Worms - how dangerous they are? - Prevention in Children

June 23 2013

  • Worms - how dangerous they are?
  • Helminthiasis
  • Symptoms and signs
  • The man
  • Children
  • When pregnancy
  • Ascaris during pregnancy
  • Assays
  • Treatment
  • Ridding
  • Folk remedies
  • Withdrawal
  • Pills
  • Herbs
  • Prevention
  • Prevention in Children
  • Medications for prevention

 prevention of intestinal worms in children

Prevention of worms in children

Worms in children can cause serious health problems - not only gastrointestinal disease, and damage to internal organs in the absence of proper treatment. Although for quite a long time breeding worms in children Worms in children - if the worms eat inside  Worms in children - if the worms eat inside
   not accompanied by a distinct symptoms, intestinal parasites eventually always produce the characteristic effects - including acute abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Fortunately, prevention of intestinal worms in children - the problem is quite simple: by making a few changes in the diet of a child infected with intestinal parasites are easily preventable.

 Prevention in children | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Proper nutrition

Too many products help bring worms and prevent infection of intestinal parasites, therefore, such products must be required to include in the diet of a child for the prevention of worms. One such product - fresh garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 Which can be added to any dish on a daily basis.

Another useful and tasty way to prevent worms in children Prevention of worms in children - protection measures  Prevention of worms in children - protection measures
   - Papaya: the fruit and seeds are extremely effective in the prevention of intestinal parasites in children and adults.

Equally useful for the prevention and treatment of intestinal parasites and ordinary fresh carrots. It can, and add a variety of dishes, from salads to meat dishes, and use a carrot juice.

One of the main causes of infection with worms - properly cooked meat and fish, so for the prevention of intestinal worms in children it is important to expose the raw meat and fish heat treatment. From dishes containing raw fish - such as land - should be abandoned. In addition, it is important to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before eating them for food: eggs of worms that may be contained in fertilizers remain on the fruit. Eggs intestinal parasites may be contained in the raw water, so it is best to drink only bottled or at least boiled water.

 Prevention in children | Worms - how dangerous they are?


Regular Colon Cleansing - one of the most effective means of preventing worms in children. When violations of the intestinal motility of the child is necessary to increase the amount of food consumed in fiber, which accelerates the process of digestion and increases peristalsis. Colon Cleansing and contribute to many natural remedies or medications before using them, however, you should consult your pediatrician.

Worms - how dangerous they are? - Deliverance

June 23 2013

  • Worms - how dangerous they are?
  • Helminthiasis
  • Symptoms and signs
  • The man
  • Children
  • When pregnancy
  • Ascaris during pregnancy
  • Assays
  • Treatment
  • Ridding
  • Folk remedies
  • Withdrawal
  • Pills
  • Herbs
  • Prevention
  • Prevention in Children
  • Medications for prevention

 how to get rid of worms

How to get rid of worms

The main period for the development of eggs is considered to be spring and summer. Infection of humans usually begins to occur in the spring, because the soil retain its viability those eggs that have matured and wintered last fall. Man is infected by contact with the soil, in the use of those products, which have been grown in fertilized soil are not neutralized faeces. The most common source of Ascaris eggs are the following vegetables and berries:

 Deliverance | Worms - how dangerous they are?

  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • carrot
  • cabbage
  • radishes
  • salad
  • green onion
  • Strawberry

Eggs often fall on vegetables during the growing season when the produce fertilization infected sewage. As measures to prevent the development of ascariasis gain the greatest value to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, it is more a case of children. Vegetables and fruits, herbs, berries, which are used fresh, wash carefully to avoid traces of soil or dirt, they can be treated with boiling water.

To prevent the spread of ascariasis possible through the organization of sanitary-epidemiological measures to prevent contact with soil contaminated with feces.

Fertilizer can be used only faeces are treated by composting or other disposal methods. It is also important to engage in work to educate the public, to acquaint people with the ways of helminth infection, preventive measures and treatment of this group of diseases.

Although in many cases the person's immune system is strong enough to cope on their own and with the destruction of harmful microorganisms, often for the treatment of diseases caused by worms need for more effective means. Get rid of the worms as you can with the help of special anthelmintic drugs, and with the help of traditional medicine.

 Deliverance | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Anthelmintic drugs

For the treatment of helminth diseases caused by intestinal parasites, special anthelmintic drugs, prescription of the doctor. The most common means to get rid of worms - albendazole, furazolidone, mebendazole. Such drugs are safe and effective in killing various types of worms Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence  Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence
 . To prevent re-infection and the complete suppression of the symptoms is necessary to complete a full course of treatment (in some cases when it detects the passage of a similar infestation recommended course of treatment, and other family members).

 Deliverance | Worms - how dangerous they are?


Get rid of the worms help to many medicinal plants. For centuries to combat intestinal parasites used herbs - such as echinacea, bearberry, common wormwood and garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 . It is best to use these funds in the form of capsules, following the manufacturer's instructions.

 Deliverance | Worms - how dangerous they are?

The correct diet

The correct diet not only helps the immune system fight the parasites, but also speeds up the process of removing worms Withdrawal of worms - effective measures  Withdrawal of worms - effective measures
   from the body (in particular only if the parasites multiply in the gut). To get rid of worms, it is necessary to include in the diet more fiber stimulates digestion and the process of removing toxins from the body. A balanced diet must include more fresh fruits and vegetables, and yogurt with active cultures, contributing to neutralize the parasite.

Get rid of the worms and help prevent reinfection limited consumption of meat - it neprozharennoe (undercooked) meat and fish become carriers of eggs and larvae of worms.

 Deliverance | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Antihelmintic ointment

Some types of worms - such as roundworms - can cause helminth diseases accompanied by the appearance of rashes and skin irritation. For the treatment of diseases such anthelmintics suitable for topical application - ointments and creams, which include the active ingredient is metronidazole Metronidazole - what is it?  Metronidazole - what is it?
 . Typically, such drugs are sold over the counter in pharmacies.
