Nimesil most often used for pain. This can be joint pain
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In the spine, in the ear, toothache or pain during menstruation. In all these cases nemisil bring relief to the patient. It is also a new generation of drug that does not cause stomach irritation.
Nimesil refers to a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which have analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. The name of this group received the drug because of its anti-inflammatory effects, they are similar to steroid hormonal drugs, but as a typical steroid structure they do not, they became known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Origin nimesil
First of NSAIDs is considered to acetylsalicylic acid, which was opened more than a hundred years ago. After that, there was still plenty of drugs in this group, some of them better relieves inflammation and pain, while others were used as a fever-reducing medicine. But all NSAIDs early period there was one major drawback: they greatly irritate the stomach lining. And since they take in some diseases accounted for a very long time, the patients developed gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
But the pharmaceutical industry has coped with this task. It was found that in humans there is the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), which is divided into two types: COX-I and COX-II. The main function of COX I - protection of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, and COX-II - the development of inflammatory reactions. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit the action of COX as a whole, and at first could not manage to create a drug that inhibits the activity would only COX II.
Yet such a drug was able to do, he has gained international name nimesulide. Today is available for several different preparations of NSAIDs, can inhibit only COX II. The German pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie produces nimesulide under its own name nimesil.
Application nimesil
Nimesil used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent mainly in various diseases of the joints and spine. It is used in such cases is very long, sometimes for life, so it is important that the drug had as little as possible side effects. Unfortunately, completely separate the effect on COX-I and COX-II failed, yet the two parts of the same enzyme. Therefore, some irritation of the gastric mucosa with prolonged use is still present. Nemisil also has a toxic effect on the liver, so it is not recommended for use with other hepatotoxic drugs, and alcohol.
As nimesil anesthetic used in dental pain, ear pain, painful menstruation, pain from injuries and bruises, in the postoperative period after various operations.
Available nimesil in paper bags, which is not powder and fine granules. Accept it after a meal, dissolving in half a glass of water.
Contraindications nimesil
The main contraindications for receiving nimesil are serious diseases of internal organs (especially the cardiovascular system, kidney, liver), bleeding tendency, including the reduction of blood clotting, allergic reactions and the idiosyncrasy of other drugs NSAIDs, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative processes in the gut, alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse
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, Children under twelve years of age, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Side effects nimesil not too pronounced and occur rarely. The main side effects are detrimental effect on hematopoiesis (reducing the number of erythrocytes, platelets and increase the number of eosinophils) - this may lead to anemia, bleeding and allergic mood of the organism. Allergic reactions are rare, but can be from mild (slight skin rash), and severe (anaphylactic shock). Sometimes nimesil can cause disruption of the central nervous system, which is manifested by drowsiness, headaches, constant anxiety, headache. There may also be palpitations and high blood pressure.
From the side of gastrointestinal side effects are also rare, but nevertheless there is nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, abdominal pain
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, Very rarely - gastrointestinal bleeding ulcer in the stomach or intestines, liver toxicity and kidney. Sometimes, while taking nimesil noted the appearance of a lower body temperature
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and weakness.
Nimesil - quality analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.
Galina Romanenko