Signs of dysbiosis may be different, it all depends on the location and extent of violations of the natural microflora. Normally, bacteria overgrowth develops on the background of any disease of internal organs, especially digestive organs. Often goiter is also a consequence of uncontrolled use of antibiotics.
Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis
Intestinal dysbiosis - a number of symptoms that appear in the background of violations of the intestinal microflora. This disturbed the ratio between the normal (beneficial) microflora, help digest food, produce certain kinds of vitamins, stimulates immunity and opportunistic, which does not bring any benefit, but at any moment can cause infectious inflammation in the intestinal wall.
Initially, intestinal bacteria overgrowth usually does not manifest itself - is compensated degree of intestinal dysbiosis
Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?
With further decrease of the volume of normal microflora and expansion opportunistic pathogen and the first signs of dysbiosis, which suggests that the degree of dysbiosis becomes subcompensation. As a rule, these are signs of digestive disorders: flatulence (bloating), loss of appetite, a metallic taste in the mouth. At the same time may be nausea, vomiting, and less frequently violations of the chair. If the gut is dominated by the process of fermentation, the chair becomes frequent, liquid, foamy and has a sour smell.
If it occurs mainly in the intestines putrid decay of food, signs of dysbiosis in adults - is diarrhea, sometimes bloody and disgusting putrid odor. But sometimes the patients concerned about constipation - stool does not happen for several days, and when he appears, feces looks fine solid pellets. This stool is called sheep feces. In some patients, diarrhea alternating with constipation.
Patients concerned as paroxysmal pain in the gut, while developing its spasm - intestinal colic.
In decompensated process signs of intestinal dysbiosis manifested in adults than those listed in the form of inflammatory bowel disease
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- Colitis, enterocolitis, which may be including ulcerative in nature. Sometimes joining such signs of dysbiosis in women as genital discharge with an unpleasant odor, accompanied by burning and itching. This suggests that dysbiosis moved to the genitals.
Symptoms in infants dysbiosis
In the first few weeks after birth, there are signs of dysbiosis, which is associated with the gradual formation of intestinal microflora. When the microflora is formed (it happens through the 1-3-6 months after birth), all signs of intestinal dysbiosis disappear. Children who are breastfed, the process is faster on artificial - slowly.
The most common bacteria overgrowth in infants manifests as bouts of intestinal colic in 1 and 5 hours after feeding the baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
. It was during this period in the gut of the child accumulates a large amount of gas, and there is a spasm of smooth muscles of the intestine, accompanied by severe paroxysmal pain. The baby cries, Sucitu legs and settles only after passing flatus.
At the expressed dysbacteriosis child is not taking the breast, he spits up constantly. Against the background of any external influence he can t appear fountain vomiting, loose stools and dehydration - signs of intestinal infection. Such a child can significantly lag behind their peers in the physical and psychological development.
Signs of vaginal dysbiosis
In a woman's vagina, as well as in any other cavity having a connection with the external environment, there microflora, which is divided into a normal (utility) and opportunistic. The normal vaginal flora is mainly represented by lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli) that produce lactic acid. Thus, the lactic acid bacteria create a slightly acidic environment in the vagina, improves livelihoods. But conditionally pathogenic acidic environment uncomfortable, so its activity is suppressed.
When dysbacteriosis vagina
Dysbacteriosis vagina - how to fight?
the number of lactic acid bacteria decreases, while the number of micro-organisms belonging to the pathogenic microflora is increased. At the beginning signs of dysbiosis vagina may be absent, but this does not exclude the development of infections under certain conditions.
Dysbacteriosis vagina may be asymptomatic. More often there are signs of vaginal dysbiosis as unpleasant smell (smell of rotting fish), burning and itching in the genital area.
The symptoms of dysbiosis are different. They usually indicate the degree of violation of the microflora inhabiting in a particular organ.
Galina Romanenko