Osteochondrosis in children and adolescents is not uncommon. Such conclusions were made relatively recently and some experts still deny the possibility of the development of degenerative intervertebral disc disorders in children. For degenerative diseases in children and adolescents treated traditionally only osteochondropathy - disease manifested aseptic necrosis of the vertebral bodies.
Children low back pain: Causes of disease
Today, it is believed that low back pain in children develops as a result of systemic underdevelopment of connective tissue (cartilage intervertebral disc - is a type of connective tissue), congenital or hereditary. Such features of the intervertebral discs in the child makes them very vulnerable to various external influences.
Factors predisposing to the development of degenerative disc disease in children include birth injuries
Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
spine. And as the most common injuries of the cervical spine, the cervical and low back pain
Cervical osteochondrosis - the lot of office workers
also not uncommon. But the first manifestations of the disease do not necessarily appear in childhood, often they are signs of youth (adolescent, juvenile) osteoarthritis.
Common cause of degenerative disc disease in children if they have an innate predisposition may be heavy athletic loads, long stay in an awkward position (eg, inappropriate desk in school), spinal injury. Osteochondrosis adolescents have the same cause.
How is low back pain in children and adolescents
The flow of osteochondrosis in children is usually imperceptible. Symptoms of the disease are the same as that of the adults, but occur to a much lesser extent.
The earliest sign of cervical degenerative disc disease in children are headaches, apply to entire head preferentially localized in the neck and occipital region, worse when turning the head. The pain can be so severe that a small child can not play, and school-age children - even something to do.
Sometimes, on the background of the usual headaches in children appear suddenly severe headaches that can last several hours or be repeated several times a day. During the attack the child is trying to keep your head in a certain position and did not move. During an attack of pain may also occur in the eye socket, blurred vision, who are after the removal of a headache.
From time to time there may be as pain in the ear on the affected side, dizziness, noise and ringing in the ear, sometimes - hearing loss on the same side. Very often, these symptoms are attributed to other diseases and treat them for a long time without success.
Suspicion of low back pain can cause permanent aching pain in the neck. Sometimes these pains are sharp, sharp, but in children, unlike adults, it is quite rare.
Thoracic osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
It occurs in children quite rare and usually present with pain and discomfort in the heart. It is much more common in the lumbar and lumbosacral osteochondrosis with characteristic aching permanent or paroxysmal sharp pains in the spine changed, smack in the back and back of the thighs. Most often it manifests itself as juvenile osteochondrosis (juvenile osteochondrosis) due to high physical exertion in sport.
How to identify a child osteochondrosis
It is not so simple, as osteochondrosis of the parents, and pediatricians afterthought. But a careful neurological examination neurologist can detect signs of muscle tension in the neck and back. In the initial stages of radiographic osteoarthritis of the spine can not see in the later stages of the visible height of the intervertebral space reduction, expansion of bone (osteophytes), sclerotic changes. Bol accurate diagnosis can be made using magnetic resonance imaging.
Prevention and Treatment
The treatment of degenerative disc disease in children is mainly carried out with the help of physiotherapy and massage. If necessary, designate the immobilization of the spine - wearing a brace or cervical collar. Appointed as physiotherapy, reflexology
Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
Preventing osteochondrosis in children is early detection of children at risk of developing osteoarthritis. This group should include children with birth and the postnatal spinal cord injuries, abnormalities of the spine, as well as children with family history, whose close relatives suffer early and severe forms of osteoarthritis.
These children are subject to special monitoring, they are contraindicated high physical activity, exercise. They should receive regular massage courses and constantly engaged in physiotherapy to strengthen the muscles of the back.
Galina Romanenko