How is herpes - the possible ways of infection

January 14, 2014

 How is herpes
 According to statistics, nearly 90% of people in the world are carriers of the herpes virus. These data define the significance of the problem of herpes infection, which can cause serious complications with the defeat of various organs and systems. If a person will have sufficient knowledge of how herpes is passed, it will apply effective measures to prevent the spread of the disease.


How the virus can enter the body

The clinical significance of herpes infection is determined by the fact that a person is exposed to the risk of infection in any period of life, even in utero. If the herpes virus got into the body, then get rid of it in the future is impossible. Modes of transmission of herpes to a greater extent determined by contact with an infected person who is in the active stage of the disease. In some cases, the active phase may be asymptomatic, which can make it difficult to timely diagnosis.

There are several types of herpes virus which have different transmission paths. Infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 Herpes Type 1 - is rarely a significant threat to human  Herpes Type 1 - is rarely a significant threat to human
   It occurs through airborne droplets or by household, while the type 2 virus is transmitted only through sexual contact. Herpes is transmitted through kissing only at the stage of active eruption, when the mucous membrane of the lips are herpetic vesicles. Facilitate entry of the virus:

  • minor injuries of the mucous membranes, wounds
  • cracks
  • ulceration

Herpes is transmitted by airborne droplets, and should consider the possibility of preserving the viability of the virus in the environment. The virus may be on the household items used by the sick person, so they can become a means of spreading viral diseases. In this regard, a thorough cleaning, personal hygiene are effective prophylactic herpes Herpes - a virus creeping  Herpes - a virus creeping


The risk of infection of the fetus in utero

The most severe clinical manifestations of disease can be observed in utero infection of the child. The mode of transmission of the virus, which explains how herpes is transmitted from a pregnant woman, called vertical. A woman can not only infect the baby during childbirth itself when the child is in contact with the birth canal. The most dangerous is the moment when the first pregnant infected with herpes during pregnancy.

The herpes virus crosses the placental barrier, causing intrauterine infection. Pregnant women should try to actively apply the prevention tools that will help keep to a minimum the risk of infection. Note that the spectrum antiviral drugs approved for use during pregnancy is limited. You must always remember that the disease is easier to prevent than to engage in treatment.

Herpes transmission path is necessary to explain the woman, especially at the planning stage of pregnancy. It is recommended to conduct a comprehensive survey on the infection that can be transmitted through sexual contact, including a group of herpes virus. A woman should be treated based on the test results, as in terms of impact on the fetus, this group of infections differs most negative impact on the developing fetus (development of various defects, sometimes incompatible with life or death).


What may prevent recurrence of infection with the herpes virus

The tendency to recur viral disease seen in the type of virus, which infects the genital organs. If you know that a person is a carrier of this type of virus, it should take certain preventive measures to avoid infection of the sexual partner. At the present stage the question of whether the herpes is transmitted through sexual life is discussed from the viewpoint of preventing the spread of not only viral disease, and other infections.

There has been an increase in the number of atypical forms when herpes lesions. Symptoms of viral diseases often can be detected against the background of inflammatory processes in the vagina fungal origin. If the patient is marked for persistent inflammatory disease, primarily to exclude the presence of comorbidity viral nature. If there is observed a marked reduction herpes immune forces, including local immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 So people will relate to the increased risk for the development of infectious diseases Group STI (sexually transmitted infections). To prevent further spread of the virus to help barrier methods.

For most people, the question whether herpes is transmitted through kissing, is no longer in discussions. If your lips are mucosal lesions in the form of herpetic vesicles, then the person is a source of infection for your partner. In the period of active lesions in the vial contains a huge number of viruses, according to some estimates up to a few million. To prevent transmission of the virus is possible only by eliminating direct contact with loved ones. This applies not only kissing, and personal care products, household items, in which the virus persists for a long viability.

To one of the ways of transmission include autoinfection. Such cases are rare, but they occur in practice that deserves special attention. As an example is the possibility of viral conjunctivitis, which occurs in the case of wearing contact lenses Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?  Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?
 . Man instead of the treatment solution wets the lens lenses saliva, which is a virus. Conjunctivitis in this situation will be a natural process, while people in this period should be in the active phase, the concentration of virus in saliva was higher.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • herpes

TSikloferon and alcohol - it is better not to combine

March 4, 2012

 tsikloferon alcohol
 TSikloferon - a drug that stimulates the synthesis of interferon. Interferon is a low molecular weight protein having antiviral activity. However, interferon - is not entirely harmless substance, it can produce a number of side effects. Therefore, despite the fact that manufacturers tsikloferona nothing about its compatibility with alcohol, it is better not to risk and not to drink alcohol.

 TSikloferon and alcohol - it is better not to combine

Side effects and contraindications may

The instructions to TSikloferon indicated that its side effects can only be allergic reactions. Contraindications to the appointment of the drug are severe liver disease, children under four years old, pregnant and breast-feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding, individual intolerance of components.

With care, under the supervision of an endocrinologist tsikloferon TSikloferon - restores the body's defenses  TSikloferon - restores the body's defenses
   should be used in diseases of the thyroid gland The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones

 TSikloferon and alcohol - it is better not to combine

What is the effect alcohol has on the body

Alcohol - a poison that first of all has a toxic effect on the cells of the liver and the brain. Under the influence of alcohol, the cells are destroyed and replaced by the other cells - in liver fat cells and connective tissue cells in the brain - connective tissue cells. As a result of developing liver toxicity and the subsequent development of fatty liver and cirrhosis and alcoholic encephalopathy.

Steatosis of the liver, as well as the initial stages of cirrhosis of the liver can occur quickly, sometimes the patient is not even aware of their presence. But as the liver loses its function, there are signs of intoxication, because it is the liver breaks down and neutralizes all the toxins that enter the body through food and are formed as a result of metabolism. There is a weakness, malaise, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, chair various disturbances, headache. Sometimes there icteric staining of the skin. Cirrhosis can develop over decades, the speed and extent of its development often depend on genetic characteristics of the organism.

Alcoholic encephalopathy manifests as memory loss, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Learning disabilities and gradual maladjustment in society. All this eventually leads to the development of dementia.

 TSikloferon and alcohol - it is better not to combine

What will happen if you combine the treatment with alcohol cycloferon

The main danger here there are two: the part of the liver and the central nervous system. There are also complications of the kidneys.

Contraindications for use tsikloferona are severe liver disease in violation of its functions, it is obvious that this drug still has some effect on the liver, so combine treatment cycloferon to alcohol can not - who knows what has prepared us our heredity and how the body reacts to a double whammy?

No less dangerous combination tsikloferona alcohol and brain. Cycloferon is an interferon inducer - a protein that is produced in response to the introduction into the organism of any agents (e.g., viruses). Despite the fact that interferon is the endogenous origin (that is produced by the body and is not introduced from the outside), no one knows how to react to such a combination of the brain, because interferon is now complex and incompletely understood function.

Thus, a large amount of interferon administered externally in the form of drugs interferon has on the central nervous system (CNS) inhibitory effect, which appears to lethargy, drowsiness, and sometimes - in violation of consciousness. Alcohol causes first excitation, and then inhibition of the CNS, by providing for brain cells, as well as on the liver cells, a direct toxic effect. Therefore it is difficult to say how the simultaneous appearance in the body large amounts of endogenous interferon and alcohol affect the brain.

Of course, the majority of patients who receive treatment cycloferon and allowed themselves to drink a small amount of alcohol, no consequences will be, but is it worth the risk?

And action tsikloferona by alcohol will undergo some changes, certainly not in the direction of increasing efficiency.

The antiviral and immunomodulating medications are complex, sometimes not fully examine the effects on the body and how they will interact with alcohol is not always clear. TSikloferon is no exception to this rule and if there was a question about its use in the treatment of any disease, the alcohol is to take time off.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • tsikloferon
