Sinus tachycardia: a violation of the heart - Treatment

June 9, 2012

  • Sinus tachycardia: a violation of the heart
  • Treatment

 treatment of sinus tachycardia

Treatment of sinus tachycardia

When the cause of the disease is installed, you can select one of the two main treatment options for sinus tachycardia.

 Treatment | Sinus tachycardia: a violation of the heart

  • Drug therapy;
  • Non-drug therapy.

Drug therapy: drug therapy sinus tachycardia, usually limited to taking beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers and antiarrhythmic drugs. Beta blockers limit the effect of adrenaline on the sinus node, and calcium blockers and antiarrhythmic drugs have a direct impact on the "performance" of the sinus node.

Medical treatment for sinus tachycardia is quite effective, but for best results, it is often necessary to try different drugs, either alone or in combination. It is important to the treatment of sinus tachycardia based on patient history, there were individual.

Recently, for the treatment of sinus tachycardia is successfully used a new drug, ivabradine, directly affecting the "speed" of the sinus node. Thanks to this, ivabradine reduces the heart rate. Ivabradine does not influence intracardiac conduction, contractility (no negative inotropic effect) or ventricular repolarization process. Ivabradine is recommended for patients who can not tolerate beta-blokatory.Mnogie cardiologists do not support the theory that sinus tachycardia Tachycardia - the body to the limit?  Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
   caused by the general autonomic dysfunction, and therefore does not prescribe patients medications effective in vegetative dystonia. However, as sinus tachycardia and other autonomic syndrome (vasovagal syncope in particular) have a lot in common, these drugs can sometimes be useful in the treatment of patients with sinus tachycardia. These medications include:

  • Florinef - drug that contributes to the retention of sodium in the body. Some dystonic syndromes, particularly vasovagal syncope, associated with a decrease in blood volume, and the drug, sodium retention in the body helps to increase blood volume and normalize the patient's condition and reduce symptoms.
  • Midodrine - a drug that increases the tone of blood vessels, helping to prevent low blood pressure.
  • Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Prozac and others) are used primarily to treat depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   and anxiety, but it has been proven effective in treating several vegetative syndromes.

Non-drug therapy: first of all, necessary to eliminate factors contributing to the increase in heart rate: eliminate caffeinated beverages (tea, coffee), nicotine, alcohol, spicy foods, chocolate; to protect themselves from the psycho-emotional and physical overload. When the physiological sinus tachycardia treatment is needed.

Furthermore, in some cases it is the increase in consumption of salt or catheter (RF) ablation (if the patient is reluctant to drug therapy). Radiofrequency ablation - a local microwave electromagnetic damaging therapeutic effect on the pathological focus of increased excitability of the heart muscle or pathways. The success of catheter ablation of the sinus node is not high enough. Although sinus tachycardia cured in 80% of patients after ablation of the sinus node, in a few months the newly broken heart rhythm.

In extreme cases resort to surgery. While these are effective treatment options, inactivity also has a right to exist as a method of control sinus tachycardia. Besides, in most cases, sinus tachycardia tends to improve over time. So if the symptoms do not bother you too much, do not rush to the doctor, because the treatment may not be necessary.

 Treatment | Sinus tachycardia: a violation of the heart

The prognosis of sinus tachycardia

Sinus tachycardia in patients with heart disease is often a manifestation of heart failure Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work  Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work
   or left ventricular dysfunction. In these cases, the prognosis can be quite serious, as sinus tachycardia is a reflection of the reaction of the cardiovascular system to the decrease in ejection fraction and disorder of intracardiac hemodynamics. In the case of the physiological sinus tachycardia, even when expressed subjective manifestations, prognosis, how to plant, satisfactory.

 Treatment | Sinus tachycardia: a violation of the heart


Prevention of sinus tachycardia is early diagnosis and treatment of heart disease, removal of extracardiac factors contributing to the development of disorders of heart rate and function of the sinus node.

In order to avoid the serious consequences of tachycardia necessary to comply with the recommendations for a healthy lifestyle.

Article Tags:
  • tachycardia

Mitral valve prolapse: the main thing - time to discover - How the heart works

February 5, 2009

  • Mitral valve prolapse: the main thing - time to discover
  • Symptoms
  • How the heart works

How the heart works

The activity of the heart as a pump is the main source of mechanical energy of motion of the blood, so the continuity is maintained and energy metabolism in the body. The heart pumps blood into the vascular system by systematically successive contractions of muscle cells of the atria and ventricles. Blood passes from the circulatory system in the atria and then the ventricles, and then back into the circulatory system. Between the atria and ventricles are special flap or flaps that can open and close. On the right side is the tricuspid valve, on the left - bicuspid or mitral. During ventricular valves close and prevent the return (of the ventricles in the atrium) blood flow.

 How the heart works | Mitral valve prolapse: the main thing - time to discover

What is mitral valve prolapse

Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) - a slack in the valve leaflets into the cavity of the left atrium during systole (contraction) of the ventricles. This mitral valve forms a kind of sphere, caving into the left atrium. The reasons for this change are the mitral valve in the change of the connective tissue (often hereditary nature).

There are primary or congenital mitral valve prolapse and secondary arising on a background of other diseases, such as, for example, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, etc.

Primary PMK can not occur over a lifetime, and can be accompanied by various unpleasant sensations, such as arrhythmia or pain in the heart.

 How the heart works | Mitral valve prolapse: the main thing - time to discover

As can be shown

The manifestations of mitral valve prolapse may be minimal or severe, it all depends on the degree of change in the connective tissue of the valve and of the destruction of the autonomic nervous system (the nervous system that innervate the internal organs).

Children with congenital PMC usually have a predisposition to colds, have permanent foci of infection, such as chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
 They have often found other malformations of the connective tissue (eg, hip dysplasia).

Mitral valve prolapse can manifest as recurrent pain in the heart, heartbeat, disruptions in the heart, shortness of breath, autonomic crises, fever, headaches (sometimes in the form of migraine).

The main manifestations of autonomic crises depends on what part of the autonomic nervous system is involved in the process. With the predominance of the activity of the sympathetic division (responsible for extreme situations) develops sympathoadrenal crisis, which is manifested excitement, anxiety, tremors throughout the body, chilliness, high blood pressure, heartbeat.

With the predominance of parasympathetic activity of the department (responsible for the constant support of the authorities) during the crisis there is a feeling of fear, anguish, sweating, nausea, excessive salivation Profuse salivation - find out the cause  Profuse salivation - find out the cause
 , Bloating, and rumbling stomach, diarrhea, frequent urination.

All these phenomena may occur spontaneously or in connection with overwork and stress. They also stop on their own or while taking sedatives.

 How the heart works | Mitral valve prolapse: the main thing - time to discover

What is the danger?

In most cases, mitral valve prolapse occurs favorably, and only 2-4% leads to serious complications, it is acute or chronic mitral insufficiency with the expansion of the left atrium and the stagnation of blood in the lungs, bacterial endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart), thromboembolism (blockage of blood vessel clot that has formed due to the stagnation of the blood), severe arrhythmias, sudden death.

 How the heart works | Mitral valve prolapse: the main thing - time to discover

As revealed

Most often it is a random finding during routine inspection or survey about the recurring complaints of discomfort in the heart. To confirm the diagnosis performed an electrocardiogram, cardiac ultrasound (echocardiography) phonocardiography (study of heart sounds), X-ray of the heart.

 How the heart works | Mitral valve prolapse: the main thing - time to discover

Treatment of mitral valve prolapse

If revealed mitral valve prolapse, the patient is mandatory for the normalization of work, rest, daily routine, proper compliance regime with sufficient sleep duration Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams

Most patients with MVP tolerate physical activity, including gymnastics, but a great sport for such people is absolutely contraindicated. They are also not recommended for sports activities related to the nature of the jerky movements (eg, jumping, wrestling).

Held restorative treatment, treatment, contributing to the strengthening of the autonomic nervous system (psychotherapy, auto-training Auditory training - you start to think positively?  Auditory training - you start to think positively?
 , Physiotherapy, including hydrotherapy, reflexology, massage). Be sure to come to light and being treated chronic foci of infection.

With mitral valve prolapse can live with virtually no restrictions, but its presence and extent of a person should need to know.

Article Tags:
  • mitral valve prolapse
