Tribestan for men - in disorders of sexual function, and for the prevention of atherosclerosis

October 2, 2013

 Tribestan for men
 Tribestan for men - is a drug of plant origin, which has a regulating effect on the activity of the male genitalia. In addition, it is able to slow the progression of atherosclerosis, which causes severe body blows, especially the male.

 Tribestan for men - in disorders of sexual function, and for the prevention of atherosclerosis

Phytopreparation Tribestan

Active ingredient tribestana a dry extract of the herb Tribulus terrestris. This plant has long been used in Bulgaria as a tonic and remedy for recovery of sexual function in men and women. The study of the basic properties of this plant revealed its regulatory effect on fat metabolism. Bulgarian pharmaceutical company Sopharma manufactures dry extract of Tribulus terrestris herb in pill form called Tribulus.

The mechanism of action is not fully understood tribestana. But suppose that it is connected with the action of the main component of dry extract herbs Tribulus terrestris - protodioscin content in the formulation is 45% or more. Protodioscin decomposes in the body to dehydroepiandrosterone, which has a positive effect on the immune system, the integrity of cell membranes, reproductive system cholesterol metabolism. Protodioscin inhibits the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, reduces blood clotting, has a general stimulating effect on the body, activates the function of the reproductive system. Other biologically active substances that are part of tribestana, enhance the effect of protodioscin.

 Tribestan for men - in disorders of sexual function, and for the prevention of atherosclerosis

Tribestana action on cholesterol metabolism in men

Tribestan has the ability to lower total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood, which in turn significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD) and obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. It's no secret that men suffer from these diseases more often than women.

For example, coronary heart disease and extreme poverty - myocardial infarction in men several times more often than women. This contributes to partial or complete disablement men socially active age, and sometimes death. No less troubles can bring obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, which sometimes leads to the development of complete obstruction of blood vessels and the development of various kinds of trophic disorders up to gangrene of the lower limbs.

That is why the prevention of atherosclerosis in men given so much importance. Tribestan gently and gradually restore fat metabolism and prevents the development of complications of the cardiovascular system.

This also contributes to the ability tribestana reduce the ability of blood clotting, that is possible to prevent thrombus formation and development on the background of a variety of disorders, including acute cerebral circulatory disorders - strokes.

For the prevention of atherosclerosis and related diseases of the cardiovascular system Tribestan appoint 1-2 tablets three times a day with meals for a month, then switch to a maintenance dose - a tablet twice a day. The duration of treatment should be at least three months.

 Tribestan for men - in disorders of sexual function, and for the prevention of atherosclerosis

Effects on male reproductive system

Tribestan has tonic effect and stimulates the function of the reproductive system. There e is due to its effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal system responsible for reproductive function in humans.

Tribestana action on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal system in men is to stimulate the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and the pituitary gland of the male sex testosterone Five myths about testosterone  Five myths about testosterone
   testicles. This leads to the restoration of libido and erectile dysfunction to a lengthening of the time Erection - what hinders and what helps a man to be a man  Erection - what hinders and what helps a man to be a man
 . Furthermore, Tribulus stimulates spermatogenesis, i.e. the formation of sperm and their viability. Under the influence of this drug increases the concentration of sperm and their mobility, ie the ability to penetrate into the female genital organs for insemination.

In order to improve the male reproductive function Tribestan appoint tablet three times a day for a month (during the meal), and then switch to a maintenance dose of a tablet twice a day. Total course of treatment should last at least 40-50 days for impotence Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
   - And at least three months for male infertility.

 Tribestan for men - in disorders of sexual function, and for the prevention of atherosclerosis


Tribulus is contraindicated in men aged under 18, with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, prostate cancer Adenoma of the prostate - how to help a man?  Adenoma of the prostate - how to help a man?
 , Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Tribestan appoints men doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Tribestan

Feng Shui - harmony in the house

March 28th, 2010

 Feng Shui
 Today it has become fashionable to create and decorate the interior of the home according to feng shui. We often say a word, try to adhere to certain rules, but why do it and how to do it right is not always clearly imagine.

The theory of feng shui came to us from the Taoist practice. It is based on the assumption of the existence of mystical chi energy that permeates all things. Features of the location of objects in the interior, the orientation of the house in the sides of light, color and many other things to create a combination of qi. These combinations can be harmonious or not.

Consonance five elements of fire, metal, water, earth and wood creates an aura of space that surrounds and acts on it.

Stay in the house built and decorated according to feng shui, it evokes a feeling of tranquility. It wants to be all the time. If the energy of the room far from ideal, there can be adverse conditions in the house. Is it difficult to be born such feelings as anxiety, aggression, anxiety. And because the people and the environment influence each other that conclusion about what the prospects promise a "good" and "bad" combination of chi energy.

The house in which respect the principles of feng shui has beneficial effects on the hosts and guests, to bring luck and wealth, protects against diseases, helps to reveal the creativity and keep the balance in family relations, gives a good mood. If the apartment a lot of unfavorable energy conglomerates, the disease is likely residents of the house, quarrels and abuse can often occur between family members living here.

 Feng Shui - harmony in the house

What you need to consider trying to create harmony in the house on Feng Shui?

Unfortunately, many city apartments built without taking into account not only the principles of feng shui, and geophysical conditions. The situation can be corrected on its own.

The harmony of colors and shapes is very important for the proper flow of qi. For the bedroom choose a palette element of water, ie, blue, blue and purple shades. It gives peace of mind adjusts to good sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and communication with the cosmos. The forms and flowing lines are preferable. In no case, can not place the bed opposite the door, it can lead to unpleasant consequences.

For the living room or kitchen, you can select the element of fire. The characteristic of this element color red and orange lines of geometrically precise, but without sharp corners. Feng Shui encourages all to avoid sharp corners and abrupt changes, it will prevent quarrels in the home, and quarrels between spouses. Fire gives energy, charges vigor and helps to successfully complete all started things. However, when an excess of this element can cause increased anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
   and fatigue.

But the most important is the harmonious combination of all five elements in the right proportions, taking into account the position of the geophysical home orientation relative to the cardinal, the temperament and the personal characteristics of a person.

Another factor affects the favorable flow of qi energy, it is the interaction of two principles of our universe, yin and yang. And that means creating the interior provide optimal male and female areas. It is important to listen to each member of the family and take into account all the wishes of comfort. It is especially important to arrange everything according to the rules of feng shui for the kids, because they are most sensitive to the energy situation.

And of course, it may seem that feng shui is expensive. This is not entirely true. Of course, some investments will have to do, but if you buy each thing, to imagine how it will look in the house, looking for her place and not to purchase anything extra expenses are well within reason.

And, arranging the house according to the principles of feng shui, the owners rely on good health, good luck in business, wealth and prosperity. And it will agree, it is worth the money spent.

Elena Sibileva

Article Tags:
  • Feng Shui
