Imodium - a drug that stops diarrhea (diarrhea), holding in the intestines of stool. Despite the fact that you can buy Imodium at a pharmacy without a prescription, it is better still to use it on prescription, since the presence of intestinal infection it can cause irreparable harm to the body.

What is Imodium and how it works (curative effect)
Imodium belongs to the group of symptomatic antidiarrheal drugs. Produces its Belgian pharmaceutical company Janssen, part of Johnson & Johnson (USA).
So how do you act Imodium? The mechanism of action of this drug is associated with a decrease in the motor activity of the intestine. This occurs by inhibiting the action of neurotransmitters (specifically atsetolholina) - substances with which the pulses are transmitted through nerve cells (neurons) and from neurons to the smooth muscle cells of the intestine.
Imodium can help only in the case where non-infectious diarrhea is of a nature that in the initial stages of the disease is not as easy to install. In addition, any non-infectious diarrhea can always join the infection - in the intestine is not only useful, but also opportunistic and pathogenic microflora, which will cause such a process, that is an intestinal infection. When the delay of intestinal infection in the intestines of feces leads to the re-absorption into the blood fluid containing the toxins of pathogens and toxic products, resulting from the inflammatory process. This greatly aggravates the condition of the patient.

Side effects
Despite the fact that the suppression of nerve impulses is mainly in the intestinal wall, Imodium side has a depressing effect on the central nervous system (CNS) as fatigue and dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
. With an overdose of the drug may cause serious depression of the central nervous system, including the respiratory center, which may cause the patient to the emergency department.
Serious side effects can give Imodium and from the gastrointestinal tract: constipation
Constipation - Watch out for food
, Flatulence and intestinal cramps, accompanied by severe pain, can lead to intestinal obstruction
Ileus - the reasons may be different
And this state already requires emergency surgery. Especially hard this kind of complications occur among children - Imodium causing intestinal paresis, which often leads to the death of a child.
Imodium and have other side effects, less significant, but which also need to be considered when taking the drug. Therefore, despite the permitted Imodium without prescription at the pharmacy it is better to accept only on prescription.

Which diseases prescribed Imodium
Indications for use Imodium can be acute or chronic diarrhea of non-infectious origin. Acute diarrhea can occur with stress, eating disorders regime, while taking certain drugs and so on. Chronic diarrhea occurs in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, congenital deficiency of certain digestive enzymes, severe chronic diseases of internal organs, various intoxications, and so on.
In all these cases, prescribe Imodium. But the patient must be always under the supervision of a physician: If signs of infection joining Imodium canceled.
Assign Imodium as if the patient ileostomy - removing holes of the small intestine to the abdominal wall. In this case, the patient selected individual dose, which allows you to adjust the allocation of feces from the stoma.

When you can not take Imodium
First of all, for suspected intestinal infection and intestinal obstruction. In chronic diarrhea
Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance
Imodium should not be prescribed in cases where the patient has in the gut diverticula - protrusion of the intestinal wall with its thinning - increase in stool may lead to rupture of the intestinal wall. Do not prescribe this drug as in erosive and ulcerative processes in the gut - it is also fraught with intestinal perforation.
During pregnancy, Imodium should not be used during the first trimester, the second and third trimesters, he was appointed only for health reasons. Naturally, self-pregnant woman taking this drug can not. Breastfeeding as a contraindication to receiving Imodium - it is excreted in breast milk and can cause intestinal paresis, followed by the development of obstruction in children. Children up to six years in our camp reception of the drug is contraindicated.
If abnormal liver function may occur overdose of Imodium and CNS, so if severe liver disease it is prescribed with caution.
Imodium - it's not the drug that you need to carry in your purse, as recommended by the advertisement. It should be used only on prescription.
Galina Romanenko