Mental Disorders - when life is fun
December 30, 2013
- Mental Disorders - when life is fun
- The most famous
Mental Disorders can make life unbearable. There are many disorders - like those with which people can lead an almost normal life, and those that cause serious behavioral and cognitive disorders.
- Anxiety disorders. For these categories of mental disorders characterized by inadequate response to conventional situations or objects: under certain circumstances a person experiences intense fear, nervousness, it is accompanied by an increase in heart rate and heavy sweating. Generally, anxiety disorders are diagnosed when a person can not control his reactions to certain situations and, if anxiety
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It interferes with its normal functioning. Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder
Panic disorder - learn to not be afraid of problems
And specific phobias, for example, social phobia.
- Affective disorders. This type of mental disorders include depression, mania, bipolar disorder. For all of these disorders are characterized by persistent mood changes, for example, patients may experience a permanent depression, or experience sharp fluctuations in emotional state.
- Psychotic disorders. So is a group of disorders in which the violations are related to a distorted perception of reality. The most common and well-known symptoms of psychotic disorders are hallucinations - the perception of non-existing images, and delirium - a condition in which a person possession of false beliefs, and he becomes unable to be aware of reality. One of psychotic disorder is schizophrenia.
- Eating disorders are associated with man's relation to his own body weight and food. They usually develop because of compulsion to conform to socially accepted standards of beauty, but they may have other causes. The most common are eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa
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and bulimia.
- Impulse control disorders and addiction. People suffering from these disorders, can not control their impulses, even if it harms them themselves and / or the people around them. Pyromania, kleptomania and gambling
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- Are just some of these mental disorders. These disorders can be attributed, and dependence on alcohol and drugs, although of great importance, and physical aspects of these infringements. Disorders of impulse control often leads to the fact that a person begins to ignore their responsibilities (work and home), neglect the loved ones that entails psychological, social, and other problems.
- Personality disorders. People with these disorders are personality traits that do not comply with existing social norms, and cause distress in the patient and / or lead to problems at work, in relationships with family members and friends. Behavior and thinking of such people differ markedly from the norm, and it can interfere with the normal functioning of the person. Examples of such disorders are antisocial personality disorder and paranoid personality disorder.
- Acute stress reaction - a mental disorder that develops in generally healthy people. The causes of this disorder can be a natural disaster such as an earthquake or hurricane, a serious illness or injury, a violent crime against the person, divorce, dismissal, death of a loved one. Acute stress reaction does not develop in all people, and is an atypical reaction to stressful situations. Usually, the symptoms of this disorder appear within three months after the event took place, caused by stress, and disappear, on average, six months later.
- Dissociative disorders. In patients suffering from mental disorders of this type have severe disorders or memory changes, identity awareness. Typically, these disorders are associated with high stress, which could be a result of heavy man migrated events. Dissociative identity disorder, which is sometimes also referred to as splitting or split personality - it is one of the diseases of this category.
- Simulative disorder - so the condition in which the patient mimics the symptoms of mental or physical illnesses to be in the position of a person in need of assistance.
- Sexual and gender disorders affect sexual behavior and preferences, and are not gender identity. These disorders are gender dysphoria and sexual deviation.
- Psychosomatic diseases - disorders in which physical symptoms occur under the influence of psychological factors. However, doctors can not detect a pathology that could cause such symptoms.
- Tics - involuntary contraction of one or more muscles that are often the result of trauma. It can grow in both children (most frequently in boys) and adults.
Paranoia - explicit symptoms are not observed
December 29, 2013
Paranoia or paranoid personality disorder - a disorder which is characterized by a very strange, eccentric behavior. Paranoia is also called a symptom characteristic of this and several other disorders. In general paranoia - a baseless suspicion and distrust, which can cause intense fear and influence the person's behavior and his attitude towards others.

Symptoms of paranoid personality disorder
People with this disorder are always on the alert, because we are convinced that the people around constantly trying to order or otherwise harm them. In most cases, such suspicions are without good reason. Main characteristics of people suffering from paranoia:
- They doubt that other people love them, that they can be trusted, and at the same time believe that almost everyone wants to use or to deceive them;
- They can not rely on another person to entrust him with any information of a personal nature, because they believe that it will be used against them;
- The tendency of harboring a grudge and inability to forgive;
- Increased sensitivity to criticism;
- They see hidden meanings in innocent remarks or opinions of others;
- Fast and aggressive reaction to the remarks in his address;
- The tendency constantly suspect their partners of infidelity;
- Inability to see the fault in the arisen problem or conflict and an absolute belief in the rightness of its own;
- Detachment and coldness in relations with people;
- Tendency to controlling behavior and jealousy;
- The hostility, stubbornness, tendency to dispute.

It is believed that paranoid personality disorder is caused by a combination of several biological and psychological factors. The fact that it is more common in people whose close relatives of patients with schizophrenia, suggesting that between these two disorders are genetically related. The experience gained in early childhood, including physical and emotional trauma, presumably, too, can play a role in the development of this disorder.

If you suspect that paranoia should consult your doctor (or do it to convince a loved one who has symptoms of paranoia). Because the people themselves, paranoid, generally do not seek help because they think that they were all right, in most cases it is necessary to interfere with close people.
The doctor will examine the patient's medical history and do an exam to rule out physical illness, which can cause paranoia. If these diseases are not detected, it can refer the patient to a psychiatrist, who, using special techniques, paranoid personality disorder diagnoses.

As a rule, for the treatment of paranoid personality disorder is only psychotherapy - with the help of the patient can gradually improve their self-esteem, social interaction skills, and learn to cope with their own negative emotions
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Since the trust between doctor and patient is essential for effective treatment therapy for patients with paranoia it is often extremely difficult, as they tend not to trust anyone else. For this reason, many patients do not follow the treatment plan - especially the first course of therapy, and may take more time than many other mental disorders
Mental Disorders - when life is fun
Medications, such as antidepressants or anti-psychotic drugs are used only in cases where the paranoid personality disorder causes very severe symptoms, or if the patient is suffering from other psychological problems such as anxiety
Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
or depression.

Complications and prognosis
Paranoia adversely affects a person's ability to create and maintain relationships, and successfully work or study. Some people suffering from paranoid personality disorder, it is possible to maintain the marriage and to work normally, but many of them due to illness does not work neither one nor the other. In addition, often these patients have problems with the law - for example, they can sue someone for alleged harassment, or face court for false accusation of someone's address. Thus, a person has to fight not only the disease but also to the consequences of their own behavior.
Since many people suffering from paranoia, resisting treatment, the prognosis is often unfavorable. To achieve recovery, the doctor has to make a lot of effort, but the patient must cooperate with him, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. In any case, for quick results in the treatment of paranoid personality disorder not count.

Other causes paranoia
In addition to the paranoid personality disorder, paranoia can cause:
- Alzheimer's disease - are often suspicious of people with dementia have strongly expressed, which was the result of the disease;
- Alcoholism - usually in the later stages;
- Anxiety disorder;
- Bipolar disorder;
- Borderline personality disorder;
- Some brain tumors;
- Depression;
- Drug abuse - this may lead to severe paranoia even in adolescents;
- Parkinson's disease;
- Multiple sclerosis;
- Panic attacks;
- Psychosis;
- Post traumatic stress disorder;
- Stroke;
- Schizophrenia;
- Strong and / or chronic stress
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- Transient ischemic attack.