Acne on the face - is it possible to get rid of them forever? - Pirichiny appearance and treatment

March 11, 2010

  • Acne on the face - is it possible to get rid of them forever?
  • Pirichiny appearance and treatment

The facial skin - protection from any impacts

Leather - a cover of our body that protects the body from a wide variety of outside influences: mechanical (injury), physical (radiation exposure, high or low temperature), chemical (irritant effects of various chemicals) and infections (pathogens).

The skin is able to restore the damage caused by using epithelialization (proliferation at the wound surface of skin cells) if the damage was superficial, the skin is left scars, since the skin is very well supplied with blood. Through sweat glands located in the skin, derived from an organism harmful to the body. Finally, it prevents the skin into our bodies various infections.

 Pirichiny occurrence and treatment | Acne on the face - is it possible to get rid of them forever?

Why do I get pimples on the face

Pustules on the face often occur in adolescence, when hormonal background of a sharp spike violated immune processes - due to the rapid growth of the whole body the body does not have time to produce the desired number of immune cells that could protect the skin from infection control. In addition, under the influence of sex hormones increases dramatically sebum, which also changes its chemical properties - all together it creates favorable conditions for the penetration into the skin of pathogens, often staphylococcus.

Pustules on the skin may appear not only in their teens, they appear in the background of some endocrine disorders (such as diabetes), sometimes - during pregnancy, with a variety of chronic diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in immunity, and so on.

 Pirichiny occurrence and treatment | Acne on the face - is it possible to get rid of them forever?

What are pimples on the face

Acne on the face are the most commonly staphylococcal pyoderma - a condition in which the roots of vellus facial hair (hair follicles) or in the ducts of the sebaceous glands gets a bacterial infection and cause inflammation. This appears from the beginning of swelling and redness of the tissue, and then the abscess, which goes from the middle of vellus hair. Pus spreads to the entire follicle and the skin surface appears a pimple - red, painful nodule with a yellow head.

Common acne on the face can be complicated furuncle - extensive softening of the tissue to form a necrotic core, after the rejection of which is first an ulcer and then a scar on the skin.

 Pirichiny occurrence and treatment | Acne on the face - is it possible to get rid of them forever?

How to get rid of pimples

Since acne appears most often when changing hormonal levels and immunity disorders, treat them is not easy.

First of all, you must do so in order to improve the metabolism. To do this, the food should be a sufficient number of proteins, including animal (meat, fish, dairy products - are built immune cells that protect the body from infection), carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals - without them there would be power to sustain organism), and fats (all metabolic processes take place with the participation of fat). From the diet will need to eliminate the sharp, salty, smoked food, fatty meat and sweets - all this will worsen the skin condition.

For proper metabolism also needed moderate exercise: sedentary lifestyle at all metabolic processes are slowed down, and at too high physical exertion difficult to restore the immune system - proteins are not on the structure of immune cells, and to cover the fast metabolism.

The third prerequisite - strengthening the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
 : Hardening, vitamin-mineral supplements (vitamins and minerals are part of enzymes - substances that speed up many times all chemical processes in the body), the maximum exposure to fresh air (not less than three hours per day). It is also necessary to clarify the condition of your immune system is, it can only be done by a special blood test (immunogram). Immunity - is a complex multi-unit system. Damage to one of the links in this chain will necessarily affect the body's resistance to infections in general. Based immunograms doctor may prescribe a drug that will restore the disturbed process.

Finally, antibiotics. Antibiotics for the treatment of acne Acne Treatment - proper care of inflamed skin  Acne Treatment - proper care of inflamed skin
   - A double-edged sword. In one hand, they can kill the infection, then there is a specific spot will take place, and on the other - break ratio of normal and pathogenic microflora in the intestines, causing goiter, a violation intestinal absorption and an even greater decline in immunity. Therefore, antibiotics may be prescribed only after a preliminary analysis of doctor - seeding the content spots on the culture medium for the detection of the infectious agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Locally oily skin Oily facial skin - a problem both sexes  Oily facial skin - a problem both sexes
   several times a day to wipe the lemon juice, 1-2% solution of salicylic alcohol, or special lotions for oily skin. Acne is in any case not squeeze out, they may be lubricated with salicylic alcohol or brilliant green, irradiated with ultraviolet rays in a physiotherapy room. If a pimple complicated furuncle, it treats only the doctor: boil Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress  Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress
   on the face of it is very dangerous, the infection can enter the bloodstream into the brain.

If you have acne on the face, which are not held for a long time, it is best to consult a dermatologist - it will save you from many troubles.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • pimples

Pustular skin diseases - it is difficult to get rid of hard to live - pyoderma

August 24, 2008

  • Pustular skin diseases - it is difficult to get rid of hard to live
  • Pyoderma

Why are there pustular skin diseases

Pustular skin diseases or pyoderma caused by streptococci and staphylococci (bacteria having a circular shape), which are present on the skin of many people. When developing this disease it is not always as its occurrence depends on the general state of the organism.

The emergence of pustular disease contributes to elevated levels of blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   and in the skin (a breeding ground for germs), hormonal changes the body, starting in adolescence, which is often accompanied by the appearance of pustular elements on the skin with increased sebum (forehead, nose, interscapular region, the upper part of the breast), a change in the normal composition of sebum, lowered immunity due to various reasons, including chronic diseases of internal organs.

 Pyoderma | pustular skin diseases - it is difficult to get rid of hard to live

Staphylococcal pyoderma

Pyoderma caused by staphylococci, are located in the hair follicles or in the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. In the initial stage of the disease at the mouth of the hair follicle appears blotchy element size of a pinhead, which goes from the middle of vellus hair (called osteofollikul). Subsequent deep penetration of infection leads to inflammation of the entire follicle, with a bundle of red painful abscess on its surface reaches the size of small peas.

From osteofollikula can develop a boil Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress  Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress
   - Painful knot of bright red color in size from a pea to a hazelnut. Later assembly is subjected to a softening in the center of it a so-called necrotic core, after the rejection of which appears ulcer, surrounded by dense painful inflamed tissue (infiltrate). Several boils near merge to form a carbuncle.

 Pyoderma | pustular skin diseases - it is difficult to get rid of hard to live

Streptococcal pyoderma

Streptococcal pyoderma occur mainly in children and look quite different. On the face, the nose, the corners of his mouth comes a bubble with a sluggish tire, surrounded by a narrow rim of redness. This so-called strep impetigo. After one or two days the contents of the bubble shrinks, grayish crust is formed, by which after its rejection opens erosive surface. Itching and scratching contribute to infection of healthy portions and distribution process on the skin. If this background and joins another staph infection that develops vulgar impetigo, which is characterized by the presence of purulent yellowish-brown crusts. The disease is easily transmitted from patient to a healthy baby, you should pay special attention.

 Pyoderma | pustular skin diseases - it is difficult to get rid of hard to live

Treatment of pyoderma

It is important to know that pustular elements in any case can not be squeezed out. This applies particularly to boils on the face, lips, nose, because in these places many blood vessels through which the infection can get into the brain and cause meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 That is fraught with the most unfortunate consequences.

 Pyoderma | pustular skin diseases - it is difficult to get rid of hard to live

Treatment of pyoderma is reduced to the following methods:

  • diet (except for sharp, salty and sweet);
  • strengthening the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
   (hardening, vitamins, the use of prescription drugs special - immunomodulators);
  • if necessary, if the process has become widespread in nature, inside appointed antibiotics;
  • topical treatment of pyoderma: nevskryvshiesya boils to impose ointment helps to ensure that the boil was discovered and moved pus (ihtiolovaya ointment), which revealed boils on - antibiotic ointments, dressings with antiseptic liquids;
  • with extensive lesions in the form of carbuncles performed surgery; - Is very good exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays (solar or artificial).

 Pyoderma | pustular skin diseases - it is difficult to get rid of hard to live

Treatment of acne vulgaris in the home means to give up fatty, sugary and floury foods, daily linen change

  • refuse to fatty, sugary food and flour;
  • oily skin and other areas 1-2 times a day to wipe the lemon juice, 1-2% solution of salicylic alcohol, or special lotions for oily skin;
  • daily linen change;
  • moderately sunbathe or get dosed UV exposure in a physiotherapy room.

 Pyoderma | pustular skin diseases - it is difficult to get rid of hard to live

Prevention pustular diseases

  • for the prevention of all injuries of the skin should be treated alcoholic solutions of iodine or green fodder. Do not overheat the skin as perspiration helps the development of pustules. If an infection of the skin has begun, you can not wash the affected areas with soap and water, wipe them with alcohol so that the infection does not spread further.
  • any pustular rash is best treated by a dermatologist - it reliably protect you from the pustules and warn complications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • skin problems
