- Birth control pills - do not forget to consult a doctor
- Kinds
- How to apply
- Harm
- Security
Types of birth control pills
Before any woman as soon as she started to be sexually active, there is a question of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Contraceptive methods are many, and each one has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, the introduction of an intrauterine device is not recommended for women giving birth, and the condom is not always at hand.
Physiological methods of contraception (vyschityvanie "dangerous" days or measurement of basal body temperature) and is not for everyone, and not really and reliable. Remain pill. Pharmacies are a wide number of different types of birth control pills, but to use them to be effective, must understand the classification and methods of use of these drugs.
Classification of contraceptive pills
The first pill divided into hormonal and non-hormonal drugs. Among secrete hormones combined oral contraceptive pill and mini-pill. Combination oral contraceptives are divided (depending on dose hormones) to:
- monophasic;
- biphasic;
- three-phase.
Combined oral contraceptives
The composition of these tablets includes two components: an estrogen and a progestin. The estrogen ethinyl estradiol and progestin (progesterone synthetic analog) - levonorgestrel. Due to the content of these two kinds of hormone pill called combined. As noted above, there are three types of combined oral contraceptives:
The dose of estrogen and progestogen components monophasic contraceptive constant. But part of the modern monophasic oral contraceptive different. For example, in Mikroginone contained 0, 03 mg of ethinyl estradiol, and 0, 15 mg of norgestrel. In Diane-35 dose of ethinyl estradiol is 0, 035 mg, and as they contain the progestin cyproterone acetate (0, 2 mg). Popular monophasic contraceptives include: Silest, Mersilon, Marvelon, Novinet, Regulon, Rigevidon and others.
The combined biphasic oral contraceptives are preparations in which the dose of estrogen
Estrogen - the key to bone health
constant and progestogen dose varies in different phases of the menstrual cycle. For clarity, these tablets in the package represented in two colors. That is, the tablets are taken of the same color in the first half of the menstrual cycle, and another for the second tablet. It is biphasic contraceptives Anteovin.
The three-phase contraceptive pill doses of estrogen and progestogen are constantly changing, respectively, the phases of the menstrual cycle. In packaging such Tablets are presented as three colors. The advantage of three-phase contraceptives is minimal effect on the menstrual cycle, blood clotting and metabolism of fat. Three-phase tablet are shown to women older than 35 years, smokers or overweight. For drugs in this group include: Three-merci, Trikvilar, Triziston Three-regolith.
Tablets containing progestogen only
Non-combination hormonal contraceptives, as part of which contains only progestin component, called the mini-pill. Action mini-pill is based on the thickening of the cervical mucus, which prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterus and changing the lining of the uterus, resulting in the implantation of the egg is broken. The advantages of non-hybrid hormone pills include:
- the use of nursing women;
- less severe side effects;
- Use with contraindications to combined oral contraceptives (varicose veins, smoking, obesity, heart disease, diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
, Vascular disorders).
Non-hormonal birth control pills
Non-hormonal birth control pills or spermicides, have a local contraceptive effect. Non-hormonal tablet inserted into the vagina for ten minutes before sexual intercourse. The contraceptive effect is due to chemically active substances that destroy sperm. For drugs in this group include: Pharmatex, Patenteks oval Kontratseptin, Tratsepin and others.
Mini-pill - contraceptives containing progestin
Unlike progestin contraceptives of the combined preparations containing progesterone analogue, slightly less effective, but have far fewer side effects. Such drugs can drink lactating women, as well as the ladies over thirty-five years, and those who suffer from headaches and hypertension. The mini-pill group includes such popular medications as "Charozetta", "Ekslyuton" and others. The effectiveness of these agents when used correctly reaches 95 percent.
The action of a progestin-only pill based on preventing ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
These drugs reduce the risk of thrombosis, cause no pressure increase or decrease the libido. Depression is also rarely accompanies reception mini-drank.
The disadvantages of these drugs in addition to the more reduced compared to the efficacy of COCs is the necessity of taking the pills exactly the same time every day. Thus, the drug is only suitable organized and responsible women. The effectiveness of protection is reduced, if you miss a pill with only three hours - so the packaging mini-pill should always be in her purse, just in case.
The list of side effects of progestin-only pills is short: it changes the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, intermenstrual bleeding and prolonged monthly) and functional ovarian cysts
Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?
- Safety education, which disappear after a couple of months after discontinuation of the drug.
Emergency contraception (postcoital contraception)
About prevention should take care to sex, but life is sometimes very unpredictable. And if unprotected sex has occurred it is still possible to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, using means postcoital contraception. Using such means on a regular basis is strictly prohibited - the consequences could be very serious.
Postcoital pills contain higher doses of hormones and act simultaneously on the fallopian tubes and the endometrium, making it impossible to develop pregnancy. After unprotected intercourse within forty-eight hours should be taken one tablet and twelve hours another. If after that there excessive bleeding, you should contact your doctor. Urgent need to visit a gynecologist and if after taking the drug long-awaited period does not come - it may signal the onset of pregnancy.
Keep in mind that high doses of hormones may badly affect the fetus, so you should inform your doctor about trying taken emergency contraception.
Emergency contraception is a not for everyone. With great care these drugs can be administered to patients under the age of sixteen years, as well as suffering from diseases of the liver and cardiovascular system. If emergency measures to contraception resorts lactating women, the lactation should be discontinued for a period of two weeks.