Waxing: Pros and Cons - What to Expect

April 29, 2007

  • Waxing: Pros and Cons
  • What to Expect

 Waxing what to expect

What to expect when you first go on waxing?

First of all, first applied to the skin lotion special preparation (using conventional lotions and creams wax slips off hairs). Then the skin is uniformly applied hot wax and cover it with strips of cloth; wax solidifies it together with the hardened there hairs abruptly removed together with strips of fabric. Also hairs, along with wax and remove dead skin cells, making the skin smooth and velvety.

This technique of hair removal allows you to remove the hair from the root. Hair removal can be used to remove hair on any part of the body, above the lip, at the eyebrows, bikini area, legs, armpits, arms and abdomen.


The main advantages of waxing

  • With frequent use of this method, the hair becomes softer, thinner, do not grow so thick
  • Pointed tips of the hair, as hair grow from the follicle
  • Waxing does not cause irritation, itching, or redness of the skin
  • This procedure can be carried out independently at home
  • Waxing - inexpensive and accessible method of temporary hair removal


The main disadvantages of waxing

  • The main drawback of waxing - painful procedure that is particularly felt people with sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
  • Hairs can break the skin surface, or even below it
  • Care should be taken to avoid contamination of the skin
  • Nonprofessionals difficult to remove hair evenly


Types waxing

There are several types of hair removal wax, depending on the body portion:

  • Eyebrow Hair Removal
  • Face Hair Removal
  • Hair Removal Bikini (Brazilian epilation)
  • Hair removal legs
  • Epilation hands / underarms
  • Back Hair Removal
  • Hair removal Foot

Strictly contraindicated hair removal ears and nose and eyelashes hair removal. Epilation bikini zone (both men and women) and epilation Hair removal: perfect skin without hair  Hair removal: perfect skin without hair
   the nipples should be performed by a qualified professional in the beauty salon.

Brazilian hair removal - a method of hair removal Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?  Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?
   not only in the bikini area, but all of the hair in intimate places (on the buttocks, around the anus and perineum). Some versions of Brazilian hair removal left a small amount of pubic hair above the vagina - the hair-covered portion is called the "landing strip."

Article Tags:
  • epilation

Laser hair removal - safe, fast, efficient

April 23, 2007

 laser hair removal
 Laser hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures today for removing unwanted hair from the body. The huge popularity of laser hair removal is easy to explain the many benefits of this procedure: hair removal by laser guarantees a long and lasting results and, moreover, is accompanied by minimal discomfort - that better distinguishes laser hair removal by traditional methods of hair removal such as wax or sugar hair removal.

 Laser hair removal - safe, fast, efficient

How does laser hair removal

The operating principle of laser hair removal is very simple and almost identical to the principle of action another popular procedure to remove unwanted hair - hair removal. If hair removal hair follicle is destroyed directional light emission of high intensity, the laser hair removal involves the same effect by aiming laser. Spot exposure laser destroys the pigment melanin, which is contained in the hair follicle, the follicle itself, which prevents the growth of new hair. With laser hair removal can get rid of unwanted hair on any area of ​​the body, and the duration of the procedure is only ten to fifteen minutes (of course, this figure is dependent on the subject of hair removal).

By itself, the procedure for removing hair using laser is much less painful than, for example, waxing Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair  Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair
 . Furthermore, in some cases for ease discomfort on the skin before the procedure is applied to a special gel anesthetic. The procedure lasts an average of ten to twenty minutes (to remove the hair under the arms, for example, requires about seven to ten minutes). After laser hair removal on the skin at the site of action of laser radiation can be observed slight redness which often disappears within one to two hours.

 Laser hair removal - safe, fast, efficient

The effectiveness of the procedure

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective to date techniques to control unwanted hairs on the body. While hair removal by laser radiation and does not guarantee the final disposal of unwanted hair, laser hair removal is not only helps to keep the skin smooth and silky to the very long term, but also over time reduces the number of new hairs. In particular, four to six laser hair removal procedures, the number of new hairs is reduced by seventy percent. Besides appearing again hair is much thinner and lighter - that is far less visible than the hair before laser hair removal.

The effectiveness of laser hair removal is affected by many factors - this is what can be considered the main disadvantage of this method of hair removal Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?  Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?
   compared to traditional methods such as wax or sugar epilation. In some cases, for optimal results may be required not four or six successive treatments hair removal by laser, and more - it depends on the type of skin and hair.

  • Skin color: the best laser radiation acts in cases where the nature of the skin is light enough: the lighter your skin tone, the more effective the laser hair removal. But a darker shade of the skin pigment melanin makes virtually "invisible" for the laser, so in the case of dark skin laser hair removal efficiency significantly less.
  • Number of hairs: the greater the number of unwanted hairs, the greater the number of treatments required to achieve optimal results.
  • Hair color: another factor that is as natural skin tone, has a decisive influence on the efficiency of laser hair removal. The most effective hair removal laser when light skin, and hair, in contrast, dark and highly visible. Less likely effectiveness of laser hair removal in cases where the gray hairs or very bright.

The ideal "candidates" for laser hair removal - people with light skin and dark, thick hair. But for the owners of dark skin and fine blond hair laser hair removal may be not the most effective method of controlling unwanted hairs on the body.

 Laser hair removal - safe, fast, efficient

How safe is laser hair removal

Hair removal by electrolysis and endotherm, performed by experienced and qualified experts - absolutely safe and effective methods of hair removal. Today, you can buy equipment for electrolysis hair removal at home, but since this procedure requires certain skills and abilities to use such devices are not recommended - better to turn to the salon.

 Laser hair removal - safe, fast, efficient

How painful procedure

Soreness hair removal procedure depends on the individual pain threshold but usually the pain is quite tolerable and short-lived. In any case, the pain can be reduced by using local anesthesia - ideal for women with sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
 . Short electrical pulses also help reduce the painful procedure.

Laser Hair removal by electrolysis is safer and less likely to cause scarring of the skin .  Ideally, the maximum allowable concentration of electric current to be concentrated at the point on which to act; if the current exceeds the norm, not only destroys the hair follicle, but also the skin, which leads to scarring .  To eliminate electrical leakage along the needle has been designed with a special insulated probe tip bellied .  Short current pulses also help reduce skin damage .  To avoid tissue damage, it is not recommended to remove hairs in contact .  However, despite all precautions, some women still appear scars; therefore they should avoid electrolysis treatments .  Damage to the skin usually appears in the form of tiny holes through which sometimes visible hypertrophic scars .  This complication occurs more often in women whose skin is prone to scarring .

The practical problem of hair removal by electrolysis is the duration of the procedure. The number of hairs that can be removed in one session depends on the area of ​​hair removal, such as hair growth, experience and qualifications beautician. Endotherm epilation is faster than electrolysis hair removal - for fifteen - twenty-minute session, you can remove 75-100 hair, so it is advisable to perform this procedure experienced.

Another problem associated with laser hair removal - hair re-growth; after epilation endotherm made even the best beautician, re-grows up to 20-30% hair removal. If hair removal by electrolysis, though the percentage of hair regrown much less regrown hair is much thicker than the endothermy. Therefore, in general, recommended to make depilation Hair removal: perfect skin without hair  Hair removal: perfect skin without hair
   endotherm rather than electrolysis - immediate result is more noticeable. The latest innovation in laser hair removal oblatsi - thermolysis (the destruction of the hair follicle by brief heating produced by passing an alternating current (during the procedure to the sum of each hair thin needle)). The percentage of hair regrowth after thermolysis is only 5%, and damage to the skin is extremely rare. In addition, thermolysis - an extremely effective means of treatment of hirsutism (excessive body hair in women).

After the procedure, the skin should be dry, it should be treated with antiseptic cream. Between the treatments it is best to refrain from plucking or waxing the hair to the hair to be removed, it was clearly visible.

Article Tags:
  • epilation
