- Secrets of female sexuality: working on success
- Trial and error
- After childbirth
- Premenstrual syndrome
- love myself
Premenstrual syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome - a huge problem for many women, and most doctors agree that PMS affects women and sex hormones, as a result, her sexual desire.
According to one theory, premenstrual syndrome is associated with fluctuations in levels of the hormone progesterone. As we already know, progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
- One of the major female sex hormone, and its level increases significantly in the second half of the cycle, just before the start of menstruation.
Some experts believe that libido problems arise when the progesterone level is not high enough. However, PMS is not a gradual change in the level of progesterone, and the results of clinical trials do not allow an unambiguous conclusion.
Nevertheless, many gynecologists prescribe their patients progestogens - a synthetic form of progesterone, although there is no conclusive physiological justification for such treatment. Unfortunately, progesterone is not effective when administered orally, and used in the form of rectal suppository that is large enough not all women.
Low sexual desire or no menstruation before - just one of the many problems faced by women with PMS. By the way, there is evidence that if a woman still making love at this time, even without being a great desire, her health will improve, because sex helps to relax and relieve tension.
Follow the diet
Also, nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of loss of desire. At the disposal of contemporary women are many alternatives to prevent loss of libido before menstruation. In the West, many health food stores offer supplements that can actually help to increase sexual desire. This method of neutralizing the "side effects" of premenstrual syndrome was discovered almost by accident, when it was revealed that the dietary food with mineral additives not only eases PMS, but also increases the libido.
It is appropriate to mention phytoestrogens (naturally occurring estrogens). In the last ten years there has been a surge of interest in phytoestrogens, especially in the context of the treatment of menopause. Perhaps it is sufficient to change the diet, include more natural estrogens of plant origin, to improve the overall health and increase sexual desire before menopause. However, some experts believe that premenstrual syndrome occurs due to a lack of progesterone, while, according to many women receiving estrogen herbal preparations
Estrogen - the key to bone health
For example, red clover helps to reduce the symptoms of PMS.
Does this mean that premenstrual syndrome is not associated with low levels of progesterone, and is caused by a critical decrease in estrogen levels before menstruation? It seems the answer is nobody knows.
About hormone levels during menopause is known more, although much of the data are contradictory. Also, doctors pay little attention to such "trifles", as a loss of sexual desire. They are much more interested in how to prevent bone loss and heart disease. The situation is complicated by the side effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). In 2002-2005, it was found out that the effects and side effects of hormone replacement therapy is much more used to be considered.
As hormone therapy affects the sex? According to experts, HRT allows women to feel much healthier and more energetic, which increases her sexual desire.
Many women during menopause are experimenting with food, enriching the diet of foods high in estrogen and food additives
Food additives - basic classification
(soy and red clover). One of the main advantages of this dietetic foods is that it enhances the production of natural lubrication in the vagina. Although vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness: Causes and Symptoms
can not be considered an indicator of the loss of sexual desire, sex becomes uncomfortable for women because of what she may lose interest in him.
So, whether the loss of sexual desire caused by hormones? There is no consensus on this account does not exist: many doctors and scientists believe that increased levels of testosterone in the blood can increase sexual desire and "cure" from the loss of libido, but there are other points of view. One thing is clear: there are several ways to resolve this common problem, and only you can decide which one is right for you.