aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta-blockers);
  • nutritional supplements (sodium glutamate);
  • strong emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 Stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   and anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
  • singing, laughing or crying;
  • incense, perfumes and sprays with a strong smell;
  • Heartburn, reflux of stomach acid

 Bronchial asthma - the body's response inadequate

Symptoms of asthma

The clinical picture of asthma individual, symptoms depend on the severity of the disease. In mild asthma patient feels fine during the day but at night may wake up coughing. In severe cases, the symptoms become more pronounced, and interfere with the normal life of the patient. Bronchial asthma is accompanied by the following signs and symptoms:

  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest, sometimes with accompanying pain;
  • wheezing;
  • sleep disorders Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   in connection with cough;
  • severe coughing or coughing that makes waking up at night;
  • strengthening of mucus in the airways.

 Bronchial asthma - the body's response inadequate

Treatment of asthma

Speaking about the treatment of asthma, it should be remembered that it is a chronic disease, therefore, can not be completely cured. However, there are many methods that help to control the disease. First, a correction lifestyle in order to prevent further attacks of asthma. Patients with asthma recommend yoga, acupuncture and other practices that help control the body and breathing. But do not neglect and medical treatments, or possible aggravation and complications. For example, the long-acting anti-inflammatory inhalers are needed for the treatment of inflammatory processes accompanying asthma.

Through these inhalers in light received steroids in low doses with minimal side effects. Bronchodilator fast action takes effect immediately, quickly opening the airway with sudden asthma attacks. For drugs that gives immediate relief of symptoms, include beta-agonists, corticosteroids and oral and intravenous use Atrovent.

If asthma is caused by allergies, the patient being vaccinated against allergies. There are also a variety of home remedies for asthma treatment, which will help improve health, reduce the symptoms of the disease and live a normal and full life.
