7 surprising facts about future fathers

September 27, 2011

 future father
 Most women, after learning about the pregnancy, have at least a minimal idea of ​​what to expect over the next few months. They know about the hormonal swings, how to change their body, about morning sickness, irrepressible appetite and other "charms" waiting child. But in what position is the future father, watching with horror as his second half of the growing belly? If he bends the role of mere spectators, whose participation is limited support as it seems at first sight? Not at all.

According to psychiatrists, men experience pregnancy of his girlfriend is much stronger than we can imagine. Studies confirm our long-held suspicion: because of the structure of the brain and hormones men see the world very differently than women. All stages of the life cycle of men experience different. And it turns out that in the first nine months of waiting for a child, when all the attention is given to the expectant mother, future father does not relax. The transformation of a man not burdened with family, his father gives him a very, very difficult, both emotionally and physically. New data about the features of the brain expectant fathers have given us the opportunity to unexpected conclusions about what to expect from your partner when you are expecting a baby.

 7 surprising facts about future fathers

He becomes irritable

Your man was beside himself with joy when he learned that to be a father, but his enthusiasm soon gave way to gloomy irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 . Thankfully, this is temporary: Observation psychologists, expectant fathers have a feeling of anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
   irritability, and reaches a peak of about eight to ten weeks of pregnancy their girlfriends .  Why is that? Because the woman unaware of her pregnancy, long before her suspicions are confirmed, ie it has the time for psychological adjustment, some handicap compared with men who also takes time (about a month and a half) to realize a father and adapt to new roles .  Women of childbearing age, especially ready-to-conceive unconsciously note any signs of pregnancy, as focused, tuned to the birth of a child .  They regularly check the chest - if not increase breast in size, did not you more sensitive - try not to eat unhealthy foods, abstain from alcohol and trying to get rid of other bad habits - "just in case" .  So by the time their expectations are confirmed, the woman is already psychologically ready to become a mother, and a man in this respect, a number of "lags" .  This is a huge change in her life, and it is natural that the initial euphoria of a man is often replaced by irritability (an expression of fears and anxieties), because he was in a situation that no longer controls .  But these feelings are gradually subsided when normal hormonal .  Yes, the future father also jump hormones .

 7 surprising facts about future fathers

His mood changed a hundred times a day

Surprisingly, it appears that hormonal changes not only the expectant mother. Science has long known that during pregnancy the hormone levels of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and progesterone in women increased by almost three times, but, as recently discovered, hormonal imbalance occurs and the man - the father of the child. Through the sweat glands expectant mother highlighted pheromones Pheromones - the road to the heart of a loved one is through the nose  Pheromones - the road to the heart of a loved one is through the nose
 Under the action of which the male is reduced production of the male hormone testosterone and increases the production of the "mother" of the hormone prolactin. This hormone "carousel" promotes paternal instincts of men. In fact, in his brain occur the same changes as in puberty, when he turned from a boy into a man. This is a slow and very emotional and costly process, so be patient.

 7 surprising facts about future fathers

He is gaining weight

You've heard that men often gain weight from the subconscious of solidarity with pregnant girlfriend, but it happens that the future father really feels the most important symptoms of pregnancy. This phenomenon is known in medicine as couvade syndrome (from the French couver - «hatch") or the syndrome of empathy. Usually, the first signs of couvade syndrome appear at the end of the first trimester and may persist throughout the pregnancy. In addition to weight gain, expectant fathers have celebrated, and other unpleasant symptoms such as morning sickness and vomiting.

 7 surprising facts about future fathers

He settles family nest

If your man was economic and to your pregnancy, after its onset it will turn into a real hen. As future mothers, future fathers thoroughly preparing for the birth of a child, furnished family home. But before the man, as you know, is a global task: he must not only "a son", but also "to build a house and plant a tree." For a woman, a child - is a charming creature that needs to be fed and clothed in beautiful clothes. For a man, a child - a kind of successor, it is necessary to protect and provide everything you need, whether it's a new car, or a family-type stroller.

 7 surprising facts about future fathers

His acute hearing

Maybe he listens to you with half an ear, but it is worth to mention in conversation the child as his attention immediately switched to you. Furthermore, his hearing is preparing for upcoming changes, "tuning" the cry of the baby, because the mother can not be with the baby all the time, and, therefore, will have to monitor the child and the man. This is another trick of Mother Nature, laid in the genes - man instinctively cares for his child as a successor of sorts. While young mothers ears still thinner than younger fathers, men are psychologically prepared to hear a baby cry and react to it.

 7 surprising facts about future fathers

He shows love for unborn child

Although men do not have a physical connection with the unborn child, he is preparing for a biological indissoluble bond that occurs when the baby is born, and in a hurry to show their love. The future father exacerbated not only hearing but also all the other senses, as if he were re-experiencing romantic love, but this time it is not the object of a woman and a son or daughter. This sensitivity is even before the birth of the baby, but spills tenderness, when a man first takes the hand of his child. It turns out, observation of the child can absorb a man just like watching a football match.

 7 surprising facts about future fathers

He "set" in the child's biorhythm

Match biorhythms of mother and child does not surprise anyone, but studies show that the father also "tuned" to the wave of their offspring. To verify this, the woman quite a bit to ease control of the situation and allow a man to look after their own child. One thing is when the newly engaged father a child under the watchful eyes of a woman, and quite another - when he is alone with a child. In this case, it behaves differently, more freely, which, according to psychologists, a beneficial effect on a child's development.

Article Tags:
  • male psychology
