Styles of family education: how to take a stand? - Formation of the child's personality

May 26, 2012

  • Styles of family education: how to take a stand?
  • Authoritative
  • Permissive
  • Laodicean
  • Formation of the child's personality

 the effect of parenting style on the formation of the child's personality

Influence of parenting style on the formation of the child's personality

What effect do these parenting styles in the development and formation of the child's personality? Scientists have conducted many studies that allowed to draw some conclusions about the impact of parenting styles on children's development.


  • Authoritarian parenting style: baby grows docile, agile, well-performed tasks and requirements, but has a low level of satisfaction, social adaptation and low self-esteem.
  • Authoritative parenting style: the child grows up happy, capable, successful and confident.
  • The liberal parenting style: the child is not familiar with the discipline (as well as self-discipline), has a low level of satisfaction. Children brought up by liberal parents often have difficulty with the subordination of the authoritative persons and tend to perform poorly in school.
  • The indifferent parenting style: the child is not competent in all areas of life. Children brought up indifferent parents, lack of self-control, they have low self-esteem and academic performance is worse than that of their peers.


Why do we use different styles of parenting?

After learning about the impact of parenting styles on children's development, you may wonder why all parents simply do not use an authoritative parenting style, because it is obvious that it gives the best results. After all, this parenting style contributes to a well-rounded, happy, self-confident and socially adapted people. So why do parents use different parenting styles? Factors influencing the choice of style of family education are culture, individual characteristics, family structure, parental education, socioeconomic status, education level and income, religiosity.

Of course, the parenting styles of individual parents in each family join to form their own unique style of parenting. For example, a mother can be a supporter of the authoritative style while the father favors a more liberal approach to education. To create a unified approach to education is very important for parents to learn to cooperate and compromise.

Article Tags:
  • parenting styles

Styles of family education: how to take a stand? - Authoritative

May 26, 2012

  • Styles of family education: how to take a stand?
  • Authoritative
  • Permissive
  • Laodicean
  • Formation of the child's personality

 authoritative parenting style baby

Authoritative Style

As authoritarian parents, supporters of the authoritative style and rules of conduct set clear limits and monitor their implementation. If their demands are not met, they refer to it with understanding and more willing to forgive their children than to punish them. Authoritative parents say discipline, using rational and problem-oriented strategies to ensure the independence of the children, if necessary, obey the rules of the group. Family democratic rule rather than dictatorial.

In order to achieve mutual understanding with the children's parents are using reasonable arguments, discussion and persuasion, not force; they are equally listen to their children and they express their demands. Authoritative parents are caring and attentive, they create a home atmosphere full of love, and provide emotional support to children. They want their children to think positively, to be responsible and self-reliant. In general, this parenting style is characterized by mutual understanding between parents and children, and mutual cooperation. We can say that the authoritative parenting style is focused on the child's needs are put first. Due to successful cooperation, care and real expectations of the children, they get good opportunities for development


Key Features Style

Authoritative parents:

  • listen to the children and listen to their opinion;
  • encourage independence;
  • set reasonable limits to the child, the consequences for their violation and expectations;
  • openly express warmth, show care and love;
  • allow children to express themselves freely;
  • encourage discussion;
  • fairness and consistency in maintaining discipline.

Authoritative parents tend to teach children to reason, argue convincingly and to cope with their own tasks, but they place great hopes on children. When children break the rules, parents treat them strictly, but fairly.

Authoritative parents are able to change the point of view depending on the situation; they are willing to listen to the explanation of the child and, in the presence of mitigating circumstances, adjust the position of a disciplinary measure.



Experts in child development is considered an authoritative parenting style best approach to child-rearing. Children reared by authoritative parents are more happy and successful people, realized in different spheres of life.

Children of authoritative parents:

  • mostly optimists with high self-esteem;
  • competent, responsible, independent and self-confident;
  • less aggressive and generally are more successful in life;
  • better suited to life;
  • able to control emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
  • have excellent social skills;
  • not afraid to take the initiative and gain new skills.


Authoritative parenting style, "for" and "against"

As the authoritative parents in most cases, they are role models for their children, and their behavior is fully consistent with the principles professed by them (no double standards), the likelihood that children will learn these behaviors, higher than in any other style of family education. Thanks to the consistent and fair statement of the discipline children know what to expect and learn to take responsibility for their actions.

As the authoritative parents are able to control your emotions, children learn their self-control and understanding of others. Also, authoritative parents give their children freedom of action, so that they learn self-reliance, which in turn contributes to higher self-esteem and self-confidence.
