Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?

August 24, 2008

 introduce solid foods
 Your child is breastfed, but the doctor said that the baby needs feeding. But he recently told that breast milk has everything you need. We need to understand.

 Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?

What is the lure

Lure - an introduction to the child's diet substances in breast milk which few or completely absent. These are some types of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals. Additionally, the lure teaches the child to more dense food, taste of new substances which stimulate the intestines and stomach, i.e. prepares the child to transition to the common table. The lure is always given before breast-feeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!

 Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?

Start giving juice and fruit puree

3, 5 - 4 months your baby should start to get juice. It is better to start with apple juice. The first time we give 5 drops of juice and see whether or not the child has rashes on the skin. If all goes well, next day we give 5 ml, and gradually over 2 weeks to adjust the amount to 30-40 ml once a day. The juice is better to make himself a sweet apple green varieties. You can use ready-made juice, but it should be written, that it can be used from 3 months of age.

Once fully implemented the juice, you can begin to give grated apple (preferably of the same varieties of apples), starting with 1/2 teaspoon and bringing up to 30-40 grams of 1 times a day.

Some pediatricians recommend breastfeeding to begin to give fruit juice and puree until 5-6 months of age, equating them to the first feeding.

 Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?

The first solid foods

The first solid foods introduced at 5 months (some pediatricians recommend breastfeeding to start solid foods from 6 months), it can be in the form of cereal or vegetable puree. It is better to start with vegetable puree, especially if a child is overweight.

Conventional potatoes (zucchini) boil thoroughly mash with a fork or in a blender and diluted with vegetable broth. The first time you can give half a teaspoon. If you are not allergic, within two weeks the amount of mashed potatoes can be reduced to 100 grams, combine coulis and replace lure one feeding. Once you are sure that your baby is not allergic to potatoes, start to add mashed potatoes with vegetable oil and 5 drops of bringing the amount to 1/2 teaspoon.

You can give the finished mashed potatoes, but it is better if it will consist of a single product, such as zucchini, cabbage or potatoes. Do not start with mashed potatoes that contain tomatoes or beets - a child may be allergic.

 Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?

The second lure

The second complementary foods introduced in 6 months, one month after the first feeding. Accordingly, it would be porridge or mash, despite what you started.

Porridge should be administered with a tablespoon and gradually increase to 100 grams, replacing one of breastfeeding. By the end of this month in the feeding you give porridge and 30 grams of grated apple, and if this is not enough, even the chest.

Currently, the sale of a large number of dry cereals, some of which require cooking, some - not. They are good because they contain just one set of nutrients, minerals and vitamins, which is essential to the child. One need only pick up the mess, the baby's age. This is better to start with the cereals that do not have gluten in their composition. This rice, buckwheat and corn. The oat groats and wheat (including semolina) is gluten, which can cause allergies and bloating Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
   the child. You should begin with one type of cereal (preferably with buckwheat), and after its full implementation to begin to alternate with other species, etc. But the day may be given gruel once.

 Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?

Third lure

Third lure - 7 months. It is a meat sauce. Putting it as a half teaspoon and gradually, in two weeks adjusted to 30 grams. It is best to use a meat sauce ready for a baby from 6-7 months.

Once you have entered the meat sauce, start entering the yolk. The yolk should be cooked hard-boiled. The first time possible to give less than 1/8, the next day, when there is no skin rash - 1/8, and then bring to 1/4.

At the same age, you can start to give curd, starting with 1/2 teaspoon and gradually bringing it up to a tablespoon.

 Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?

Fourth Lure

At 8 months, you can begin to enter dairy products such as yogurt for children, starting with a small amount and bring it to 150-160 ml. It will replace another breastfeeding. With yogurt can give curd, bringing the amount up to 40 grams.

Thus, for 8-9 months, the child will get all kinds of foods. Then you will only increase the amount of servings.

This is how the menu will look like the baby to 8-9 months:

  • 6.00 - breast milk;
  • 10.00 - porridge - 180 grams + fruit puree - 40 grams;
  • 14.00 - vegetable soup - 160 grams + mashed meat - 30 grams + 1/2 + yolk fruit juice - 40 ml;
  • 18.00 - yogurt - 160 ml + 40 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 22.00 - breast milk.

Remember one essential rule of complementary feeding: always introduced only one new product. And only after you have entered it completely, you can start typing a new one.

Let your child grow big and healthy!

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • lure

Feeding a child: what to look for

April 8, 2007

 baby food
 In any supermarket we are waiting for a huge selection of baby food - from simple vegetable and fruit mixture to the most current complete meal - it is not surprising that we do not know what food to choose from.

Many baby foods given to children how old they are. Be sure to check the expiration date on the package and integrity of containment on the cover. When opening a jar of food before eating, listen: the center of the lid must be raised slightly and opened with a characteristic whistling sound.

If you are interested in the components of children's food, do not worry: the salt is no longer used in most foods for young children. However, avoid buying food with added sugar and modified food starch containing "empty" calories. Buy a simple baby food, containing no more than one ingredient, until you are sure that the baby can tolerate this ingredient, and then you can move on to more complex, multi-component food (ingredients which your child transfers). So, before you feed the baby with a mixture of potatoes and peas, pea buy food.

 Feeding a child: what to look for

Do I need to buy organic baby food?

Many parents prefer to feed your baby organic food, despite the fact that it is more expensive than usual. They seek to provide the child with food, do not contain pesticides and other harmful chemicals. However, some parents believe that the food that is sold in stores and pharmacies, and so complies with the requirements of health safety. To buy or not to buy organic food - it's up to you, based on your family's lifestyle and family budget Family budget: from the economy to wealth  Family budget: from the economy to wealth
 . Do not exclude from the diet of baby vegetable and fruit mixture to protect the child from pesticide contained therein.

 Feeding a child: what to look for

Is it possible to prepare their own baby food instead of buying it at the store?

Yes, you can prepare food for your baby, using different ingredients and diluted mixture of breast milk and formula milk Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
   or water. Prepare mashed potatoes, carefully grind ingredients and bring the mixture to the desired consistency can be in a food processor or blender, but it is best to prepare infant formula suitable hand mill with knives made of stainless steel for grinding products of different densities. For storage and freezing baby food residues can be used special containers.

 Feeding a child: what to look for

How long can you keep an open jar of baby food?

This question can be found a few answers, but in general, the remains of mixtures containing meat, eggs and meat / vegetables can be refrigerated one - two days. Meals with vegetables or fruit can be stored two - three days. The label baby food is sometimes specified how long you can keep an open jar. In addition, baby food can be frozen for a month or two (meals with vegetables and fruits in the frozen stored up to six months), but after freezing changes the consistency of supply (it thickens).

If you store baby food in the refrigerator, do not immerse it in a spoon while feeding, otherwise the product may deteriorate due to the bacteria got into it. Instead of feeding the baby, scooping food directly from the jar, put a small amount of the mixture to a bowl and feed your baby safely, without worrying that the product can be damaged. After feeding the baby, get rid of the remaining mixture on a plate. If left in a jar food, close the lid and hide in the refrigerator until the next feeding.

 Feeding a child: what to look for

Is it safe to heat up baby food in a microwave oven?

You can reheat food in the microwave, but be careful. The microwave power is rapidly heated and often contains so-called "hot spots." Therefore safer to reheat food on the cooker. If you are still warmed up food in a microwave, to shift the desired number in a special ovenproof dish and heat for a few seconds. After that, stir well and let cool for a minute. Before you feed your baby, try a mixture. Meals should be at room temperature, not hot.

Article Tags:
  • Products for the baby
