White blood cells in the urine of the child - early diagnosis will prevent serious illness

March 17, 2012

 leukocytes urine child
 White blood cells - white blood cells of the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
 To protect the baby from infections. The presence of excess amounts in the urine leukocytes may indicate an infection. White blood cells in the urine of the child are most often a symptom of a urinary tract infection.

 White blood cells in the urine of the child - early diagnosis will prevent serious illness


Suspect the presence of a urinary tract infection or bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   a child that caused the appearance of white blood cells in the urine can be indirect evidence .  First of all, almost all infections of this kind lead to violations of urination - a characteristic symptom is considered to be rapid or difficult urination, accompanied by cutting pain .  Another characteristic feature - change the color or consistency of urine (if a significant number of white blood cells in the urine of the child, so-called pyuria, urinary sediment visible, the color becomes dull) .  Finally, a urinary tract infection may indicate an increase in body temperature, or vice versa, chills, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting .  It must be remembered that in some cases, a bacterial infection of the urinary tract may be asymptomatic - a condition called covert bacteriuria and is particularly dangerous, because the absence of symptoms complicates the diagnosis of disease .  In this case, the analysis of urine leukocytes is the only affordable way to diagnose diseases of the urinary tract .

 White blood cells in the urine of the child - early diagnosis will prevent serious illness

Determination of leukocytes in urine

White blood cells in the urine of the child is determined by a standard urine test. The presence of white blood cells above normal evidence of infection. In some cases it is recommended to make urinalysis primarily after the child has a high fever for several days without particular reasons. Standard urine test helps detect the presence in urine leukocyte esterase (enzyme - a breakdown product of white blood cells), and nitrites. The presence of these substances in the urine used to confirm infection of the urinary tract. Exceedances of white blood cells in the urine is considered the detection of more than eight-ten white blood cells (in the direct study of the fluid under a microscope) in girls and more than five to seven leukocytes - boys.

It is worth remembering that in some cases the results of the analysis of leukocytes in urine on the child might be erroneous, since the results are affected by some factors. For example, excessive protein intake or vitamin C may cause negative results on analysis of leukocytes in the urine of a child, even if in fact their number exceeds the norm. A cause false positive test results in the white blood cells in the urine of the child may hit the white blood cells in the urine of the external genitalia in their inflammatory diseases. Finally, in some cases, are critical errors in collecting urine samples - for example, an insufficient number of collected for urinalysis.

 White blood cells in the urine of the child - early diagnosis will prevent serious illness


Typically, the presence of white blood cells in the urine in children is caused by a urinary tract infection and bladder, respond well to treatment. Standard treatment for such infections - a short course of antibiotics authorized for children. Typically, a short course of antibiotics can suppress the symptoms of infection and re-running a urine test shows the lack of white blood cells in the urine. Reanalysis on white blood cells in the urine White blood cells in urine - complications are inevitable  White blood cells in urine - complications are inevitable
   the child is very important because it allows you to determine how successful the treatment of selected medical drugs.

In some cases, when detected in urine in the child a large number of white blood cells and bacteria, is appointed additional analysis - so-called urine culture, which allows you to pinpoint the harmful microorganisms, triggering urinary tract infection. Such an analysis is necessary for the purpose subsequent treatment - in some species of bacteria may be observed resistance (resistance) antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 Commonly prescribed to treat bacterial infections of the urinary tract in a child, and urine culture helps to choose the medicine to kill these bacteria.

Tatiana Smirnova

Article Tags:
  • leukocytes in urine

Pyrantel - suspension will help to save the child from worms

May 20, 2012

 pyrantel suspension
 The suspension of pyrantel is used mainly in children for the treatment of parasitic infestations. The drug is well tolerated and can be administered to children of any age, but only on prescription. Be wary designate children suspension of pyrantel first six months of life.

 Pyrantel - suspension will help to save the child from worms

How does the suspension of pyrantel

Pyrantel slurry produced in dark glass bottles of 15 ml (50 mg in one ml vial attached to scoop 5ml) and anthelmintic agent is intended mainly for children. But adults can also be used in the form of a suspension of pyrantel. Suspension has a therapeutic effect mainly in the human intestine, it is better tolerated than tablets since it has a softer action.

Proceeding into the intestine, suspensions Pyrantel has a paralyzing effect on roundworm - pinworms, ascarids, hookworms, whipworms and hookworms.

The drug is useful in that it does not cause the worms to move through the intestines hard and requires no special preparation of the child for its reception.

After applying the slurry pyrantel not require any manipulation in order to remove from the intestinal helminths paralyzed.

Suspension pyrantel little absorbed in the intestine and is mainly eliminated from the body intact with feces. It sucks the blood pyrantel decomposed in the liver to metabolites and excreted in the urine.

 Pyrantel - suspension will help to save the child from worms

In some cases, appointed by the suspension of pyrantel and when it is contraindicated

Pyrantel in suspensions prescribed to children to get rid of round worms, which are most common in children. This drug is very effective in the treatment of enterobiasis and ascariasis. When enterobioze to exclude the need to re-infection being treated all members of the family of the patient at the same time, followed by laboratory control of cure. In addition, for the prevention of re-infection need to wet cleaning of premises, where the patient and his clean clothes.

Several smaller efficiency suspension pyrantel at trihotsefaleze (pathogen - whipworm). In addition, the suspension of pyrantel is used to treat other parasitic infestations caused by roundworms - hookworm and necatoriasis.

Contraindications suspension of pyrantel are hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, breast-feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast and myasthenia gravis (a serious disease of the nervous system Diseases of the nervous system - the basic classification  Diseases of the nervous system - the basic classification
 Which is accompanied by increasing muscle weakness). With care and a special dose of pyrantel is assigned to children under six months.

 Pyrantel - suspension will help to save the child from worms

Appointed dose

A suspension of pyrantel taken orally during or after meal once a day. The dose is determined individually in accordance with the age and weight of a child or an adult suffering from worm infestation. Thus, for helminthic infestations caused pinworms and ascarids (simultaneously or both) suspension pyrantel administered once a rate of 10 mg per kg of patient weight.

The standard dose of the drug for adult with a body weight less than 75 kg is 750 mg (three scoops or 15 ml) and weighing more than 75 kg - 1000 mg (four scoops or 20 ml). Babies suspension of pyrantel is appointed in the following dosages:

  • from six months to two years - 125 mg or half (2, 5 ml) measuring spoon - on the measuring spoon is a mark corresponding to 2, 5 ml;
  • from two to six years - 250 mg or complete scoop (5 ml); from 6 years to 12 years - 500 mg or two scoops (10 mL);
  • older than 12 years receive the adult dose.

When ankilostomidoze pyrantel suspension administered in the same dose for three days. When it is used necatoriasis double dose (20 mg per kg body weight) for two days.

In order to avoid re-infection worm infestation, a suspension of pyrantel reappointed at the same dosage three weeks after the first course of treatment.

Can not be combined with pyrantel welcome reception decaris Dekaris - with anthelmintic drug and immunostimulatory effects  Dekaris - with anthelmintic drug and immunostimulatory effects

 Pyrantel - suspension will help to save the child from worms

Side effects

The suspension of pyrantel in most cases very well tolerated, but may be a manifestation and side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, increased liver enzymes, indicating the presence of transient liver dysfunction.

In some cases, there are disorders of the central nervous system - headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   (drowsiness or insomnia), fatigue, malaise, hearing loss, disturbance sensitivity, hallucinations, some form of human consciousness.

It is also possible the appearance of skin rash and other symptoms of allergic reactions, fever.

The suspension of pyrantel - is the perfect remedy for getting rid of children from worms.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • pyrantel
