The opinion of the person of other people based on the observation of his behavior and speech. On this basis the judge of how this person is adequate environment. The process of thinking - is the inner world of man and the process of cognition, and hence thinking generates all conscious human activity.

What is the thinking types of disorders of thought
Thinking - a person's ability to separate specific images and concepts from abstract (abstract) concepts and categories, the ability not only to perceive (see, hear, feel), but also to understand what was going on. The basis of thinking are accumulated perceptions and ideas in the form of images and verbal symbols - they are part of the thinking process.
The idea - a complex generalized reflection of reality with certain motifs. That is the motive causes intent (thoughts), which is then converted into the internal first, and then the outer speech. This whole process is complex internal mechanisms by which the plan is converted to speech, there is recognition and understanding of another's speech, the appearance of his own thoughts in response to someone else's. Any violation of these complex schemes cause disturbances of the thinking process.
Thought disorders characterized by great diversity and complexity. And since thought is inextricably linked with speech, thought disorder detected by examining oral and written speech, the adequacy of implementation of some of the tests, as well as the adequacy of human behavior in various situations.
There are three large groups of disorders of thinking: a violation of the operating side of thinking (the process of generalization), violation of the dynamics (logical course) thinking and violation of motivational component (focus) thinking.

Violation of the operating side of thinking
Violation of the process of generalization is that the level of the process is reduced or distorted. By reducing the level of generalization in patients judgments prevail direct representations of objects and phenomena. Handling general signs replaced establishing highly specific relationship between objects. When performing the test, these patients are not able to take away from all kinds of signs, those that are most significant and generalizing. For example, they do not understand the difference between a dog and sheep, between the table and dish.
When distortion of the process of consolidating judgments reflect only the occasional side effects. When you stand the test of private property signs and do not reflect the effects of any content or semantic relationships between them. Most of these are thought disorder in patients with schizophrenia, but may also occur in other diseases.

Violations of the dynamics of thinking
In patients with epilepsy, and patients with severe long-term consequences of brain injuries are identified violations of the dynamics of intellectual activities that are referred to psychiatry the term "viscosity". Patients can not change the way of his work, the course of judgment, to switch from one activity to another. These patients also found the slowness, stiffness intellectual processes.
In patients with manic-depressive psychosis
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there is another type of violation of the dynamics of thinking - labile or unstable. It is characterized by instability of the intellectual processes. Patients can not consistently long reason, despite the fact that the level of abstraction they have not reduced. However, any idea emerged, said the association is reflected in the speech of the patient. There is a violation of the logical course of the argument in the form of jumps of ideas - the patient constantly jumps from one thought to another.
Patients with schizophrenia acceleration or deceleration of thinking is often combined with a sense of navyazannosti thoughts from the outside or on the contrary, forced stop, withdrawal of thoughts.

Violation of the motivational component (focus) thinking
It is a violation of the regulatory function of thinking, critical, such as fragmentation of thinking (loss of communication between the various concepts, judgments, whereby it makes no sense while preserving grammatical structure), logic-chopping (empty disembodied reasoning does not follow from the real facts), circumstantial speech (slowing the transition from one thought to another, getting stuck on the details and the loss of the ultimate goal of the conversation).
In these disorders in patients lost an objective knowledge of phenomena, whereby he develops his own view of the world in the form of obsessions, overvalued ideas and delusions of various kinds
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Intrusive thoughts (obsessions) - it is thought that arise spontaneously and are alien to the content of consciousness at the moment, they are often combined with obsessive fears. The patient is usually aware of this painful phenomenon, but could not overcome it.
Overvalued ideas - a belief that arose as a result of real-life circumstances, but for a patient with inadequate important. Overvalued ideas are usually fully capture patient. There are often overvalued ideas of jealousy
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, The struggle for justice.
Brad - is false reasoning and judgment, do not comply with reality. Delirium occurs in a variety of mental disorders
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and the patient does not feel his pain, that is not a criticism to his condition.
Normally, the thought always precedes action - it gives the effect of meaning and purpose.
Galina Romanenko