In panangina composition containing mineral salts which decompose in the body to separate the ions enter the body's cells and are involved in the metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
. These substances vital body, but it would be wrong to assume that they can cause side effects, especially in combination with alcohol.
How alcohol affects the body
Alcohol dilates blood vessels, first, reduces blood pressure. Then comes the constriction of blood vessels and increased blood pressure. On the water-salt metabolism alcohol acts as a diuretic: it contributes to dehydration. Together with the liquid sodium is removed first, and then other electrolytes - potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Prior to severe dehydration with severe blood clots, which is accompanied by a high content of potassium in the blood (hyperkalemia) is usually the case comes rare.
It was from dehydration and loss of electrolytes in the body is suffering a hangover - in this case, traditional medicine recommends brine treatment, which actually contains everything needed to restore the health of: liquid and mineral salts.
How does the body Pananginum
Panangin is composed of magnesium aspartate, and potassium aspartate. Potassium located intracellularly mainly by slowing conduction of excitation in the cells of the myocardium (heart muscle) and reducing its excitability involved in protein synthesis and generate energy from glucose
Glucose: The energy source
. Magnesium is involved in fat metabolism, in controlling the balance of intracellular potassium, helps to relax the smooth muscle of small arteries and improve blood supply to the myocardium. Aspartate transports potassium ions and magnesium through the membrane into the cells.
Panangin can also have side effects. Thus, ingestion may cause the following side effects caused by the high content of potassium in the blood: disorders of skin sensitivity (numbness, feeling of pins and needles in the body), violation of the conduction of electrical impulses from the atria to the ventricles of the heart (atrioventricular block), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea , stomach ache
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
Side effects caused by the high content of magnesium in the blood: reducing the neuromuscular excitation, convulsions, decreased blood pressure, redness of the skin, respiratory depression, hot flashes.
All side effects are enhanced by intravenous administration panangina, furthermore, rapid intravenous injection of an overdose may cause panangina potassium and cardiac arrest.
Admission panangina contraindicated in infants
Myasthenia gravis - not to be confused with chronic fatigue
(hereditary disease, which is characterized by increasing muscle fatigue), atrioventricular block, hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells), sudden dehydration from acidosis (increased acidity of the blood).
What happens if you drink alcohol during treatment Pananginum
It all depends on the strength and amount of alcohol consumed. A small amount of weak alcohol is unlikely to impact on health. But with strong drink need to be careful and not because alcohol and Pananginum - this is some particularly toxic combination, but because Pananginum given to patients with cardiovascular diseases, for which alcohol may have a very negative impact.
Panangin prescribed for heart failure, coronary heart disease, heart rhythm disturbances - these diseases and receiving of liquor, or a large number of rather weak (for example, beer) are not combined. For example, in coronary artery disease alcohol intake can cause persistent spasm of blood vessels, leading to an increase in the frequency and severity of angina attacks.
But panangina combination with alcohol can be dangerous, for example, Pananginum can cause respiratory depression, alcohol also has such properties. Therefore, during treatment Pananginum and alcohol may stop breathing.
Panangin in the complex treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism
Panangin widely used in the treatment of hangover (abstinence), which develops in chronic alcoholism on the background of the separation of alcohol. The main reason for which in this case is assigned Pananginum - a loss of body fluids and with it mineral salts. But in this case, the reception panangina can be dangerous, especially in severe dehydration, which is accompanied by blood clots (and thus increasing the concentration of potassium) and acidosis. In this case, it is possible to overdose of potassium, which is very dangerous for the body.
In chronic alcoholism in remission when held anti-treatment and treatment of various diseases of internal organs, Pananginum given to patients who have any heart problems.
Panangin it is not necessary to combine with alcohol.
Galina Romanenko