Papaverine tablets is not very soluble in aqueous solutions, and therefore in the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed only half of an oral dose. Furthermore, the tablets are not as fast and effective as a rectal suppository or injection.
How do papaverine tablets
Available pills of papaverine to 0, '04 Children also produces tablets to 0, '01 When administered papaverine tablets absorbed into the blood slowly and incompletely. Therefore, its action does not start as fast as, for example, in the preparation of the same series - shpy. Once in the blood, papaverine actively distributed to tissues and has antispasmodic effect. Papaverine is displayed in the urine as metabolites (products of metabolism), formed in the liver.
Action papaverine associated with suppression of enzymatic activity of phosphodiesterase (PDE) into muscle cells, which leads to the impossibility of formation of actomyosin protein is a major component involved in muscle contraction.
Antispasmodic pills of papaverine is not very pronounced in the severe pain associated with cramps, it helps only partially. The effect may be enhanced when combined with papaverine painkillers - paracetamol, aspirin and so on.
Which diseases can be taken
Tablets papaverine, as well as tablets shpy can have in your home medicine cabinet and take the appearance of spastic pain. They can be administered, for example, spasm and pain in the intestine associated with taking a large amount of roughage, such as beans, fresh vegetables, and so on - and pain spasms in the intestines in this case with the increased gas (flatulence). But taking yourself antispasmodics, one should not forget that they can make their own only in case of emergency, if the poly become regular, you should seek medical advice.
Papaverine tablets often prescribed as part of a complex of anti-treatment of digestive diseases. Under the action of papaverine improves blood circulation in the walls of these organs, which contributes to the prevention of recurrence of the disease.
In other cases, to relieve spasms of smooth muscles use a combination of drugs, which include analgesics or antispasmodics and papaverine (andipal, Papazol, platifillin with papaverine, etc.). Such preparations are well relieve smooth muscle spasms and pain associated with them, including light attack of renal colic and renal
Renal colic: a signal that the danger in the bud
In diseases of the peripheral blood vessels treatment papaverine
Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles
may slightly improve the condition of the patient, as well as angina pectoris and cerebral circulation disorders. But this should not preclude the use of other drugs for emergency relief of spasms of the blood vessels (eg nitroglycerin for angina pectoris).
Take papaverine tablets 1-2 three to four times a day. Elderly patients an initial one-time should not exceed 10 mg (a quarter of the adult tablets of 40 mg or an entire children - 10 mg). Babies papaverine tablets can be taken with six months of age, dosage thus chosen a pediatrician.
Do papaverine tablets side effects and contraindications for the reception?
Adverse effects of papaverine mainly manifested in high doses and in that case, when the drug is taken without contraindications. There may be nausea and vomiting associated with the suppression of intestinal motility. In addition, there may be abnormal liver function (after the drug is reduced liver function), increased sweating, lethargy, drowsiness, blood pressure reduction.
But the most unpleasant complications while taking papaverine is a violation of the cardiac conduction of impulses in the myocardium, which lead to the development of atrioventricular block. Perhaps the emergence of cardiac arrhythmias.
Contraindications pills of papaverine in case of hypersensitivity to it of the patient, atrioventricular blockade, glaucoma
Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
(elevated intraocular pressure), with abnormal liver function. In addition, it does not take papaverine in old age and to give children under the age of six months.
C care is taken in tablets papaverine after traumatic brain injury, in violation of the kidneys and adrenal glands, reduced thyroid function
The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
(hypothyroidism), growth of the prostate gland and shock. You should always be remembered that the pills of papaverine can not be combined with alcohol.
Galina Romanenko