Dystrophy - a serious eating disorder

May 23, 2010

 Various eating disorders are more common in children. They can be accompanied by both a decrease and an increase in the weight of the child. And, both threatened violation of the metabolic processes in the body of the child, so can not affect its growth and development. Preventing such violations - proper nutrition and child care.

 Dystrophy - a serious eating disorder

Dystrophy in children it causes and types

Dystrophy in children - a condition characterized by various forms of eating disorders. This disturbed not only the function of digestion, and absorption of nutrients tissues and cells, metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and the functioning of the organism, its growth and development. Features a child's body metabolism create conditions for the emergence of degenerative conditions in early childhood under the influence of even weak harmful chemicals.

Dystrophy divided into malnutrition underweight (malnutrition), with a lag in growth, but with normal weight (gipostatury) and overweight (paratrofii). Severity are divided into I, II and III.

In the occurrence of dystrophy in children are important both external and internal factors. The external factors include underfeeding, violation of the qualitative composition of food, a variety of infectious diseases, toxic factors (eg, constant smoking in the room where the child), as well as errors in the care of the child (violation of hygienic regime, the absence of established regime of the day, and so on) .

Among the internal causes that can cause dystrophy in children, are important features of the hereditary structure of the nervous and endocrine systems, metabolism, as well as malformations of various organs and systems.

Under the influence of these factors violated the regulatory activity of the central nervous system that affects the function of the gastrointestinal tract (impaired absorption of proteins, fats and vitamins), disrupted the process of the formation of enzymes (substances many times accelerating metabolism), change processes assimilation of nutrients tissues and cells of the body. As a result of developing an eating disorder and all kinds of exchange. The body uses to sustain proteins, fats and carbohydrates's own tissue, which leads to malnutrition.

 Dystrophy - a serious eating disorder

How is malnutrition in children

The main manifestations of malnutrition (dystrophy with low weight) in children are loss of height and body weight, decreased immunity, disorders of the chair and developmental delay.

In most cases, the body weight of the child with malnutrition dropped, however, and it may increase (with water retention in the body). The degree of reduction in body weight can vary, up to a sharp lag. Children sluggish, lethargic reaction to their surroundings is reduced. There propensity to infections: purulent processes in the skin, acute respiratory infections, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. Develop symptoms of vitamin deficiency varies stool frequency (diarrhea or constipation), appearance (color, texture, smell) and the composition of feces.

Heavy flows of malnutrition, which began during the intrauterine development of the child Prenatal development of the child: Week by Week  Prenatal development of the child: Week by Week
 . They are divided into four forms:

  • neuropathic - with increased excitability of the child, sleep disorders; manifestation of malnutrition is not too pronounced, but have persistent nature;
  • neurodystrophic - with a persistent lag in weight, a sharp decrease in appetite; lag in the psychological development of a minor;
  • neuroendocrine - with a persistent lag in weight and height, up to dwarfism; sometimes revealed signs of dysfunction of the endocrine glands; psychomotor development lags behind;
  • encephalopathy - the hardest, which is manifested by a sharp reduction in weight and neurodevelopmental disability.

Treatment of malnutrition - is the gradual introduction of a sufficient amount of food on the content of the main components corresponding to the child's age, it is a clear regulation of the regime of the day, including walks in the fresh air. From medicines prescribe drugs that improve metabolism and increases appetite. Be sure to designate courses of massage and therapeutic exercises.

 Dystrophy - a serious eating disorder

Paratrofii children

Paratrofii - dystrophy is accompanied by excessive body weight of the child. This happens most often due to overfeeding and poor nutrition - the predominance of carbohydrates in the diet of the child (eg, cereals) to the detriment of proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are only partially to energy for the life of the organism, and the rest are processed into oil. In the intestine, causing a large amount of carbohydrate fermentation with the release of large amounts of gases.

As a result, the child appears excess body weight, diarrhea, bloating, Moderate toxicosis due to absorption into the bloodstream from the intestine of carbohydrate decomposition products. Protein deficiency leads to anemia and reduced immunity, so, frequent colds. Children paratrofiki inactive, their skin pale, muscular system is not sufficiently developed, they often develop symptoms of rickets. Paratrofii danger in the fact that the child has formed an increased number of fat cells, which may affect later in adolescence: these children are likely to develop a variety of endocrine diseases.

Treatment paratrofii includes the appointment of proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 Treatment of dysbiosis and vitamin deficiency, massage, gym, compliance with a clear mode of feeding, sleeping Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and wakefulness.

Proper feeding of the child - the foundation of health, both in infancy and in the future, so you should listen to the recommendations of a pediatrician on the issue.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dystrophy

Hyperthermia in children: an increase in temperature - not the end of the world

November 8th, 2011

 Hyperthermia in Children
 Increasing the temperature of the body - one of the most common manifestations of various diseases in children. Many parents are easy to hyperthermia in children, some are beginning to panic, but in fact you need to know the main causes of hyperthermia when it is dangerous, how to fight and whether to do it.

 Hyperthermia in children: an increase in temperature - not the end of the world

Physiological hyperthermia in children

A child is born with an imperfect system thermoregulatory its formation takes place during the first three months of life. Therefore, from birth to three months of the baby's temperature is strongly dependent on the ambient temperature, ie, hyperthermia can occur when a child overheating or high air temperature in the room. Therefore, finding a high temperature in a child of this age, we must first eliminate the factor of overheating. If there is suspicion of such, it is primarily necessary to remove excess clothing from the child, give him to drink boiled water, and after some time to measure body temperature. Most often it is a normal or near normal. If the body temperature is not reduced, it is necessary to consider other reasons for its occurrence.

 Hyperthermia in children: an increase in temperature - not the end of the world

Causes of hyperthermia in children

Raising the temperature in children can be caused by disorders of the central nervous system, such as a tumor, but this is quite rare. In this case, attempts to normalize body temperature are unsuccessful. This is called malignant hyperthermia, the child should be examined as soon as possible by a neurologist.

Most frequently the temperature increase to cause various infectious diseases, especially common acute viral infection.

The mechanism of hyperthermia is simple: viruses, getting on the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, thereby starts the mechanism of antibody Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
 , Which output occurs better at 37, 5 - 38 degrees Celsius.

On the other hand, microbes, replicating on the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, produce toxins that are getting into the blood, run sophisticated security mechanisms, accompanied by hyperthermia Hyperthermia - when the body is overheated  Hyperthermia - when the body is overheated
   varying degrees of severity.

 Hyperthermia in children: an increase in temperature - not the end of the world

Types of hyperthermia in children

At the household level, hyperthermia divided into red and white.

Red hyperthermia - a condition in which there is poor circulation, blood vessels dilated and there is increased heat that is a natural way of cooling the body, which is the prevention of a variety of severe complications caused by overheating of the vital organs. The child is hot, the skin is red or pink, there is profuse sweating.

White hyperthermia - a very dangerous condition in which there is, so-called centralization of circulation, in which the peripheral vessels spasmatic and virtually no heat - it can lead to the rapid development of a variety of life-threatening complications, such as seizures, swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   brain, pulmonary edema, and others. The child's cold, it scared pale skin, with a bluish tint, no sweat. Therefore, when a white hyperthermia medical care should be provided as quickly as possible.

 Hyperthermia in children: an increase in temperature - not the end of the world

Assisting with hyperthermia

If a child hyperthermia red type, and there is no tendency to seizures, the temperature up to 38, 5 degrees to increase is not necessary. A child needs to create the optimum temperature in the room - about 20 degrees, to see to it that the clothes were dry and just change it when wet then. It is important to give the baby a sufficient amount of warm boiled water - the age limit, taking into account the loss of fluid through sweat.

If pyrexia develops and white type, you first need to ensure the normal operation of vessels. To expand them, you need to put on the baby warm socks and mittens, hide blanket to warm water and give a vasodilator - Nospanum No-spa - lowers the tone of smooth muscles  No-spa - lowers the tone of smooth muscles
   the age dosage. If after 15 minutes there is no effect, you need to call an ambulance. If hyperthermia switched from white to red - watch.

It is important to keep in mind:

  • If hyperthermia occurred in a child up to a year - call doctor is required for any type of hyperthermia!
  • To reduce the temperature only use funds for children age-appropriate. Aspirin, analgin, aminopyrine use is strictly prohibited!

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • hyperthermia
