Vaginitis in women - one of the most frequent diseases

April 5, 2013

 vaginitis in women
 Vaginitis in women - a disease that can occur chronically unnoticed for years, but can - sharply, bringing the woman a lot of discomfort. But acute vaginitis almost always causes a woman to seek medical care and well cured, whereas chronic vaginitis Chronic vaginitis - a long course of the disease, and inconspicuous  Chronic vaginitis - a long course of the disease, and inconspicuous
   often goes untreated and gives complications.

 Vaginitis in women - one of the most frequent diseases

Why start vaginitis and that contributes to its development

Vaginitis - an inflammation of the vaginal walls, a disease caused by infectious agents may be bacterial, viral, fungal origin, as well as protozoa.

Many types of bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) cause vaginitis, are difficult to distinguish from each other without laboratory tests. These are called nonspecific bacterial vaginitis.

At the same time, there are micro-organisms that cause vaginitis with signs of the most unique to this pathogen. These are called specific vaginitis. These include gonococcal, Trichomonas, fungal, viral, chlamydial, mycoplasmal, ureaplazmennogo vaginitis.

To start the inflammatory process in vaginal infection is sometimes one is not enough, predisposing factors - the state of the body, which promotes the introduction of infection into the body .  These predisposing factors may be a violation of hormonal background (female sex hormones contribute to cleanse the vagina), failure to comply with personal and sexual hygiene, anatomical defects of the external genitalia (gaping gender gap, the omission of the vaginal walls, etc.), reduction of the general or local immunity (against a background of long-term occurring chronic diseases of internal organs or long-term use of antibiotics), various chemical impacts (frequent douching with antibacterial solutions, long-term use local contraceptives), mechanical effects (sexual excesses), physical effects (eg, background radiation therapy for cancer of genitals) and so on .

 Vaginitis in women - one of the most frequent diseases

What are the symptoms of vaginitis in women

Depending on what was the cause of the disease it is manifested in different ways. Nevertheless, there are common manifestation of acute vaginitis Acute vaginitis - the most common disease in women  Acute vaginitis - the most common disease in women
   - A pain, burning, itching and vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
   (whites). Almost always in the acute stage of the disease appear heaviness and discomfort in the lower abdomen. The inflammatory process may spread to the vulva of women - this disease is called vulvovaginitis.

Very often an acute vaginitis is accompanied by frequent painful urination - is a sign that the infection has spread to the urinary tract. Almost always, the urethra is affected when gonorrheal vaginitis.

Select with vaginitis may have a different character: mucopurulent, a rich foam, in the form of white flakes and so on. With a significant inflammatory process in the allocation of an admixture of blood. Selections can be unpleasant (and sometimes foul-smelling) the smell.

Some infectious agents (eg, mycoplasma, ureaplasma) cause vaginitis, which occur almost asymptomatic and immediately becomes chronic. These quietly flowing vaginitis often detected only in the course of examination female infertility - an infection also seamlessly extends to the internal genital organs, causing complications that are difficult to treat.

In children and older women inflammation of the vagina and external genitalia formation of adhesions can end - adhesions vaginal walls and narrowing of its lumen.

 Vaginitis in women - one of the most frequent diseases


The diagnosis of vaginitis or vulvovaginitis Vulvovaginitis - a disease of children and the elderly  Vulvovaginitis - a disease of children and the elderly
   the doctor puts a woman on the basis of inspection. But in order to assign a grade appropriate treatment, a little examination, it is necessary to conduct a number of additional laboratory and instrumental studies.

Immediately after the inspection in the mirror doctor may perform a colposcopy - examination of the vaginal walls using an optical instrument colposcope. This method allows to reveal subtle changes in the eyes of the vaginal mucosa, specific to a particular stage of the disease or the type of vaginitis.

Laboratory studies - is taking a swab from the vagina and urethra, crop nutrient discharges to the environment to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to various drugs. If necessary, conduct studies such as PCR (polymerase chain reaction - identifies pathogen DNA) and ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - detects antibodies to infectious agents).

The most important thing when vaginitis - is its timely detection, and for that you need time to seek medical help.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • vaginitis

Treatment for syphilis at home - only with early forms of the disease

February 3, 2014

 treatment of syphilis in the home
 Treatment of syphilis in the home today, it is quite possible, but only if the condition is not running and the patient does not differ asocial behavior. Treatment of these patients is usually not a major problem, the main thing in this case - this is the right diagnosis specified period of flow of syphilis, according to which is assigned adequate treatment. Equally important is the subsequent laboratory control cure.

 Treatment for syphilis at home - only with early forms of the disease

How is the treatment of syphilis home

Treatment of syphilis can be done at home only as directed and supervised by a doctor. Despite the availability today of effective drugs for the treatment of syphilis Preparations for the treatment of syphilis - the choice is  Preparations for the treatment of syphilis - the choice is
 Treatment of its own due to the risk of transfer of the infection in a latent form, followed by the development of severe complications from the internal organs and the central nervous system.

To avoid this, you need a thorough preliminary examination of the patient and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis - current period of syphilis, its severity, and the presence or absence of internal organ, brain and spinal cord. In accordance with the diagnosis of the general condition of the patient and the doctor selects the drug, its dosage and treatment regimen.

At home, it is recommended only to treat early forms of syphilis - a primary and a secondary fresh. All other forms of syphilis preferably treated in hospital for their treatment used complex therapy, including drugs used for intravenous drip, maintain a stable concentration of antibiotics during the day.


Preparations for the treatment of syphilis in the home

The drug of choice in the treatment of syphilis has always been a penicillin - to his pale treponema spirochete shows the greatest sensitivity. It is believed that a more effective water-soluble penicillin, which is required to be administered by injection every three hours, that is, eight times a day. This form ensures the complete destruction of the penicillin pale treponemes, including cerebrospinal fluid.

But in early syphilis lesions of the central nervous system does not happen, so treat them used long-acting penicillin (dyurantnye) that require administration once per week, for example - bitsillin, retarpen and ekstentsillin. For treatment of early syphilis such drugs are used in the form of one or three injections. This usually is enough for getting an infection.

Medications retarpen (pharmaceutical company Biohemi, Austria) and ekstentsillin (pharmaceutical company Ron- Poulenc Rorer, France) - are analogues as active substances have a benzathine benzylpenicillin. Both formulations have a high degree of purification and therefore have minimal side effects.

Side effects benzathine penicillin are known:

  • anemia, thrombocytopenia (low platelet count, which leads to increased bleeding), leukopenia (decreased numbers of white blood cells and decreased immunity);
  • effects caused by chemotherapeutic action: long-term care may develop superinfection caused by penicillin-resistant microorganisms;
  • allergic reactions, including hives, skin rash, rash on the mucous membranes, fever, joint pain Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
 , Angioedema, Stevens - Johnson syndrome, anaphylactic shock, and so on.

Dosages dyurantnyh penicillin in syphilis appointed maximum, so it is very important that the patient did not have allergic reactions to drugs of this series. If the patient for some reason contraindicated antibiotics penicillin, they are replaced by other broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Activity against Treponema pallidum have tetracyclines (doxycycline), macrolides (azithromycin, josamycin, clarithromycin), cephalosporins (ceftriaxone and others).

If there syphilitic ulcers, that they are washed and put antiseptic antiseptic baths to prevent secondary infection. As an antiseptic solution used miramistina solution benzylpenicillin Dimexidum Dimexidum - relieve inflammation and pain, baldness cure  Dimexidum - relieve inflammation and pain, baldness cure
 Honey, infusions and decoctions of herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile).

If rash are present in the oral cavity and in the pharynx, prescribed rinsing furatsillina solution (1: 10,000), 2% boric acid and 2% of gramicidin.

After treatment of syphilis certainly Policy Pay laboratory. Patients with primary seronegative (with negative tests for syphilis) syphilis observed for six months, surveyed every three months. Seropositive patients with primary and secondary syphilis fresh whose blood tests for syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
   turned negative for the first three months after the end of treatment, observed during the year are examined once every three months. In the case where the blood tests for syphilis turned negative for the year after treatment, patients were followed for two years.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of syphilis
