Cleansing the body - complete recovery - Liver and kidney

May 16, 2013

  • Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
  • The liver and kidneys
  • Methods

 cleansing the liver and kidneys

Cleansing the liver

Experts are unanimous: the liver to carry out cleaning procedures without a medical examination may be dangerous. Many people are not even aware of the presence of gallstones, which for a long time did not make themselves known. Purging the liver are, in fact, choleretic, and contribute to the fact that the stones can get off the ground and block the bile ducts.

Doctors recommend to opt out of these "shock" cleansing the liver with an unpredictable ending. It is much more effective cleanings twice a year to ensure a constant flow of bile from the gallbladder, that is to avoid stagnation of bile. It is relatively easy: you simply have to comply with a special diet that contains enough of Bile products. Furthermore, it is important to have a regular, if between meals takes too much time, bile thickens, which ultimately leads to the formation of stones.

After consultation with the doctor can be used to gently cleanse the liver dietary supplements, has a slight choleretic action. Such funds usually contain the active substance in a low concentration, so relatively safe, but consult your doctor nevertheless necessary. But with herbs need to be careful: they can have serious contraindications.


Kidney cleansing

The function of the kidneys is to filter the liquid is ingested. A sedentary lifestyle, excess protein in the diet, poor-quality drinking water, non-compliance with the food regime and infectious diseases can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

If kidney stones Kidney stones: identify and treat  Kidney stones: identify and treat
   formed, without medical assistance is necessary. In some cases, ultrasound crushed rocks, turning into the sand, which can be easily removed from the body. In other cases, surgery is needed. But on their own to get rid of kidney stones is not possible.

To prevent the formation of stones should not use diuretics. Simply drink at least one and a half liters of clean water a day and not to abuse the protein products. More detailed recommendations can give a doctor, based on data from urine tests.


Secure cleansing program

Most people dream to get rid of health problems as soon as possible. However, occasional cleaning procedures - serious stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   for the body, which, according to doctors, may not be safe. Much better to constantly maintain a healthy lifestyle, to not accumulate in the body of harmful substances. Two or three times a year, you can observe a cleansing diet, which has a mild effect and helps to improve mood. Despite the fact that such a diet is safe enough, prior to its use is recommended to consult a doctor.

For a start should be excluded from the diet of a number of products that bring health more harm than good. These products include doctors unanimously alcohol, various meats, canned foods rich in preservatives and ready meals, margarine, confectionery manufacturing, semi-finished products containing coloring agents, flavors and other artificial additives. It is advisable to abandon the use of black tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, sugar, fatty meats and full-fat dairy products, fried foods.

Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products should be consumed in moderation, but abandon them completely should not be. It is desirable to use natural fermented products, which improve the condition of the intestinal microflora. Instead of sugar you can eat honey, but they should not be abused. The basis of the food should be unrefined grains, vegetables and fruits, especially apples are rich in pectin. It is desirable to have seasonal vegetables and fruit, ideally - organic or grown on their own without the use of chemical fertilizers. Vegetables and fruit can be eaten raw, such as a salad with unrefined vegetable oil and boiled, baked or steamed. To salt the food should be very moderate.

Such a diet rich in fiber, it helps to gently cleanse the bowel Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?  Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?
 , Liver, kidneys, and their rehabilitation. Observe it can be as long as desired, but usually to improve the well-being enough to eat this way for a couple of weeks. After that, the diet can be introduced gradually "bad" foods, trying not to abuse them. It is important to have small portions, but as often as possible, long-term hunger strikers are not allowed.

To the cleansing process was successful, it is recommended in the absence of contraindications to visit the bath Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
   or sauna. This helps reduce the burden on the kidneys and cleanse the skin. To improve the well-being useful as moderate exercise, a variety of water treatments and massages.

Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

December 4, 2011

 Bulimia the stars
 This disease affects those who are overly concerned about their own appearance. Often it is not only those who, after watching television and glossy magazines, wants to be like the stars, but the stars themselves and looking at them, millions of women sit on a diet.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Catherine Bell

In fact, she wanted to become a doctor or biomedical engineer, but once once on acting lessons, I forgot about everything else. After a while, she left the university and went to Japan to work as a model, where, she said, first heard of bulimia nervosa and other models. And then she realized that her actions to preserve a perfect appearance, are in fact bulimia. For several years, she suffered from the fact that he could not control himself as a teacher of acting not introduced her to Scientology. She argues that religion helped her to come to success and begin again to dispose of their own lives. Soon she began to offer the role that brought Katherine and fame.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Russell Brand

 Russell Brand
 He became known in the United States in 2008, and before that at home, in the UK, was an artist of colloquial genre and often appeared on television. Overeating and then emptying the stomach, he began 11 years since, according to him, it makes him a sense of delight. As a child, he felt lonely; In addition, there were suspicions that he had bipolar depression, although he was treated by an ordinary depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 . As an adult, Russell Brand started taking heroin and alcohol abuse, then completed a course of rehabilitation and returned to eating habits characteristic of bulimia. Now he has recovered, but had to be screened regularly to prevent recurrence.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Melanie Chisholm

Mel C of the Spice Girls was faced with a huge reputation as a British five released the single «Wannabe». While Melanie was 20 years old, and she blames her age that she began bulimia. She says she felt at everyone's attention, began to attach too much importance to what the tabloids write about her, including - and its forms. This concern has led to the fact that for several years she struggled with bulimia. After the collapse of the Spice Girls her condition is almost completely returned to normal, and everything was fine until she returned to London. There Melanie began taking antidepressants to overcome a variety of psychological problems. She says that after that prefer alternative therapies - acupuncture, aromatherapy and massage. They are softer than antidepressants but less injurious to health, in addition, give a more long lasting effect.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Margaret Cho

Actress and writer, who was never afraid to openly talk about drug abuse, or of his bisexuality, or disorders of the food habits. They told me that, suffering from bulimia, taking drugs to lose weight. Now, after a long and difficult treatment, she learned to quietly treat your body.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Princess Diana

 Princess Diana
 Diana Spencer married 20 years under the eyes of 750 million people around the world who watched the ceremony on television. Unfortunately, the constant pressure of the duties of the princess and the need for almost all the time to be on the public led to depression, but a way to deal with it was overeating. In an interview with Diane he admitted that there were periods when it is every day to overeat, and then calls in his nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 . It depended on how hard her life was at one time or another. She called this way to escape, and several years passed before she was able to cope with bulimia.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Jane Fonda

 Jane Fonda
 Jane was a queen of fitness since 1982; Since then, she has released 23 videos for training, 5 books about fitness and 15 recordings on the same topic. Jane Fonda says that the tendency to compulsive exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   she appeared as a reaction to the breakdown of dietary habits. She learned about bulimia in high school and noticed that the herd itself a victim of the disease in 21 years, when he was an actress and model. To cope with this disorder, she managed to only 36 years.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Gerry Halliwell

Sport peppercorn felt too painful attention to itself as one of the Spice Girls. Like bandmates have Geri began bulimia. According to the story of the singer, by the time she left the group, her weight dropped from 54 to 44 kg, and it was almost obsessed with fitness. Since then, Jerry learned to see my body without distortion of perception and is now trying to teach it to his daughter.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Elton John

 Elton John
 Elton John, previously best known for his hits and manner of dress is very bright, in recent years, devote more time to humanitarian activities, in particular, actively helps organizations to fight AIDS AIDS - is still very scary  AIDS - is still very scary
 . Falling popularity led to Elton John began abusing alcohol, drugs and food. In the early nineties he began undergoing rehabilitation directly from three of these relationships, and to date they have successfully overcome.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay to his 25 years has achieved much. Even as a child, she began working as a model, and then starred in advertising, and finally, in 1998, received her first film role. Then she appeared many times on the big screen, and attempted to make a singing career, releasing three solo albums. In 2006, in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, she admitted that her bulimia. Several times she began a course of rehabilitation, but it is too early to talk of recovery, as the actress is clearly not going to abandon their traditional way of life.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Katharine McPhee

She gained prominence when ranked second in the fifth season of American Idol, an analogue of "American Idol." In 2006, she told the correspondent of the magazine People, that 5 years struggling with bulimia. When he learned that she was chosen to participate in the show, she lost weight by 13 kg.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Alanis Morriset

She began her singing career as a teenager and almost immediately won international recognition. Later she told me that between 14 and 18 years suffering from bulimia and accused the claims presented to it in connection with the profession. For a while it was limited food carrots, black coffee and whole grain toast. It lost 8 kg, but after that she had to undergo a special treatment to get rid of the distorted perception of their own body and start to eat normally again.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Sharon Osbourne

Mrs. Osborne is known for its rather harsh statements, especially about those who are not too well of herself or her family. She seems very sure himself, but she admitted that she had low self-esteem and this is evidenced by the fact that it is already 35 years old can not fully cope with bulimia. Her childhood had a weight problem, and it is still unstable. Mrs. Osborne is visiting a therapist every week and says that if before it caused vomiting at 4 times a day, but now it happens only once a week, and it is a very significant improvement.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Britney Spears

Pop princess was 16 when she became famous hit «... Baby One More Time»; Since then, media often covered her personal life than creative activity. In 2007, it was reported that Britney 16 years old treated for bulimia. During pregnancy, she was able to cope with the habit of overeating, but after the birth of children all began again. In addition, she was treated several times by alcoholates and drug addiction and it is too early to talk about her full recovery.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Amy Winehouse

The late singer during his life faced with many addictions and illnesses, including bulimia. It is said that she suffered from bulimia in adolescence, but the state has deteriorated sharply after in one of the tabloids called her fat. Some years ago, many people said that the singer as many health problems, it is not clear how its body can withstand it all. The words proved prophetic.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Bulimia the models

Needless thin figure models have often discussed, and scientists, and concerned parents and teachers of children who want to be like these models.

A recent study found that one of the four models suffer from this or that eating disorders, bulimia and found among them much more likely to anorexia. It came as a surprise to scientists, because until now, as a rule, the health of the models mentioned in connection with anorexia. Probably the fact that the effects of anorexia are seen very quickly, and sometimes really horrifying. Effects of bulimia on the body can long remain invisible to others.

 Bulimia at the stars shameful secret or medical problem?

Power, overeating or death?

Models have to closely monitor their diet to not gain excess weight - and for every kilogram they may be the odd one, because of which she will be left without work. To sustain permanent restrictions difficult, sometimes there are failures, during which the girls eat more than they need. After an attack of gluttony, not to get fat, they cause vomiting, laxatives or diuretics, heavily involved in sports or starving.

A few years ago from exhaustion associated with bulimia, died two sisters - models from Hungary. Model Brazilian Ana Carolina Reston has become perhaps one of the most famous victims of eating disorders. Because of this, in the fashion week in Madrid and Milan were forbidden to participate mannequins with too low a body mass index - less than 18. In London, for example, the ban did not come out so far.

Who conducted numerous studies of eating disorders among models and the impact of their images on the development of bulimia and anorexia in adolescents. Perhaps the results of this research will initiate a major change in the modeling business.

However, so far in modeling agencies continue to give priority to girls, whose harmony is on the brink of rules, such measures are unlikely to give something. It is worth noting that if the dangers of anorexia talked enough, the problems of bulimia among the models covered enough. Therefore, even the girls can be a long time to comfort themselves with the thought that nothing terrible happens, because they are still eating. But in fact, if left untreated for a long time bulimia, it can give complications which will be destructive to health or even lead to death.

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  • bulimia
