With the advent of the child the woman, of course, first of all, think about how to properly care for them, how to understand what he wants, when crying, and so on. Concerns a young mother more than enough, but most women take the time to think about their appearance, no matter what the circumstances.
If before pregnancy you have had a normal weight, and for the nine months you scored 10-15 kg, it should not be a cause for serious concern - if you follow their diet (do not limit yourself, and eat right) and exercise regularly, after several months normal weight.
If you have been pre-pregnancy obesity and during pregnancy you score more than 15 kg in order to get rid of it, I need more time.
How would you not like as soon as possible after birth to regain the previous figure, the most important thing - to be patient. The young mothers are more important lessons, and in any case can not be on the stars, which almost 2-3 weeks after birth shine slim figures. Seeing this, the majority of women asked: "How did they do it? "Although most correct question is:" Why did they do that? "Such results are achieved by means of very strict diets - at a time when the body does not have time to recover and it needs good nutrition.
Most experts favor a softer approach to losing weight after childbirth.
Do not limit yourself to eating
Refusal to favorite products after delivery may eventually lead to weight gain. Stress associated with motherhood superimposed stress due to the fact that you can not eat your favorite foods (it is very hard to stop thinking about food), and it will almost inevitably lead to failure, ending bout of overeating.
Eat as much as you need to satisfy your hunger and give preference to healthy food - so you can lose weight almost effortlessly.
Every day, you need to consume less than 1800 kcal; if you are breastfeeding, at least 2000.
Eat the most useful products
Choose food that is rich in nutrients and thus contains at least fat and calories. Oily sea fish - one of the essential ingredients. It contains omega-3, which in other products is very small. Dairy products are rich in calcium are also needed to lose weight after giving birth. They are not only useful, but also keep you feeling full for a long time.
Some scientists disagree with the fact that breast-feeding
Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
It helps women lose weight more quickly after giving birth. However, many experts agree that breastfeeding women lose weight after giving birth is much faster than those who do not breastfeed. It is more important that the other: found that children who are breastfed have a better immune system and stress than those who grew up on an artificial diet.
Drink water
Water prevents dehydration and helps long from hunger and, according to some reports, improves metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
Physical activity not only eliminate excess weight, but also helps to relieve stress
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and improve sleep
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. It is not necessary to go to the gym to regain his form - and walks with a stroller fitness classes at home for 30-40 minutes 3-5 times a week. However, in the care of a small child to find a half-hour to practice can be very difficult, so you can practice and for 10-15 minutes - it is important to make the blood circulate more quickly, thus improving oxygen supply to the tissues of the body.
Before you start the course, check with your doctor - especially if you do a cesarean section.
Try to get enough sleep
While the child is quite small, sleep 8 hours a day, even intermittently, can not afford to do anything. It was found that young mothers who sleep an average of 5 hours a day or less, lose dialed during pregnancy weight much more slowly than those who sleep at least seven hours. So use to sleep, while your baby sleeps. If necessary, charge of the household chores to other family members.
Get advice
If you are unable to lose weight, consult a nutritionist. It will help you create a diet and exercise to help you lose weight after giving birth.
Article Tags:
- weight loss after birth,
- balanced diet