Vaginitis, or inflammation of the mucosa of the vagina can have different causes, and therefore different symptoms. In any case of suspected vaginitis woman should consult a gynecologist, to identify the cause of the disease and treat it under medical supervision and laboratory.
The main types of vaginitis
Adrift disease vaginitis are divided into acute and chronic - the symptoms of these processes are different. Various symptoms may be related to the cause of the disease - bacterial, protozoal (caused by protozoa such as trichomonas), and yeast vaginitis occur in different ways.
Depending on the type of pathogen all vaginitis are also divided into specific (they have their specific for the pathogen symptoms) or nonspecific (proceed equally). The specific vaginitis are caused by gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia
Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease
, Mycoplasma, ureaplasma, the yeast genus Candida. Non-specific vaginitis caused by various types of staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, and so on.
Symptoms of acute vaginitis
Developing the disease is usually acute, with the appearance, redness and swelling in the genital area, which are accompanied by itching and burning. Fever, impaired general condition of the woman. Then there are spin-off, which, depending on the infectious agent may be of different nature.
For example, if a bacterial infection is more often highlight mucopurulent, yellow, with an unpleasant odor. When bacterial infection may be very heavy, mixed with blood. For trichomoniasis characterized by abundant frothy yellow, and for candidiasis (thrush) - cheesy, with the simultaneous appearance of cheesy plaque on the walls of the vagina.
In children and older women are rare highlight, often accompanied by inflammation and dryness of mucous membranes of increased vulnerability.
In the lower part of the abdomen appear aching, worse during sexual intercourse. Often combined with inflammation of the vagina inflammation of the urinary tract, which is manifested in the form of frequent painful urination. Particularly characterized by such symptoms for gonorrhea.
If acute vaginitis is left untreated, it can go on their own displays, it means that the infection is hidden, and the inflammatory process moved into a chronic form. This is dangerous because the infection can spread to the overlying internal sex organs - the uterus and its appendages.
Symptoms of chronic vaginitis
Chronic vaginitis is often undertreated or incorrectly consequence of treated acute vaginitis
Acute vaginitis - the most common disease in women
. But sometimes chronic inflammation of the vagina develops initially. Chronic disease is especially true for vaginitis caused by chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma.
In chronic vaginitis
Chronic vaginitis - a long course of the disease, and inconspicuous
All the symptoms are less pronounced, the disease is sometimes unnoticed by the woman who considers herself healthy. Most often the only symptom may be intermittent itching in the genital area. Discharge not abundant, they usually do not attract the attention of women, as there are pronounced purulent, foamy or cheesy nature.
Sometimes, for example, decreasing immunity against cold or other disease begins exacerbation of vaginitis, but it also usually proceeds sufficiently quickly, without fever and abdominal pain. May simply worsen the isolation and itching.
A survey of women with vaginitis
Without prior examination impossible to treat vaginitis, which is why were treated with their own home-vaginitis often become chronic and complicated infertility.
In order to establish the cause of the disease, the woman about the following studies:
- Smear on the flora of the vagina, cervical canal and the urethra; smear under the microscope reveals the infectious agents such as gonorrhea, Trichomonas
Trichomonas - leads to infertility
and fungi genus Candida; pathogens, which live inside the cells of the epithelium (chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma) reveal so it's impossible;
- Study scrapings from the vagina, the cervical canal and the urethra by PCR (DNA detected infectious agent);
- immunological blood tests (eg, ELISA - detected antibodies to infectious agents);
- microbiological research (crop nutrient discharge to the environment) - the most accurate results with the identification of the infectious agent and its sensitivity to various drugs.
Vaginitis - a disease that should be identified as early as possible, until the infection has spread to the internal genital organs.
Galina Romanenko