Metformin - will help in diabetes - Mechanism of Action

August 5, 2010

  • Metformin - help with diabetes
  • Mechanism of action

What is diabetes

Diabetes mellitus - a chronic disease that develops as a result of failure or low biological activity of the hormone insulin, which promotes the absorption of glucose by body tissues.

Diabetes mellitus type I is characterized in that the affected cells in the pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
 That produce insulin. No insulin, glucose misses the cells and accumulates in the blood. To treat this type of diabetes using insulin.

Type II diabetes mellitus is associated with changes in tissue sensitivity to insulin. It usually develops in older age, more often in people who are overweight, who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Insulin thus enough, but it loses its activity, so blood sugar as much, but it is not absorbed by the tissues. For the treatment of type II diabetes used drugs that increase the activity of insulin.

 The mechanism of action | Metformin - help with diabetes

The mechanism of action of metformin

Metformin (analogues - siofor, Glucophage) is a biguanide - a group of drugs that inhibit the formation of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   of protein in the liver and increase the uptake of glucose by tissues. First biguanides have many side effects, metformin - one of the last of these preparations and is devoid of significant side effects.

Under the influence of metformin enhances the absorption of sugar skeletal muscle and slows down its absorption in the gut. This reduces blood sugar. Metformin increases blood circulation in the liver and accelerates the conversion of glucose into glycogen (glycogen stored in the liver as a strategic reserve of glucose). It does not affect the amount of insulin in the blood, but enhances its activity. Glucose-lowering ability of metformin occurs only in patients with diabetes, and in healthy people, it reduces the amount of sugar in the blood only during prolonged starvation.

Patients receiving metformin typically lose weight during the year to several kilograms of the fact that it inhibits the formation of fat and has the ability to reduce appetite. It decreases the synthesis of fatty acids and of "harmful" cholesterol that is deposited on the walls of blood vessels in the form of plaques. Metformin has a positive effect on protein metabolism, promoting transport of amino acids into cells and the synthesis of their own proteins of the body. By suppressing the activity of certain enzymes by the action of metformin improved antithrombotic properties of the blood, which is very important for elderly patients who have a tendency to thrombophlebitis.

Metformin is almost bound to plasma proteins, it accumulates in the salivary glands, liver and kidneys. Excreted in the urine, while kidney function can accumulate in the body.

 The mechanism of action | Metformin - help with diabetes

Indications for use

Metformin shows:

  • in diabetes mellitus type II in the case where a diet inadequate, and if the patient has obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus type I - as a supplement to insulin to reduce the need for insulin.

During treatment requires monitoring of renal function. Apply metformin in combination therapy with insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   It is possible only in a hospital under constant medical supervision and laboratory control blood sugar.

 The mechanism of action | Metformin - help with diabetes

Possible reactions

When receiving metformin, the following side effects:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • on the part of the endocrine system - hypoglycemia (lowering blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
   below normal);
  • Hematopoietic system - anemia.

Metformin - a modern drug that has not only antidiabetic effect, but also normalizes all other types of metabolism in patients with type II diabetes.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • diabetes care

Natural treatment for diabetes - do not just rely on medications - Traditional medicine

January 31, 2013

  • Natural treatment for diabetes - do not just rely on drugs
  • ethnoscience

 natural treatment for diabetes traditional medicine


Diabetes - one of the most serious and severe disease that affects not only the health, but also on the person's lifestyle. Unfortunately, a universal cure for diabetes is found; You can only control its course and manifestations. Diabetes forever change a person's life. Medications help control the disease, and insulin injections is not cheap, and long-term use may even have a negative effect on the body.

It is therefore important to know how to control diabetes natural remedies. It is known that some natural substances able to monitor the course of diabetes, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help reduce the possibility of complications which entails this disease.

Doctors recommend that people with diabetes take calcium supplements, because the majority of them suffer from hypertension. Calcium in correct dose helps prevent the development of high blood pressure. Also, diabetics should take chromium. Although the benefits of chromium rarely say this element helps to maintain the health of diabetes as regulates and promotes the production of insulin in the body. Regular intake of chromium as a result reduces the amount of insulin needed by the body.

 Traditional medicine | Natural treatment for diabetes - do not just rely on drugs

Folk remedies

Herbs have long been known for its healing properties - in folk medicine use them to treat almost all diseases. Not surprisingly, the grass is used for the treatment of diabetes. There are more than 400 herbal medicines, which are used for this purpose. As natural resources, they have no side effects.

Cinnamon is also known for its anti-diabetic properties - it blocks free radicals and helps to convert glucose into energy. Studies have shown that cinnamon effectively regulates blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 . Another herb, and Syzygium cumini Javanese drain has long been used in Ayurvedic practices - it lowers blood sugar and has no side effects. In addition, Java plum reduces the production of free radicals thanks contained therein oleanovoy acid.

2 diabetics extent necessary to pay attention to extract bitter gourd - it contains polypeptides of the same type as that polypeptides comprising insulin. Also, to control the symptoms of diabetes, you can use the pulp of bitter gourd, plant, whose juice has a positive effect on blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
 . To maintain healthy vision with diabetes should take nutritional supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   lutein. Because diabetes increases susceptibility to eye diseases (such as cataracts and retinopathy) and weakens the eyesight, regular intake of lutein can help maintain eye health. Amla (Indian gooseberry) contains large amounts of vitamin C, and is also useful for the organism, especially diabetes weakened. Try to mix one tablespoon of chopped amly, bitter gourd, fruit and plum Javanese. Take the mixture twice a day and will soon feel a surge of strength.

Proper healthy diet Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
   and sport mode must be logged in people with diabetes. Sport should be addressed moderately, without fanaticism, but regularly. Doctors especially recommend swimming lessons and jogging. Regular consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and dairy products approved by the physician, will help control the disease.

Article Tags:
  • diabetes care
