Hofitol - a non-toxic herbal drug that is used to treat diseases of the liver and kidneys. This medication is available over the counter without a prescription, but it is best to take on prescription - correct assignment will be more effective.
Formulations Chophytol
Hofitol - it is herbal, has a beneficial effect on the liver, biliary tract and kidneys. Produces its French pharmaceutical company Phytopharm Rosa in the form of film-coated tablets (each tablet contains 200 mg of active principle - artichoke extract
Artichoke extract - for the treatment and prevention of various diseases
field) oral solution (1 ml solution containing 200 mg of extract of artichoke) and a solution for intramuscular or intravenous injections in ampoules of 5 ml (1 ml containing 20 mg of artichoke extract in a vial - 100 mg).
Appointment Chophytol in diseases of the liver and biliary tract
First of all, you need to know that biliary dyskinesia (violation of motor activity of smooth muscle of the bile duct) is divided into two types. Dyskinesia of hypokinetic type - a reduced physical activity, which leads to stagnation of bile and unpleasant sensations such as a feeling of heaviness in the liver, digestive disorders as bloating, diarrhea, and so on because of inadequate flow of bile into the intestine. With this type of dyskinesia Chophytol receiving a course of treatment can significantly alleviate the patient's condition.
When dyskinesia hypertensive type of smooth muscles of biliary tract is prone to constant spasms and increased peristalsis, which also leads to the stagnation of bile and the appearance of pain in the liver. In this case, hofitol contraindicated, since it will increase the motor activity of the biliary tract.
In chronic cholecystitis hofitol prescribe a course - this contributes to the timely emptying of the gallbladder and prevent exacerbations cholecystitis. You can not assign hofitol only at presence of stones in the bile ducts and gall bladder.
In diseases of the liver is severely hofitol appoint exacerbations or when the patient is recovering. The duration of treatment and frequency of individual appointments.
Dose and duration of Chophytol in diseases of the liver and biliary tract
When biliary dyskinesia on hypotonic type pills hofitol appoint two or three tablets or 1-2 ml of the solution three times a day, children older than 6 years - one or two pills as three times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the patient, the recommended course of treatment should last at least two - three weeks.
Babies after six years, depending on the age, prescribed 1-2 tablets three times a day before meals. Oral solution, depending on the age, prescribed by a quarter or half milliliter three times a day before meals. The course of treatment - two to three weeks.
Depending on the patient begin hofitol sometimes administered by intramuscular or intravenous injection. Assign to one - two injections of 5 ml (100 mg) per day for one to two weeks, then transferred to receiving Chophytol as tablets, coated tablets, or oral solution.
Children, depending on the age of 25-50 mg administered Chophytol solution once or twice a day, and with the improvement in switching to reception of tablets or oral solution.
Repeated courses of treatment prescribed by the doctor. They can be carried out twice a year - it prevents stagnation of bile and inflammatory processes in the biliary tract.
Appointment Chophytol for kidney disease and atherosclerosis
Hofitol has a mild diuretic effect, activating the process of filtering the urine. Therefore, it is indicated for the treatment of kidney diseases, which are accompanied by a decrease in the function of the body - excess fluid output
How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways
And reduces swelling.
Since hofitol helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, it is used in diseases associated with atherosclerosis - coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disorders, disturbances of blood vessel patency limbs and so on. Regular carrying out treatments Hofitol
Hofitol - has beneficial effects on liver function
reduces the risk of severe complications of atherosclerosis such as myocardial infarction and stroke
Stroke - a serious brain injury
In all these diseases hofitol prescribed courses as part of integrated treatment at the same dosage as for liver and biliary tract.
Hofitol refers to drugs without prescription, but it must appoint a doctor who will be able to take into account all the indications and contraindications for the use of this drug.
Galina Romanenko