Phenibut and alcohol - at the household level, it is better not to combine

October 14, 2012

 Phenibutum and alcohol
 Admission phenibut Phenibut - activates the central nervous system  Phenibut - activates the central nervous system
   and alcohol is better not to combine, as both active substances have effects on the central nervous system. At the same time Phenibutum widely used for the treatment of alcohol hangover prevention of alcoholic psychosis and reducing the craving for alcohol. In some cases, it is used for sobering up.

 Phenibut and alcohol - at the household level, it is better not to combine

Compatible phenibut and alcohol

Both of these substances have a pronounced psychotropic action. At reception there is the excitement of alcohol at first, which develops due to the suppression of inhibitory processes. If a person continues to continue to drink alcohol, then suppressed and excitation processes, which leads to sleepiness. Further deepening of intoxication leads to the suppression of activities of vital centers in the brain. The first to suffer the respiratory center, so the main cause of death of people in a state of severe intoxication is to stop breathing Stop breathing (apnea) during sleep - upper airway obstruction  Stop breathing (apnea) during sleep - upper airway obstruction

Phenibut action on the central nervous system (CNS) is analogous to the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA is the major neurotransmitter (substance with which the pulses are transmitted through nerve cells) enhancing inhibition in the CNS. Phenibutum affects retseptry GABA in the CNS and thereby activates the braking process.

As well as alcohol, on the other hand, inhibits the processes of inhibition, the Phenibutum will reduce the depressant effects of alcohol on the central nervous system. Therefore, in some cases, hospitals Phenibutum is used to sober up. But this treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician. Combining the intake of these substances alone can not: all psychotropic substances affect the central nervous system of different people in different ways. In many respects it depends on the individual, including hereditary characteristics. Therefore, it is difficult to predict how it will affect the simultaneous use of alcohol and phenibut in each case.

 Phenibut and alcohol - at the household level, it is better not to combine

Application for the treatment of alcohol phenibut abstinenii

Abstineniya Alcohol or alcohol withdrawal syndrome develops only in patients with chronic alcoholism, that is, having a physical dependence on alcohol. This happens because at some stage the alcohol becomes vital to the patient for a normal existence. It can be with a small dose of alcohol every day, improve their health and that alone gives him the opportunity to continue their way of life. This often leads to binge when the patient can not control how much he drank.

But sooner or later he must stop the bout as growing the organism alcohol poisoning and its decay products. This is where it begins and withdrawal syndrome: the body requires vital him alcohol, and its absence is manifested by changes in all organs and systems, especially on the part of the central nervous system. There are severe headaches, palpitations, tremors throughout the body, increased blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   and so on. In some cases, patients dizziness occurs, there are hallucinations, impaired orientation in time, place, environment (but always remains in the orientation of the self). Withdrawal symptoms the more difficult the longer the bout lasted.

Severe withdrawal syndrome is treated only in a hospital. The structure of the complex treatment often includes Phenibutum which improves metabolic processes in the brain, blood circulation, prevents thrombosis. The result is increased stamina neurons to intoxication and lack of oxygen. Neurons gradually restore its function, leading to more rapid failure of the state of withdrawal.

 Phenibut and alcohol - at the household level, it is better not to combine

Application phenibut for the treatment of chronic alcoholism

The main objectives of the treatment of alcoholism is to reduce the craving for alcohol and restoring the state of the body, impaired long drunkenness. Especially suffers from chronic alcoholism brain. In these patients, primarily violated the higher functions of the brain - memory, learning ability, concentration, emotional and volitional qualities, and so on.

In the development of alcoholism main role belongs to the change of functional activity of neurotransmitter systems of the brain, ie systems involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. This leads to the development of craving for alcohol, a change in the body's reaction to his arrival, as well as to the development of alcohol withdrawal.

Numerous studies have confirmed that the use of phenibut in the complex treatment of chronic alcoholism contribute to complete or partial restoration of activity of neurotransmitter systems, resulting in reduced craving for alcohol.

Phenibut also contributes to the restoration of the higher functions of the brain: improving memory, mental capacity, interest in life, the ability to continue their work.

Phenibut better not combine with alcohol, but in the hands of a professional, this drug can help relieve alcohol intoxication, alcohol withdrawal syndrome and reduce the craving for alcohol.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Phenibutum

Fluoxetine - instruction: study the mechanism of drug action

May 20, 2012

 fluoxetine guide
 Fluoxetine - is an antidepressant that selectively inhibits the reuptake of serotonin. Fluoxetine also has a moderate stimulating effect, reduces appetite that can lead to weight loss. Assign this drug for depression, increased appetite against the background of neurosis Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
   (bulimia nervosa), and so on.

 Fluoxetine - instruction: study the mechanism of drug action

What serotonin and its effect on the organism

Serotonin - a neurotransmitter, that is a biologically active substance, which is transmitted via jitters between nerve cells. Serotonin is formed in the body from essential amino acid tryptophan, a hormone called happiness, since it is capable of regulating mood. Number of serotonin depends on the light: the more light, the more serotonin - this explains the increase in mood on sunny days.

Serotonin is a positive effect on susceptibility to stress and emotional stability, regulates the synthesis of pituitary hormones, and tone of blood vessels. If serotonin is produced is not enough, it leads to migraines (strong headaches against the background of a sharp and sudden expansion of the blood vessels of the brain) and depression (low mood). One of the main functions of serotonin is considered to mood enhancement.

Overdosing serotonin dangerous, it can occur when receiving two or more drugs that stimulate the synthesis or transmission of serotonin, as well as the intake of some drugs. Overdose leads to overstimulation, the appearance of hallucinations, tachycardia, fever, poor coordination of movements, cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, drops in blood pressure. In this case, the person will need immediate medical attention.

 Fluoxetine - instruction: study the mechanism of drug action

Mechanism of action

Fluoxetine - is an antidepressant that is available in capsules and soluble tablets. In many pharmaceutical companies it sold under the name bioksetin, depreks Portal, Prozac, flokset, flyudak and others. The mechanism of action of this drug is based on the selective serotonin reuptake inhibiting neurotransmission (place transfer of neurotransmitters, including serotonin, with neuron to) cerebral neurons. This leads to increasing the concentration of serotonin in the synapse, enhances and prolongs its action on postsynaptic receptor chain links. Thus fluoxetine almost no effect on the reuptake of other neurotransmitters (such as norepinephrine, dopamine).

Fluoxetine has timoanalepticheskim (improves mood) and stimulating effect. It also causes regression of obsessive compulsive disorders that manifest obsessive thoughts and tiring various actions to overcome them (eg, obsessive-compulsive disorder). It reduces the feeling of painful anxiety, fear and stress, suppresses the appetite (as a result of reduced weight). Soothing effect of fluoxetine does not.

 Fluoxetine - instruction: study the mechanism of drug action

Indications and contraindications

Indications for use of fluoxetine depression are different origins, obsessive-compulsive disorder, neurosis combined with bulimia nervosa - an abnormal increase in appetite, chronic alcoholism. Stable effect appears only after two weeks of regular fluoxetine and lasts for several weeks after cessation of treatment.

Contraindicated fluoxetine with an increase in intraocular pressure (glaucoma), motility disorders (atonia) bladder, severe kidney disease in violation of their function, enlarged prostate, while the appointment of certain types of tranquilizers (MAO inhibitors), seizure of any origin, pregnancy and breast child Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast in childhood and are hypersensitive to the drug.

In many diseases and conditions fluoxetine is used with care, so it should only appoint a doctor.

 Fluoxetine - instruction: study the mechanism of drug action

Side effects and overdose

Fluoxetine is generally well tolerated, but may occur and side effects:

  • the central nervous system - increased anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Nervousness, trembling of the limbs and body, sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   (drowsiness or insomnia), headache;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, diarrhea;
  • by metabolic processes - sweating, reducing sugar (hypoglycemia) and sodium in the blood;
  • on the part of the reproductive system - decreased sex drive;
  • also possible: allergic reactions, pain in the muscle-joint pain, shortness of breath, fever.

In case of overdose of fluoxetine may cause motor and mental excitement, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, seizures, heart attacks, and heart rhythm abnormalities. First aid is gastric lavage, several tablets of activated charcoal and call an ambulance.

Fluoxetine can be taken only on prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • fluoxetine
