- Medullary thyroid cancer: identification of disease
- Treatment
Treatment of medullary thyroid cancer
Surgical methods
If the tumor is localized in one lobe of the thyroid gland, a doctor can prescribe the removal of only one lobe. If the tumor is large and pressed on the trachea and esophagus, the task of the operation - to remove all tumor tissue, and this usually requires total or subtotal thyroidectomy (sometimes quite lobectomy - removal of one lobe of the thyroid gland).
Most experts in the treatment of medullary thyroid cancer recommend a complete removal of the prostate. A less aggressive approach is possible for small tumors.
Patients with high-papillary or follicular thyroid cancer
Follicular thyroid cancer: no one is safe
You may also need dissection of the lymph nodes in the neck and / or chest. This is an extensive operation, but it is prescribed to most patients with thyroid cancer.
Partial lobectomy - the removal of the thyroid lobe. For the treatment of medullary thyroid cancer surgery of this type is not practically used.
Lobectomy - the removal of thyroid lobe. Typically, it is the least invasive surgery, which can be used in the treatment of cancer. One lobe of the thyroid gland was removed if the tumor is very small and no metastases.
- Lobectomy and resection of the isthmus of the thyroid gland
During the operation, remove one lobe of the thyroid gland and isthmus (part of the gland, which connects two parts). Used to remove non-aggressive tumors are small.
Subtotal thyroidectomy involves removal of the entire "problem" of the thyroid gland with the isthmus and most of the other shares. It is also used to treat a relatively small tumors.
As the name suggests, in the course of this operation, the thyroid gland is completely removed. Total thyroidectomy is most commonly used in the treatment of various types of medullary thyroid cancer.
Surgical Technique
The length of a standard incision, which is made in the neck for thyroid surgery - from 10 to 12.7 cm, although many surgeons today operate through incisions about 8 cm long.
Excision is in the lower part of the neck and the skin at this site usually heals very well.
Once the incision is made, the surgeon removes all of the thyroid gland, or a portion thereof. He observes the utmost caution so as not to hurt the laryngeal nerves that are located behind the thyroid gland and are responsible for the movement of the vocal cords. Nerve damage can lead to what would hoarse voice - usually temporary, but in some cases it becomes a permanent hoarseness. Generally, damage to the laryngeal nerve - a rare complication of total thyroidectomy (occurs in 1-2% of patients), but serious.
Another complication of thyroid surgery
The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
(although very rare) - hyperparathyroidism. It can develop in the case of damage to all four parathyroid glands located near the thyroid gland. The slightest chance of damage to these glands only exists in two types of operations - subtotal and total thyroidectomy. While the consequences of such injuries can be serious, that risk may outweigh the benefits that will thyroidectomy in medullary thyroid cancer.
Perfusion larynx and parathyroid glands is on the same blood vessels. During the operation, the surgeon is necessary to maintain the flow of blood to them; this is usually not a problem, but sometimes there are difficulties with this. In this case, the surgeon usually implant parathyroid glands in the neck muscle. There she survives well and soon starts to function normally.
What about radioactive iodine therapy?
In the treatment of most types of thyroid cancer using radioactive iodine, but the medullar cancer is not the case. Patients with other types of thyroid cancers, radioactive iodine is given after thyroidectomy to destroy the remaining cancer cells. The cells that produce thyroid hormones - the only ones capable of absorbing iodine including radioactive, so this kind of treatment is very effective.
However, the cells form tumors in medullary thyroid cancer, do not produce thyroid hormones. Patients with medullary thyroid cancer are malignant parafollicular cells. They are part of the thyroid gland, but do not produce thyroid hormones
Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
Therefore they are not able to absorb iodine, and for this reason the radioactive iodine to them has no effect.
The effectiveness of the treatment of medullary thyroid cancer
The earlier diagnosed with medullary thyroid cancer, the more favorable prognosis. If the cancer is at the time of diagnosis had not spread to the lymph nodes, the chances of complete recovery are very high.
Most experts agree that the treatment of medullary thyroid cancer should be aggressive. Therefore, in most cases, treatment is elected by total thyroidectomy combined with lymph node dissection.
In addition to regular follow-up after treatment of all cancer patients who have had medullary thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer: it is curable
Shall once a year to do chest X-ray and to donate blood for the analysis of the level of calcitonin. Since no one other cell in the body except parafollyakulyarnyh not produce this hormone, increase its level is an accurate indicator of recurrence of medullary thyroid cancer.
At best, during thyroidectomy it will remove all thyroid tissue and lymph nodes in the neck - then after the surgery calcitonin level is zero. In many cases, however, the blood will still contain calcitonin, but its level will be lower than before the surgery. When the level starts to rise, it will be a signal that the patient develops recurrent cancer.
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