Tablets Riboxinum - more suitable for patients with chronic diseases

September 23, 2012

 Tablets Riboxinum
 Riboxinum tablets does not act as quickly and efficiently as a solution for intravenous administration. However, if the course of treatment carried out in accordance with the instructions and prescribed by a doctor, it is possible to prevent worsening of the disease or accelerate the process of cure.

 Tablets Riboxinum - more suitable for patients with chronic diseases

How do the pills Riboxin

Tablets riboksina incorporate active substance inosine (200 mg per tablet) and adjuvants: potato starch, methylcellulose, sucrose and stearic acid. Each film-coated tablet, which comprises Opadry II yellow, polyvinyl alcohol, titanium dioxide, talc, polyethylene glycol, trivalent iron, an aluminum-based lacquer quinoline yellow.

When injected into the gastrointestinal tract Riboxinum rapidly absorbed into the blood enters the fabric, and then decomposed by the liver and excreted in the urine partially. Once in the cells of various tissues (primarily the heart muscle cells - infarction, liver, kidney, gastrointestinal tract) charges them Riboxinum energy activates metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and promotes a slow but steady recovery of their activities. Simultaneously Riboxin pills can improve blood circulation in an organ.

 Tablets Riboxinum - more suitable for patients with chronic diseases

Tablets Riboxin angina

Angina, or angina pectoris - is one of the manifestations of coronary heart disease (CHD). When angina in the heart suddenly appears a strong short-term pain associated with spasms of the coronary arteries and a break in the flow to the heart muscle cells of blood. Myocardial cells can not exist without oxygen, so they literally "cry", that is, signals of trouble severe pain. All patients with angina know that you can not endure such pain, it must be immediately removed with the help of medication-koronarolitikov, relieves spasms of blood vessels (such as nitroglycerin). If this is not done, angina Angina - oxygen deficiency  Angina - oxygen deficiency
   find a myocardial infarction - necrosis of cardiac muscle cells.

But nitroglycerin - is a means of rescue. In order to prevent the occurrence of angina attacks, it is necessary to strengthen the heart muscle and improve coronary blood flow. This task handle pills Riboxin Riboxinum - a drug that will charge the cells with energy  Riboxinum - a drug that will charge the cells with energy
 Who are appointed by a long course of one to three months. The daily dose Riboxin picked individually, focusing on patient tolerability. Initially administered on a tablet (200 mg) was three to four times a day, then gradually increase and reach six, and if necessary up to 12 tablets per day (2, 4 g).

Gradually, under the influence of tablets Riboxin restores normal metabolism in the cells of the myocardium, improving coronary circulation. This allows you to better tolerate attacks myocardium coronary vasospasms and respond to severe pain. Riboxinum increases myocardial hypoxia tolerance of cells, preventing their death, that is, the development of myocardial infarction.

 Tablets Riboxinum - more suitable for patients with chronic diseases

Tablets Riboxin in chronic liver diseases

In chronic liver disease is the main threat is that the liver cells (hepatocytes) are gradually destroyed and replaced by connective tissue. And as the connective tissue can not perform the function of hepatocytes for the disposal of toxic substances, including toxic metabolic products Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 Gradually reduced liver function and increases intoxication.

Tablets Riboxin in chronic liver diseases are assigned long courses on a large (specially chosen for this patient doctor) doses. Entering the hepatocytes Riboxinum charges them with energy, activates all types of metabolism, improves blood circulation. Of course, the tablet Riboxin operate very slowly. However, with regular use of this drug in the form of a course of treatment comprising the combination therapy, and can slow the progression of disease and reduced function of the liver.

 Tablets Riboxinum - more suitable for patients with chronic diseases

Riboxin tablets for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers

Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer occurs, as a rule, long-term, with constant relapses. In order to prevent the development of disease recurrence, the patient twice a year (spring and fall) is assigned to anti-treatment. As a part of this treatment are often prescribed tablets Riboxin. Apply these pills need at least a month in a row, only in combination with other treatment may prevent worsening of the disease.

Tablets Riboxin apply in a number of other diseases that require long and slow recovery of the metabolic processes in a particular organ.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Riboxinum

Enterovirus meningitis - the most common type

November 9, 2013

 Enterovirus meningitis
 Enterovirus meningitis - this is one of the manifestations of diverse enterovirus infection. This type of meningitis occurs frequently, moreover, the incidence tends to spread. Outbreak of enterovirus meningitis are mainly found in the summer-autumn period.


What causes meningitis Enterovirus

Enterovirus meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
   - It is a form of enterovirus infection, which is caused by Coxsackie virus, ECHO and enterovirus serotypes 70 and 71. All enteroviruses may cause as respiratory tract infections and intestinal infections (enteritis). In addition, any of the enteroviruses may cause serous (i.e. non-purulent) meningitis.

Each of the enterovirus serotypes, there are many that can cause a variety of diseases. A feature of enteroviruses is one hundred one and the same serotype may cause different people have completely different diseases. Enterovirus infection characterized by a huge variety of clinical manifestations. It can manifest itself in the form of acute respiratory infection (ARI) with a cough and runny nose, sore throat herpes Herpangina - a mild form of the disease  Herpangina - a mild form of the disease
 , Intestinal infections, meningitis, myocarditis and other.


How do you get enterovirus infection

The source of infection is a sick person or a virus carrier (in his body have infectious agents, but they do not cause disease). How exactly transmitted infection depends on the symptoms.

If the patient has a catarrhal phenomena (coughing, runny nose, sneezing), it can transmit the infection to healthy person through airborne droplets. But as enteroviruses are actively multiplying in the gut, the same person can also transmit the infection by contact - via contaminated faeces hands and objects. If the only manifestation of the disease is enteritis, the most likely route of transmission is contact only. Enteroviral meningitis patient nature can transmit infection as droplets, and by contact.

Enterovirus infection often causes outbreaks, while the outbreak of SARS or a mild form of intestinal infection can pass unnoticed, while the outbreak of enterovirus meningitis forced to take emergency measures to prevent the spread of the disease. Ill serous meningitis, mostly children of all ages, adolescents and young adults. However, people can get sick of any age.


As shown

The incubation period of the disease (time from infection until the first signs of it) - from 2 to 12 days. The first signs may be catarrhal phenomena (cough, runny nose), diarrhea or directly signs of meningitis Symptoms of meningitis - cerebral symptoms  Symptoms of meningitis - cerebral symptoms

In any case, aseptic meningitis Serous meningitis - a consequence of serious infection  Serous meningitis - a consequence of serious infection
 Caused by enterovirus infection begins acutely, with a sharp rise in temperature, severe headache and vomiting. Vomiting can be single, fountain, but can also take the indomitable character of that young children quickly leads to dehydration.

Meningeal symptoms may appear in the first or second day of the disease. The reason for their appearance is the increased muscle tone throughout the body. A child receives a characteristic meningeal posture: head thrown back, the body is stretched, stomach in ("scaphoid"), his hands pressed against his chest, and legs bent at the knees and pressed against his stomach.

Characterized by rigidity (stiffness) of the occipital muscles, due to which the patient throws back his head and can not press your chin to your chest. It revealed a number of other characteristic symptoms.

The temperature is held for three to ten days, and then decreases rapidly and the child begins to recover. As a rule, timely hospitalization of aseptic meningitis and rarely ends happily leaves behind consequences. The only consequence of serous meningitis is a fatigue that lasts up to six months, and manifests as weakness, fatigue, irritability and poor concentration.


Diagnosis and treatment

First aid for aseptic meningitis is a spinal (cerebral spinal) puncture, which is both a diagnostic procedure. During the puncture is a puncture spinal membranes and taken a certain amount of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid). The child immediately feels relieved.

During sampling the liquor the doctor pays attention to the pressure at which it comes out: for all meningitis is characterized by increased intracranial pressure. In the study of cerebrospinal fluid revealed lymphocytic pleocytosis - increasing the number of cellular elements by lymphocytes - a sign, characteristic of viral meningitis.

The patient was prescribed diuretics (they help to reduce intracranial pressure), and drugs that remove toxicity.

Enterovirus meningitis requires immediate hospitalization.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of meningitis
