Vascular complications of diabetes: Attention!

September 23, 2011

 vascular complications of diabetes
 Of the patients who suffer from diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 , You can often hear the opinion that there is nothing wrong if the glucose level is kept constantly on the rise, but not too different from the norm, level. This is a wrong position, as the increase in glucose affects all tissues of the body, and if the glucose level is constantly above normal, hence damaging the properties of glucose appear constantly, which is why it is important to know about the complications of diabetes and in time to prevent them.

 Vascular complications of diabetes: Attention!

Vascular complications

Due to the increased level of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   Blood damaged walls of blood vessels that disrupts blood flow to tissues and can cause a malfunction of the heart - heart attacks and strokes, as well as the development of the so-called diabetic foot, which often result in amputation of the lower limbs.

In order to prevent vascular complications are advised to stop smoking and a diet low in fat and cholesterol, blood pressure checked regularly and at least once a year to carry out biochemical blood.

 Vascular complications of diabetes: Attention!

Complications from the eye

Increased glucose has damaging effect on the blood vessels of the retina, which decreases visual acuity and can result in total blindness.

In diabetes retinopathy - one of the early complications, which may not be felt for a long time by the patient, but successfully detected during the inspection of the fundus ophthalmologist. With timely diagnosis at an early stage, there are modern methods of treatment of retinopathy, allowing patients, if not improve, but at least keep the vision at the current level. Therefore, patients should visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

 Vascular complications of diabetes: Attention!

Complications from kidney

Increased glucose leads to renal vascular damage that can occur in the form of renal insufficiency Kidney failure - when treatment is vital  Kidney failure - when treatment is vital
   and hypertension.

The kidneys are the natural filter in the human body excrete waste products and delaying necessary. Diabetes leads to blockage and the defeat of the small capillaries of the kidneys, which is manifested in violation of filtration, the appearance of glucose in the urine and protein, polyuria, edema, high blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?

For timely diagnosis of these complications a person should take urine tests, ultrasound of the kidneys subjected once a year, and regular monitoring of blood pressure.

 Vascular complications of diabetes: Attention!

The complications of the nervous system

Violation of glucose leads to nerve damage, which manifests a sense of weakness in the hands and feet, reduced sensitivity, the development of pain and paralysis. Reduced sensitivity leads to the fact that the patient may not notice for a long time trophic ulcers, which are located in an inaccessible for inspection, for example, on the foot. Therefore, patients with diabetes, it is recommended mandatory regular inspection stop using the assistant, or by using a convenient mirror. It's simple, but very important, as timely diagnosis microtraumas help keep a person up.

It is necessary to pay attention to the emergence of unpleasant sensations in the hands and feet pricking, or burning of spastic character, often at night, that is also the reason for the visit to a doctor endocrinologist.

 Vascular complications of diabetes: Attention!

Complications of the skin

Complications of the skin develop due to circulatory disorders of the skin, which leads to venous ulcers. Skin lesions develop in places that are exposed to frequent impact of damaging factors - it is, of course, legs, namely the toes and the interdigital space. Therefore, patients with diabetes is recommended wearing comfortable, padded shoes with low heels.

However, any uncomfortable when wearing apparel, which presses or t can also skip formation damage such as in the armpits and in the groin area, which can also result in the trophic disorders. Therefore, care must be taken not only to ensure that the shoes were comfortable, but also carefully select for his clothes.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • diabetes

Diabetes in children: the salvation - in regime and diet

September 22, 2011

 Diabetes - quite frequent disease in children. He is due to both genotypic factors and exogenous, can manifest at any age, but most often in intervals of three to four, six, eight and eleven - fourteen. Previously it was thought that only children suffer from diabetes of the first type, but more often they are diagnosed and non-insulin dependent type that appears to be associated with impaired quality of food towards a significant increase of carbohydrate in the diet on a background of hereditary predisposition.

 Diabetes in children: the salvation - in regime and diet


For diabetes in children is characterized by a long latent period during which the child can bring a lot of complaints, seemingly unrelated to the disease, especially if there is no suspicion against him (in the family do not have diabetes). The child may complain of constant fatigue, headache or dizziness, fatigue, while it is really often sits down or lies down to rest. Due to the prolonged inability to concentrate is reduced school performance, which may not adequately perceived by their parents.

The second group of warning against diabetes symptoms - frequent occurrence of pustular diseases such as barley Barley - a clear sign of impaired immunity  Barley - a clear sign of impaired immunity
 , Boil Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress  Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress
 , Bacteremia, and violations of the view in combination with regular, suddenly appears, a pronounced desire to use sweet. At least polydipsia and polyuria join, which is usually an occasion for the appointment of consulting endocrinologist, although the child may be suffering at this time for several years.

 Diabetes in children: the salvation - in regime and diet

Diagnosis of diabetes in children

Early diagnosis is very important for children, as persistently elevated blood glucose level is destructive to many tissues of the body, breaking his growth and development. First of all at the same time suffer from kidney, heart, endocrine glands and nervous system.

Diagnosis of the disease is based on the obvious symptoms of diabetes, presence of family history and laboratory data.

The blood was elevated glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 And urinalysis - acetonuria and glycosuria. Often in children, especially in the early stages of the disease, there may be no chronic hyperglycemia, in such cases, to confirm the diagnosis is carried out load test glucose tolerance. Before that the child is fed a normal diet for age for three days, then allowed to drink in the morning fasting glucose and two hours exploring blood sugar.

 Diabetes in children: the salvation - in regime and diet

Diabetic ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a fast complication of diabetes in children. Unfortunately, often before the onset of symptoms of ketoacidosis nobody thinks about the presence of the child's diabetes. For ketoacidosis is characterized by severe hemodynamic disorder, acute renal failure, impaired consciousness to coma.

This condition requires urgent call ambulances and intensive care in a hospital profile. Child warm, spend long infusion therapy carefully selected components and accurately calculate the dose of the liquid. Starts smooth insulin The basic principles of insulin - is correct in everything  The basic principles of insulin - is correct in everything
 Which helps to bring the child out of the coma and pick up the necessary dosage for use in the home.

 Diabetes in children: the salvation - in regime and diet

Treatment of diabetes in children

In children, the treatment of diabetes is primarily aimed at maintaining a high level of compensation and prevention of complications, providing proper child's mental and physical development, a good performance in the educational institutions and the successful socialization.

Children are permanently registered with the endocrinologist, twice a year are inspected otolaryngologist and dentist annually - an ophthalmologist for early diagnosis of complications.

A huge role in children is correct, balanced, taking into account the age and stage of disease, nutrition, as well as regular, careful dosage, exercise. The child's parents must necessarily be in constant contact with your doctor to know everything about the disease of the child and to know when to refer to an endocrinologist to correct treatment or first aid to your child.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • diabetes
