Fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue - Why

January 5th, 2013

  • Fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue
  • Options
  • Collagen and elastic fibers
  • Rejuvenation
  • Why

 Why fibroblacty

Why fibroblasts

Fibroblasts - a kind of cells that synthesize extracellular matrix and collagen, and play a vital role in the healing of tissues. They are the most abundant cells in the connective tissues of animals.

Fibroblasts and fibrocytes - is one condition of the same cell; the first of them - the more, and the second - less active. As a rule, today the cell in both states called fibroblasts. As a morphologically heterogeneous, fibroblasts appear differently, depending on their location and activities.

The main function is to maintain fibroblasts structural integrity of the connective tissue - for they constantly produce extracellular matrix components. Composition of extracellular matrix determines the physical properties of the connective tissue.

As with other connective tissue cells, fibroblasts are derived from primitive mesenchyme. In some cases, fibroblasts are derived from epithelial cells - a process called epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMF). The reverse process - mzenhimalno-epithelial transition (IEP), or the formation of epithelial cells from fibroblasts.

The fibroblasts produce collagen, glycosaminoglycans, reticulum and elastic fibers, glycoproteins, which are contained in the extracellular matrix. Damage to the tissues of the body to stimulate fibroblasts and induce the mitosis of fibroblasts.

 Why | fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue

Application fibroblasts

Today, more widespread use of fibroblasts for skin rejuvenation. To do this, a patient taking a certain amount of skin cells, of which in vitro secrete fibroblasts and grown for one or two months. Next, these fibroblasts are introduced into a patient's skin. Most patients tolerate the procedure well, the recovery is very quick (might be a slight swelling and redness of the skin for two days after the procedure). The effect of the injection of fibroblasts retained up to seven years.

This procedure is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, autoimmune diseases Autoimmune diseases - when the body attacks itself  Autoimmune diseases - when the body attacks itself
 , Blood clotting, inflammation and chronic diseases of the skin (in this case, we recommend traditional medical treatments).

Injections of fibroblasts make the skin more supple, reduces wrinkles and slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Cosmetology tools

Fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue - Functions

January 5th, 2013

  • Fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue
  • Options
  • Collagen and elastic fibers
  • Rejuvenation
  • Why

 fibroblasts function

Main functions

Connective tissue for many years attracted interest from a variety of medical and biological specialties. She researched II Mechnikov, his disciples and many other generations of scientists. But today, the connective tissue that makes up more than 50% of our body weight, saves a lot of unexplored mysteries.

 Features | fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue

Connective tissue and its functions

Connective tissue performs in the human musculoskeletal mechanical (skeleton), trophic and protective (forms a framework for the internal organs of their protective shell, for connective tissue septa to the fabric of suitable blood vessels that bring nutrients), reducing (in the place of any damaged tissue is formed connective tissue scar) function. Connective tissue helps the body to adapt to changing internal and external conditions of life.

A feature of the connective tissue is that the cells except it contains well-developed structure of intercellular - fibers and ground substance. Depending on the cell composition, structure and properties of the intercellular connective tissue structure is divided into a loose and tight, structured and non-discharge, which forms the structure of various organs. The most common type of human connective tissue is a loose fibrous connective tissue unformed.

Intercellular substance connective tissue presented fibrous structures (collagen, reticular and elastic fibers) and the base material (the amorphous component of the intercellular substance, which is enclosed in the cells and fibers).

 Features | fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue

Fibroblasts and their functions

Fibroblasts - is the main form of cellular connective tissue. Fibroblasts produce and secrete procollagen (a precursor of collagen), proelastin (the precursor of elastin), glycosoaminoglycanes (mainly hyaluronic acid) and protein microfibrils making up the elastic fibers.

There are young fibroblasts, capable of division and actively synthesizing proteins, including procollagen and less active cells - fibroblasts, have lost their ability to divide. Reticular and collagen fibers consist of collagen of various types, which can produce the same fibroblast simultaneously.

Fibroblasts involved in wound healing, encapsulation of foreign bodies, scarring at the site of injury or inflammation and other both physiological and pathological processes. In the early and later stages of healing pathological processes fibroblasts synthesize collagen types.

With aging, the body is a metabolic disorder Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   in connective tissue, thereby reducing the number of active fibroblasts produce less collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and other biologically active substances that retard the healing of tissues, tissue elasticity decreases, all this affects the function of organs.

Fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue - Rejuvenation

January 5th, 2013

  • Fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue
  • Options
  • Collagen and elastic fibers
  • Rejuvenation
  • Why

 fibroblacty rejuvenation

Fibroblasts for skin rejuvenation

Scarcely anyone pleasing wrinkles on your own face. Although we can slow down aging using cosmetics or food additives Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 Today there are new, more efficient methods.

 Rejuvenation | fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue

Rejuvenation without injections

A new way of rejuvenation comes from a method called LaViv .  Previously, this injection method is a fibroblasts obtained from the person, which are used, for example, to remove deep nasolabial folds .  Soon, however, to use this method of rejuvenation do not need injections .  Now, instead they will use a laser with which removes the top layer of skin cells .  Thus, in the skin created microchannels fibroblasts which can get into the skin .  Furthermore, in itself laser resurfacing stimulates collagen production and evens out skin tone .  But still - what is the best laser injection? The laser can treat the skin of the whole face, and enter the fibroblasts in a vast area of ​​the skin .  Features fibroblast injections are much more limited .  After laser resurfacing solution containing fibroblasts, can be applied, for example, directly on his forehead (about the same as a face cream), and do the same thing with a needle very difficult .

In addition to this method of rejuvenating expected, patients will be able to order the anti-aging cream, created from their own cells, which perfectly complement the rejuvenating treatments with fibroblasts.

 Rejuvenation | fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue

Injections of fibroblasts can provide long-term anti-aging effect

Injections of collagen and synthetic dermal fillers remain popular non-surgical treatments for people wanting to get rid of wrinkles and make less visible the various signs of aging. Recently, however, scientists have announced the positive results of injections of fibroblasts - cells that stimulate the formation of collagen - and reiterated its earlier suggestion that this procedure might be the most safe and effective method to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture and tone.

The procedure, which is used to rejuvenate the patient's own fibroblasts, called autologous cell therapy. The research method was attended by dozens of people, and all the results were positive. In most subjects, there was significant improvement in the skin already during the first few weeks after the injection of fibroblasts. 83% of subjects at 6 months after the procedure reported a decrease in fine lines and wrinkles.

The whole process of collection, storage and input fibroblasts can be more expensive than traditional injection using artificial dermal fillers and fat, but the results are expected to justify the money spent. Autologous cell therapy is already being used in many European countries and in a few years, experts were convinced that it gives consistent results, rarely causing any side effects.

Considering the various methods of rejuvenation, it is important to understand the fundamental difference between conventional fillers and injections of fibroblasts. The first volume is increased only in certain areas of the dermis, and thus make wrinkles less visible, while the second method helps to restore damaged tissue using cells of a patient. The results of the injection of fibroblasts look more natural and persist for more than 6-18 months (after the injection of fillers skin remains smooth and supple-looking for just such a term).
