Swollen lymph nodes in children: a sign of infection

April 28, 2013

  • Swollen lymph nodes in children: a sign of infection
  • Causes

 Swollen lymph nodes in children
 Due to its functional characteristics of the lymphatic system is a powerful barrier to the penetration of infection in the human body. She improved depending on the age period of development is finally formed by the end of puberty. Swollen lymph nodes of children is often a sign of the presence of an infectious disease or an inflammatory process that requires a differential diagnosis.

 Swollen lymph nodes in children: a sign of infection

How is the development of lymphadenitis

The inflammatory process localization in lymph nodes called lymphadenitis .  This process can be regarded as a kind of protective reaction of the body in response to the penetration of the pathogen .  Lymph nodes in the first perform a protective function, as a powerful barrier .  Lymphadenitis can not be attributed to a separate nosological disease as an inflammatory process indicates the presence of underlying disease and the source of infection .  The lymph nodes is the development of cells that have a specific orientation in the fight against various pathogens .  It is this mechanism of protective reaction contribute to the fact that there is no further spread of pathogens through the body, they die at the level of the lymph nodes .  At the time of enhanced production of protective cells lymph nodes increase in size, that is good can be seen during their physical examination .

Cause inflammatory changes in the lymph nodes of children are those infectious diseases such as toxoplasmosis Toxoplasmosis: pregnant women against cats  Toxoplasmosis: pregnant women against cats
 , Infectious mononucleosis Infectious mononucleosis - the illness of students  Infectious mononucleosis - the illness of students
 , Rubella Rubella - it is better to be vaccinated  Rubella - it is better to be vaccinated
 . A common cause in children are colds, viral diseases, diseases of the oral cavity. If a child is long, there are pockets of infection, the expression of the inflammatory process will be enlarged lymph nodes. There is even an increase in groups of lymph nodes that have different localization (chinstraps, parotid, cervical lymph nodes). When angina, tonsillitis, bacterial infections, inflamed cervical lymph node groups. Oral diseases, such as stomatitis, often accompanied by an increase podborodnyh nodes. If the diagnosis is correct and the cause of disease reliably known, after the main course of treatment enlarged lymph nodes regress, becoming normal size, with evidence of inflammation was observed.

 Swollen lymph nodes in children: a sign of infection

What should be the principles of treatment

Without fail the child shall be carried out a full examination to determine the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes, so that later you can assign complex treatment. The survey plan should include:

  • general-clinical study of blood
  • X-ray examination (if indicated)
  • puncturing a lymph node with a morphological study of the material obtained

The child must undergo a mandatory consultation of narrow specialists (ENT, dentist), to eliminate the fact of pathology of these organs. Parents should first warn against self-medication, because it can negatively affect the health of the child. It is not recommended to warm up the house prior to the treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes, as against this background there is a deterioration of health and the progression of the disease process. The parents can not quite objectively evaluate the overall condition of the child, especially the diagnosis, so you should promptly seek medical attention. If an infectious disease is based on a factor that held antibacterial, anti-inflammatory therapy in view of a specific pathogen.

Antibiotics first group are assigned from a wide range of feedback. It is necessary to take into account the mandatory age and weight of the child, as the dose is calculated on the basis of these parameters. Not all antibacterial agents allowed in pediatric practice, some of them are only allowed a certain age, so this fact should be taken into consideration. Besides antibiotic therapy is carried inflammatory therapy, which includes various preparations containing as hormonal component. If lymphadenitis occurs with symptoms of intoxication, it is assigned to detoxification therapy, the amount of which is determined by the weight of the child.

Most poor prognosis can be attributed to complications lymphadenitis. These include inflammatory complications associated with the addition of the bacterial flora or exacerbation of existing chronic infection. Clinically it is manifested the development of an abscess Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?  Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
   or cellulitis, severe manifestations observed in the general intoxication, or sepsis .  Purulent process in the lymph nodes requires urgent surgical intervention, when produced an autopsy ulcer and draining .  Antibiotic therapy in this situation is an essential component of therapeutic measures, it is recommended to assign a combination of several antibacterials .  If treatment is not carried out lymphadenitis in the proper amount, that may occur breakthrough of pus in the underlying tissues, ie develops phlegmonous adenitis .  The child's condition deteriorates significantly due to intoxication syndrome .  To prevent the development of serious complications with inflammation of the lymph nodes in the child subject to the following set of preventive measures .  Should conduct an adequate course of therapy with any of the diseases that can cause lymphadenitis .  It is important not to allow a child's infection various abrasions or superficial wounds skin .

Augmentin for children - is considered one of the most effective antibiotics

September 27, 2012

 Augmentin for children
 Augmentin is often used for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of bacterial origin in children. This is an effective and safe enough antibiotic, which, however, a child may appoint a doctor with all the indications, contraindications and possible side effects.

 Augmentin for children - is considered one of the most effective antibiotics

Features of diseases of upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract infections in children

A feature of the child's body is the gradual maturation of the immune system. The three - four years, when the child begins to attend kindergarten, the immune system, as a rule, is not yet fully ready to fight with many infectious agents, which circulate in the children's collective. The result is multiple infections, which are often caused by viruses, and then complicated by bacterial infections. Often and long ill children at risk to acquire chronic infectious-inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract.

The real disaster for some of the children are adenoids Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil  Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil
   - Proliferation in the lymphoid tissue of the nasal cavity, whose main function - to protect the body from infection. But if the child is frequently ill, lymphoid tissue is forced to grow, so as not to miss an infection inside the body. As a result, breathing is disturbed and proliferation of lymphoid tissue (adenoids) are themselves constantly inflamed (adenoids) are the source of infection.

 Augmentin for children - is considered one of the most effective antibiotics

Augmentin in the complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract infections in children

For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract infections in children today often used Augmentin - combined antibiotic, which is composed of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Amoxicillin - a semi-synthetic penicillin with a broad spectrum of action, which, however, "bows down" to certain bacteria that produce special enzymes - beta-lactamases, which destroy all drugs penicillin group. To protect amoxicillin from beta-lactamase in the augmentin clavulanic acid is present, which copes with these enzymes, as similar to them in its chemical structure. Furthermore, clavulanic acid itself has a slight antimicrobial effect. The result is augmentin broad-spectrum antibiotic, resistant to degrading enzymes, penicillins.

When minor illnesses of upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract infections in children who receive treatment on an outpatient basis, Augmentin appointed interior in the form of a suspension (for children up to 12 years) or in the form of tablets (for older children). In severe disease Augmentin administered intravenously (very slowly) or drip in hospital.

 Augmentin for children - is considered one of the most effective antibiotics

Augmentin in the complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract infections in children

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract in children rarely develop without breaking the passage of urine. Most often, the child has a more or less pronounced obstacle to urine flow (passage) innate character. This obstacle may be insignificant and for the time being does not manifest itself. However, the child in this place there is a small obstacles from flowing back into urine (reflux), which contributes to stagnation of urine.

If such urinary tract becomes infected (through the urethra or through the bloodstream from distant foci of infection, such as chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
   or adenoiditis), it may happen "fire" in the form of severe inflammation in the kidneys and urinary tract, which then will be repeated continuously.

Therefore, all the children who had pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis - kidney disease  Pyelonephritis - kidney disease
 Carefully examined, and the detection of congenital anomalies spend their correction. Often, such a correction must be carried out surgically.

Augmentin is used in the treatment of acute pyelonephritis and cystitis and exacerbations of chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis in children. Since pyelonephritis usually occur quite difficult, they are treated in the hospital and augmintin intravenously. When cystitis may use augmentin inside. Often Augmentin administered intravenously before surgery on the kidneys and urinary tract in children for the prevention of postoperative complications.

 Augmentin for children - is considered one of the most effective antibiotics

At what other diseases in children prescribed Augmentin

Augmentin is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in children. With the weakening of the immunity of the child may appear on the skin boils Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress  Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress
   or carbuncles (several adjacent boils). And with festering wounds can begin or abscess.

There may be a child and bone and joint diseases infectious nature - arthritis and osteomyelitis.

In all these cases fit Augmentin, which, depending on the severity of the child shall be appointed by mouth or by injection. In all diseases in children Augmentin may be administered only by a physician.

Galina Romanenko

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  • Augmentin
