Functional dyspepsia: digestive disorders

April 8, 2012

 functional dyspepsia
 Functional dyspepsia causes pain or discomfort in the abdomen, along with other symptoms. Cause of the disease is often not clear, although in some cases, functional dyspepsia provokes bacterial infection. The only way to suppress the symptoms of functional dyspepsia - treatment of bacterial infections caused by disease or receiving special drugs that reduce gastric acidity.

In general, dyspepsia - a group of different origin digestive disorders, which can cause a variety of problems of the digestive tract. The main symptom of dyspepsia - pain or discomfort in the abdomen, often accompanied by heartburn, belching, bloating, nausea. Most of the symptoms of dyspepsia is somehow connected with food. Dyspepsia - a phenomenon rather episodic; dyspeptic symptoms appear suddenly and disappear on their own after a short time. However, in some cases, the symptoms of disorders of the digestive tract is so sharp and prolonged that dyspepsia violates our daily life.

Functional or non-ulcer dyspepsia - kind of digestive disorders, characterized by a lack of apparent reason. In fact, the diagnosis of the "functional dyspepsia" is placed when the symptoms of dyspepsia not associated with diseases of the digestive tract, whether ulcer, esophagitis, gastritis and so on, and images obtained by means of endoscopy, it is impossible to observe any mucosal gastrointestinal channel.

Functional dyspepsia - a phenomenon more than common: six out of ten cases, symptoms of digestive disorders observed precisely non-ulcer dyspepsia.

 Functional dyspepsia: digestive disorders

Causes of functional dyspepsia

The main symptoms of functional dyspepsia - pain or discomfort in the upper gastrointestinal tract, the cause of which is unknown. Even the performance of certain tests does not reveal the exact cause of the symptoms: mucous membrane of the digestive tract is not damaged or inflamed, the amount of acid in the stomach is completely normal.

  • One of the causes of functional dyspepsia confirmed in some cases - a bacterial infection caused by the bacteria are the type of Helicobacter pylori (helicobacter pylori). Although in most cases the infection is asymptomatic, sometimes the presence of bacteria in the stomach provokes symptoms of dyspepsia. Treatment of bacterial infection helps get rid of the symptoms of digestive disorders.
  • Presumably, precipitate or aggravate symptoms of functional dyspepsia are certain foods and drinks - including tomatoes, chocolate, spicy foods, hot drinks, coffee, alcohol.
  • In some cases, the symptoms of functional dyspepsia aggravate emotional turmoil - Stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 , Anxiety.
  • Sometimes the cause of functional dyspepsia becomes taking certain medications, irritate the stomach lining. Among such drugs - antibiotics, steroids, nitrates, bisphosphonates, theophylline, aspirin.

 Functional dyspepsia: digestive disorders


In general, the diagnosis of "functional dyspepsia" is made only when there were no causes of dyspeptic symptoms - such as ulcers. Thus, before a final diagnosis requires endoscopy - a visual examination of the stomach and duodenum with an endoscope (a thin, flexible tube with a lighting device). Endoscopy helps detect the presence of an ulcer or inflammation of the mucous - if such problems do not occur, the most likely cause of the characteristic symptoms of it became functional dyspepsia.

In some cases, to confirm the functional dyspepsia carry out special analyzes on the bacteria Helicobacter pylori - it could be the analysis of stool samples, blood test or biopsy.

 Functional dyspepsia: digestive disorders


  • Treatment of bacterial infection

If the cause of functional dyspepsia was the bacterial infection, the main treatment is becoming a crash course in taking certain medications - two antibiotics in combination with drugs that suppress acid production. Typically, duration of treatment is less than one week.

  • Acid-suppressing medications

In most cases, the treatment of functional dyspepsia makes monthly rate of acid-suppressive drugs. There are two types of drugs that suppress acid production in the stomach - proton pump inhibitors and H2-blockers. These agents act in different ways, but anyhow reduce the amount of acid in the stomach. The main preparations of proton pump inhibitors - omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole, esomeprazol. The group H2-blockers include cimetidine, famotidine, nizatidine, ranitidine Ranitidine - help in the prevention of relapse of peptic ulcer  Ranitidine - help in the prevention of relapse of peptic ulcer
 Sold under different trade names. If such drugs to help suppress the symptoms of functional dyspepsia can be recommended a longer course of treatment.

  • Prokinetic

Prokinetic - metoclopramide and domperidone - helping to speed up the passage of food through the esophagus and relieve symptoms of functional dyspepsia, bloating, belching Belching: why it happens and that means  Belching: why it happens and that means
 , Malaise. Prokinetiki usually recommended when other drugs to suppress the symptoms of dyspepsia are not helping.

 Functional dyspepsia: digestive disorders


Symptoms of functional dyspepsia appear and disappear by themselves, but can vary in severity - sometimes dyspeptic symptoms do not bother for a long time, and then become very acute and violate the usual routine of life. In any case, it must be remembered that functional dyspepsia does not cause stomach cancer or other serious diseases of the digestive tract.

Article Tags:
  • dyspepsia

Espumizan for children - easier, but does not cure

September 12, 2011

 Espumizan children
 Bloating and intestinal cramps more often in children under one year. In the normal development of the child to the third month of life, these phenomena are usually already are like, but artificial feeding, eating disorders, improper care of the child, intestinal colic can be confusing for a child up to one year and older.

 Espumizan for children - easier, but does not cure

Why children may experience the phenomenon of flatulence

In the first two - three months of life, bloating and intestinal cramps occur in almost all children. But as the gastro-intestinal tract is populated normal microflora, these phenomena are. In the second half of their normal life already should not be.

And yet, such phenomena occur after the first six months and very often. The reason for this may be artificial feeding, which does not give the necessary protection of the gastrointestinal tract from infection and helps the child to adapt to adult nutrition. As a result of pathogenic microflora in the intestines of the child develops faster than the normal microflora. This leads to a hundred of beneficial bacteria is not sufficient for proper digestion of food during digestion and a large amount of gases. This condition is called dysbiosis.

Children under one year of age and older goiter is dangerous because the toxic products produced during digestive disorders, soaked in blood, can cause allergic reactions. It dysbiosis often is the cause of a variety of allergic rashes on the skin, and after two - three years - a bronchial asthma and neurodermatitis. Therefore, pediatricians give so much importance to the proper feeding of the child up to a year, the timely introduction of complementary foods Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?  Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?
 Which gradually replaces human milk. With proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   Breastfeeding naturally displaced from the diet of a child up to one year without causing dysbacteriosis, flatulence and intestinal cramps.

In children after a year the phenomenon of flatulence can talk about the formation of a chronic gastrointestinal disease. This child needs to be, first of all, to examine and then prescribe appropriate treatment. Uncontrolled use antigas (excretory gases) means in this case is not the way out.

 Espumizan for children - easier, but does not cure

Application Espumizan children

Espumizan yourself without prior survey is used only for children of the first half of life. After the first six months of a child is usually examine the stool for the presence of the enzyme deficiency and dysbiosis. If such processes are identified, the child is assigned a comprehensive treatment, including the use of Espumizan intestinal colic.

Espumizan a means of rescue, it simply facilitates the child's condition, gases excreted from the body. But the cause of the disease it has no effect. Influenced Espumizan enteric quenched foam formed by bubbles of gas, which is filled with the stool and mucus in the lumen of the intestine. The bubbles burst and form large gas bubbles, which are then easier to appear through the rectum. Fecal no longer occupying the entire lumen, and quietly removed from the body. Therapeutic effects Espumizan can occur only in that it covers the protective sheath mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, not allowing it to injure.

Despite the fact that the action Espumizan symptomatic receiving it it is of great importance, since it removes the pain and therefore not so much injured central nervous system, which depends on the work of the whole organism. Children with allergies nervous system even more shaken constant itchy rash on the skin, so Espumizan Espumizan - rapid release of gas  Espumizan - rapid release of gas
   here it provides not only symptomatic, but also a therapeutic effect. Refusing Espumizan not worth it at any age.

Contraindications Espumizan only when a child is increased sensitivity to the drug, which is quite rare. It is also rare in his appointment experience an allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
 . However, parents should be permanent disposition to allergic reactions, especially in the employment of a new medicine or a food product.

Espumizan contraindicated in cases of suspected bowel obstruction - on the gas part of the intestine strongly swell, causing pain Villeneuve.

Espumizan children up to two to three years is appointed as an emulsion (which is available in bottles). Take a teaspoon of it during an episode of intestinal colic.

After three years of moving to the capsule usually (but not necessarily someone might prefer to continue to use an emulsion). Capsules take one at the reception.

Espumizan - a drug that should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Espumizan
