Dicynonum - pills help to reduce bleeding

October 7th, 2012

 Dicynonum pills
 Tablets Dicynonum used in part is not too much blood loss, and increased bleeding. This is quite effective and not toxic drug, which is usually well tolerated by patients, including children. Most often prescribe pills Dicynonum gynecological diseases, which are accompanied by uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach

 Dicynonum - pills help to reduce bleeding

How does Dicynonum tablets

Dicynonum - a drug that strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents bleeding. Active ingredient in the tablets is Dicynonum etamzilat. The composition of the excipients include lactose (60.5 mg per tablet - lactose daily dose should not exceed 5 g).

When receiving Dicynonum oral tablets it rapidly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and begins to act. The maximum effect is achieved after four hours, the effect lasts for up to eight hours.

Once in the blood, Dicynonum operates mainly in the walls of blood vessels, it strengthens them, reduces the permeability. If there is any defect in the vessel wall, Dicynonum stimulates the production of blood clotting factors and platelets.

It also activates platelet adhesion (sticking to the walls of the vessel) - so "darn" defect of the mucous membrane of the vessel.

When bleeding Dicynonum encourages the inclusion of the physiological process of improvement of blood clotting, which contributes to its gradual stop. Tablets Dicynonum used to reduce small but systematically occurring blood loss, such as blood loss, gynecological diseases, nosebleeds and so on. In severe bleeding or bleeding from internal organs are usually used parenterally (by injection) administration of the drug.

 Dicynonum - pills help to reduce bleeding

To appoint

Tablets Dicynonum often are part of the complex treatment of hemorrhagic diathesis - diseases that are accompanied by increased bleeding. Hemorrhagic diathesis are hereditary diseases which are due to properties of blood clotting disorders or defects in the structure of the vascular wall. In some cases develop hemorrhagic syndrome secondary to a variety of diseases of the blood and blood vessels. Tablets Dicynonum in this case administered in a dose which depends on the patient and his weight. The average is one or two tablets three or four times per day. For children Dicynonum dose per day is 10-15 mg per kg of body weight, it is divided into three or four reception.

Very often pills Dicynonum used in gynecological practice in menorrhagia (heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding) and metrorrhagia (intermenstrual bleeding). Gynecologic bleeding in most cases are associated with hormonal disorders, the use of intrauterine contraceptive endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
   (the growth areas in the lining of the uterus to other organs), fibroid uterus, and so on. Regular blood loss in this case may result in iron deficiency anemia. Dicynonum as part of an integrated treatment of gynecological diseases can cope with this problem. Menorrhagia Dicynonum appoint three or four tablets a day, starting from the fifth day of menstruation and the fifth day of the next menstrual cycle.

Tablets Dicynonum also used for moderate bleeding in the postoperative period after operations on the upper respiratory tract, eyes, after urological, gynecological surgery and so on.

In this case, it is administered by one or two tablets every six hours until the disappearance of the threat of bleeding.

At moderate bleeding from internal organs, arising, for example, acute gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, tuberculosis of the lungs and so on, Dicynonum tablets necessarily a part of the comprehensive treatment. It is used by two tablets a day for 5-10 days if required continued treatment, the dose Dicynonum reduced.

When violations on the part of the capillaries in diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   Dicynonum administered in small doses, long courses: for half a tablet twice a day for up to three months.

 Dicynonum - pills help to reduce bleeding

When the pills are contraindicated Dicynonum

Pills Dicynonum contraindicated in hypersensitive to the components of the drug (including the glucose intolerance), deficiency of lactase (the enzyme to decompose milk sugar lactose), malabsorption of simple sugars in the small intestine, some types of cancer in children, acute porphyria, thromboembolism , feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice

 Dicynonum - pills help to reduce bleeding

Side effects

Dicynonum not toxic and its reception in the dosage form in form of tablets are usually well tolerated. But in some cases, can have side effects such as headaches, dizziness, feeling in his legs, heartburn, nausea, heavy stomach, reduction in systolic (upper) blood pressure, skin redness, allergies.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Dicynonum

Dicynonum - side effects are rare

October 21, 2012

 Dicynonum side effects
 Dicynonum can quickly arrest the bleeding, without causing any discomfort or side effects. Contraindications for use of this drug a little bit. Such action Dicynonum Dicynonum - help with bleeding and increased bleeding  Dicynonum - help with bleeding and increased bleeding
   allows its use in the treatment of many diseases such as in an emergency or in a planned manner.

 Dicynonum - side effects are rare

How does it, and under what conditions apply Dicynonum

Dicynonum has a hemostatic (hemostatic), warning bleeding (Antihemorrhagic), strengthens the walls of blood vessels (angio) and promotes activation of platelet function (proagregantnoe) action.

Dicynonum activates physiological blood clotting mechanisms - the rate of initial clot formation and hardening, reduces bleeding, formation of thromboplastin in place of damage to small blood vessels, platelet and their exit from the bone marrow, platelet activity, their ability to adhere (stick to the walls of blood vessels) and aggregation (cluster in a given location). Dicynonum restores the normal permeability of vascular walls, reduces their brittleness, improves blood flow through the capillaries. Dicynonum This does not affect the blood coagulation system in their normal state.

Apply Dicynonum a variety of diseases, which are accompanied by bleeding or bleeding disorders. In addition, it is used to prevent capillary bleeding during surgery.

 Dicynonum - side effects are rare

What side effects may have Dicynonum

Dicynonum in most cases well tolerated and some manufacturers in the instructions accompanying the drug note that this drug does not give any side effects, except for allergies. More conscientious manufacturers indicate instructions rarely theoretically possible side effects.

These side effects of the central and peripheral nervous system include headache, dizziness, paresthesia of the lower limbs. Under paresthesias understand sensory disturbances in the form of numbness, tingling, crawling "chills" through the body, and so on. In applying Dicynonum paresthesia caused by temporary disturbance of blood supply to the limbs, leading to a change of nerve impulses.

Adverse effects when applied Dicynonum may arise from the gastrointestinal tract. Poor circulation in the walls of the stomach can cause nausea, heaviness in the stomach. It is also possible the appearance of heartburn.

On the part of the cardiovascular system may decrease in systolic (upper) and pulse (the difference between the upper and lower) blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 . Under reduced pressure, pulsatile blood pumping heart muscle, and weakly in brain tissue with an inadequate supply of nutrients and oxygen, which can cause dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Nausea and fainting. But when applying Dicynonum is very rare. Sometimes after intravenous or intramuscular administration Dicynonum appears redness of the face, which is associated with the rapid improvement of blood circulation in small blood vessels of the skin.

Allergic reactions while taking Dicynonum tablets appear as an itchy skin rash, urticaria and very rarely - angioedema (swelling of subcutaneous fat tissue with the transition to possible violations of the larynx and respiratory). When administered intramuscularly Dicynonum especially intravenously allergic reactions may be more severe and rapidly evolving nature. An example of such a reaction may be anaphylactic shock. Starts anaphylactic shock with sudden appearance of swelling at the site of injection. It may then fall sharply arterial pressure, causing the patient loses consciousness. Sometimes also develop laryngeal edema and bronchospasm. If you suspect anaphylaxis need to call an ambulance. But Dicynonum by injection is administered only on the basis of medical institutions where patients are required to provide timely assistance.

 Dicynonum - side effects are rare

In what cases can not be used Dicynonum

First, the drug must not be used in the propensity of the patient to thromboembolism, even if such phenomena were in the past. Thrombophlebitis are also contraindicated for use Dicynonum. The fact is that if a person's blood coagulation disorders have, Dicynonum they can dramatically enhance and contribute to increased thrombosis. Pathologic tendency to thrombosis is very dangerous because it can cause severe disruption to the internal organs, such as heart disease (blockage of a blood clot coronary artery will lead to myocardial infarction), brain (blockage of an artery that carries blood to the brain, lead to ischemic stroke), and so hereinafter.

In addition, Dicynonum contraindicated during breast Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast, pigment metabolism disorders (porphyria), some cancers in children and hypersensitivity to the components of this drug.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Dicynonum
