Every year a large number of people suffer from disorders of the digestive processes. In 40 years, the incidence of diseases gastrokishechnyh can only increase, because the digestive system changes during aging. There are seven important factors, which you should not procrastinate.

As a rule, people under the age of forty years are so busy that they just do not have time to perform a number of exercises, that it can cause constipation.
Several of exercise a day before breakfast, yoga course during the day, at work, climb stairs, walk after dinner: all this will help correct operation of the digestive system and prevent constipation.

Do you remember the last time you ate what you want without fear of bloating, heartburn, or diarrhea?
Unfortunately, the foods we ate in 20 years, 40 years of age can be difficult. Products containing spices, lactose, or large amounts of sugar, may be very poorly absorbed. Keep a food diary and avoid those foods that cause unpleasant symptoms and interfere with the normal operation of the digestive system.

In forty years of age may have diabetes, hypertension, arthritis,
Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
and the doctor will have to prescribe medications. Some medicines affect the stomach, causing excessive hunger, indigestion, constipation or nausea. To reduce the risk of gastrokishechnyh diseases caused by taking new medications, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Be sure to tell them about all medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements that you are taking. Thus, they can help you reduce the risk of digestive problems.

The cause of the stress
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the age of forty may be difficulties at work, financial problems, children, elderly parents, while under attack falls and digestive system. The digestion process can be slowed down or even stop this entails abdominal pain or diarrhea. You can get rid of the negative impact of stress, doing breathing exercises or doing meditation.

Hormonal disbalance
Eating Disorders: bloating, constipation and diarrhea in women aged between 45 and 55 years are often caused by hormonal disruptions that occur during pre-menopause
Premenopausal women - one step in a woman's life
and menopause.

During the daily bustle consumed insufficient water, the thought of drinking just flies out of your head when you're in a hurry or on the road. But without the required amount of fluid, the efficiency of the digestive system and may lead to constipation and abdominal pain.
To avoid constipation, be sure to drink throughout the day, always keep with you a bottle of water. Do not forget that water is present in many fruits and vegetables. Thus, the correct and balanced diet will fill your body with the necessary amount of liquid and avoid constipation.

Problems in the oral cavity
The first stage of digestion takes place in the mouth. Chew, it will facilitate the process of digestion. Remember that infrequent flossing can lead to diseases of the oral cavity: bleeding gums
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, Loosening of teeth, various infections. Pain can interfere with chewing, forcing thus the stomach to spend extra time to digest. This results in bloating. Visits to the dentist can help you avoid many problems. Because of this you will not have difficulties with food intake and disease gastrokishechnye you will not be disturbed.