Opisthorchiasis caused by worms, flukes, was first described in 1891 by Russian physician K.N.Vinogradovym. Later it was proved that the infection opisthorchiasis humans and mammals occurs through fish. In the thirties of the last century it has been identified intermediate host of this helminth - shellfish.
What opistorhoz and how they can be caught
Opisthorchiasis - a helminthiasis of liver, gallbladder and pancreas
Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
, Caused by a type of trematodes (flukes), called the Siberian or Siberian fluke. Cat fluke living in the bile duct, gall bladder
Gall bladder: structure and function
and pancreatic ducts opisthorchiasis patients. The intermediate hosts are mollusks cat fluke, additional hosts - fish of the carp family.
The source of helminthic infestation is a sick person or animal from which the eggs of worms with fecal particles fall through the water to the shellfish. The shellfish larvae (cercariae) multiply and then go into the water, where the fish enter the body by absorption through the skin. In the subcutaneous tissue and muscles of fish larvae move to the next stage - metacercariae. Man and animals infected opisthorchiasis by eating raw or inadequately cooked (deep fried) fish larvae cat fluke.
The parasites damage the walls of the ducts suckers prevent the accumulation of parasites on the promotion of bile ducts and gall outflow of pancreatic secretion. Worms emit toxic metabolic products that contribute to the sensitization of the organism. They irritate the walls of the ducts and cause inflammation in them, and to the inflamed tissue easily attached bacterial infection that aggravates the course of disease. Irritation worms nerve endings (receptors) entail reflexive violation of the stomach, duodenum, the cardiovascular system. After prolonged irritation bile duct wall and sensitization occurs proliferation of pancreatic tissue and connective tissue, leading to its sclerosis.
Opisthorchiasis - natural focal disease, as occurs in wild carnivores. However, the importance of wildlife as a source of secondary infestation.
Outbreaks opisthorchiasis found in river basins where there are favorable conditions for the existence and reproduction of mollusks and carp fish, mainly in Siberia, Central Asia, the Perm region, Ukraine. In Europe opistorhoz described in Holland, France and Italy. Widespread opistorhoz in Thailand and other Asian countries.
Signs opisthorchiasis
Patients complain of pain in the upper abdomen and right hypochondrium. Many of them give in the back and in the left hypochondrium. Pain aggravated periodically in the form of attacks of biliary colic. Also, there are often dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
, Headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. There may be a slight rise in temperature.
With long-term course of the disease the liver becomes thick, increasing in size, but its function is not usually affected. It increases and becomes dense and gallbladder. When probing the pancreas revealed her pain. The skin sometimes appear allergic rashes such as hives
Hives - burning itch
The course may be complicated by rupture opisthorchiasis stretched bile ducts with subsequent development of bile peritonitis.
Diagnosis and treatment of opisthorchiasis
The diagnosis is based on the detection of cat fluke eggs in the feces and duodenal juice. To further confirm the diagnosis is carried out as fibrogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) - Investigation of the inner surface of the gastrointestinal tract with a special optical equipment.
Treatment consists opisthorchiasis their preparatory period of treatment aimed at the destruction of worms and recovery period.
Preparatory period lasts about two weeks and includes the appointment of Cholagogue, drugs that lower the allergic disposition of the body, bracing means. If opistorhoz complicated by a bacterial infection, it is also being treated. Only after the patient's condition is completely normal, proceed to the basic treatment.
With a view to the destruction of the Siberian fluke assigned Praziquantel - an effective broad-spectrum drugs that can destroy most of the trematodes. Under the influence of this drug develops paralysis of the muscles of worms that are detached from the wall of the bile duct, and excreted in the bile.
The recovery period - appointment choleretic funds, funds, cleaning the intestines and reducing the work of the liver.
Opisthorchiasis usually a benign, however, are not excluded various complications, so the disease requires timely detection and treatment.
Galina Romanenko