- Skin care during pregnancy - which products are best avoided?
- Retinoids
These effective cosmetic substances are included in some anti-aging moisturizers and allegedly contribute to wrinkles and improve skin tone. Retinoids - a type of vitamin A, which accelerates cell division (ie, speeds up recovery of the skin), and prevents decay in skin collagen.
However, retinoids - many of the ingredients of care products for skin, which some experts recommend to guard against future mothers. According to some studies, a strong dose of vitamin A during pregnancy may harm the unborn baby. It is known that oral retinoids such as isotretinoin (Accutane, an agent for the treatment of acne) cause the development of congenital malformations in the baby.
If you are a long time to use creams containing retinoid, do not panic. There is no evidence that topical retinoids in the form of cause health problems in pregnant women.
There is no evidence pointing to the harmful effect of retinoids in contact with skin - doctors simply reinsured and use caution.
best avoided
Skin Care: salicylic acid
This weak acid is used to treat certain skin diseases including acne. Salicylic acid is a part of the plurality of means for skin care, such as cleansers and tonics. It penetrates into the layer of facial fat and deep into the pores and facilitates exfoliation of dead skin cells. Salicylic acid belongs to the group of aspirin, so it also helps to reduce inflammation or redness. Beta-hydroxypropionic acid, - the form of salicylic acid which is used in certain topical exfoliating scrubs and to eliminate the signs of aging.
However, salicylic acid - another ingredient, is strictly contraindicated in pregnant women. Studies have shown that a strong dose of the acid in the form of oral cause congenital malformations of the child and the various complications of pregnancy.
As is the case with retinoids, physicians also reinsured not recommend moms use of salicylic acid in topical form. Applying a small amount of skin cream or other cosmetic products - for example, tonic containing salicylic acid, one or two times a day - does not hurt you or your baby.
However, the means for peeling containing salicylic acid, the situation is somewhat different. Use of these agents during pregnancy can be compared with the reception of one - two aspirins.
The more money you put, the greater the amount of salicylic acid enters the bloodstream. Always consult your doctor before you carry out the procedure of peeling. It is better to entrust this process professionals - for example, your dermatologist who knows the secrets safe peeling during pregnancy.
best avoided
Some expectant mothers prefer to use products based on natural ingredients, such as soy, believing that in this way they protect themselves from the harmful effects. However, this is not the case.
Typically, lotions and care products for skin, based on soy - are safe. Containing soy funds can emphasize the "mask of pregnancy '(dark spots). A similar effect has also bergamot oil, which contain many organic means.
Soy has estrogenic effects, further highlighting the dark spots, known as melasma or chloasma. However, active soy, which is part of some cosmetic lines will not cause any problems because the estrogenic components have been removed.
If your skin appear dark spots or melasma, we advise to refrain from the use of such funds or to choose cosmetics based on "active soy". Otherwise, the agent containing soy are safe.
Means for acne treatment
In the first trimester of pregnancy for many women, there are a rash on the skin - is the result of changes in the level of estrogen
Estrogen - the key to bone health
. Sometimes this trouble happens even to those women whose skin before pregnancy was flawless. When it comes to acne caused by pregnancy, a dermatologist will likely prescribe a topical antibiotic is safe.
However, if you want to avoid another visit to the doctor, it is better to use gel purification, containing not more than 2% salicylic acid (this information is listed on the packaging). This small amount is considered safe.
If you want to be confident in the security means 200%, consult your gynecologist or dermatologist. In the treatment of acne
Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads
during pregnancy, avoid special lotions, gels and creams to treat acne is a long-acting, as well as means for peeling at home, which include salicylic acid or retinoids. Naturally, in any case, do not take pills retinoid Accutane (Accutane).
: Consult a dermatologist or only use a mild detergent solution, sold without prescription.
Means for hair removal or slowing hair growth
Lotions for chemical peels (depilatories), or agents that promote hair growth slow down, seem an accomplishment at the time, when you can barely bend down and did not get it - not to mention the fact to see - before their own feet. The good news - all of these funds are considered to be harmless.
When it comes to tools for hair removal, you can not select certain ingredients that should be feared. In this case, the only danger - the possibility of an allergic reaction. If you are using (by means of chemical hair removal), as expected, they will not cause any problems. It is a topical solution that does not enter the bloodstream, and therefore can not harm your child.
If in the past you have experience allergic reaction to the means for hair removal or slowing hair growth, it is better to refrain from the use of these funds in the period of pregnancy.
Further, during waiting baby skin some women become supersensitive so allergic to such ingredients may occur even if they did not exist. Before depilatory apply to the entire leg, put it on a small patch of skin below the knee, and wait 24 hours to see whether there will be an allergy.
: Safe to use
Pregnancy does not mean that you ordered the way to the beach. In fact, it is a feeling of warm sand under my feet and a light breeze caressing your skin and hair flying - perfect relaxation
Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
Which only can recommend the expectant mother. And remember the teachings of their mother: never forget the sunscreen.
Sunscreens, including creams, ingredients that penetrate the skin are harmless, when you are waiting for the addition to the family. The concentration of ingredients that still penetrate deep under the skin, sunscreens so insignificant that it should not worry. Better use of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide - is effective physical sunscreens are not penetrate the skin.
In addition to using sunscreen, we usually recommend other ways to protect against the sun - to stay indoors between 10 am to 4 pm; wear a broad-brimmed hat, sunglasses and appropriate clothing. Also do not forget to re-apply the cream every two hours. If you have melasma, use a sunscreen
Sunscreen is not just for the beach
with whitening effect.
You may rarely think how harmless your favorite cosmetics, but during pregnancy, this aspect can not be ignored.
The packaging of many cosmetic means "nekomedogenny» (noncomedogenic) or "does not cause acne» (nonacnegenic). This means that such agents do not contain oils and do not clog the pores. They are completely harmless and will not affect the health of the child.
Please try not to use cosmetics containing retinol or salicylic acid (common ingredients of cosmetics for skin prone to acne).
If you want to display super-careful during pregnancy, pay attention to the cosmetics line based solely on minerals. They use only the ingredients which remain on the skin surface and do not cause irritation to most women.
: Do not use cosmetics containing retinoids or salicylic acid. The rest is harmless cosmetics.
Parting words dermatologist
Pregnant women should always consult your doctor or gynecologist before using any means of skin care. However, even if it turns out that you used means comprising a plurality of harmful ingredients, do not panic. Just stop using it and pick up a more secure means.
Most of the funds of prestigious brands are very safe. If these funds are applied to the area of less than 10% of the total area of the skin, the danger of their impact on the entire body is negligible.