Inflammation of the appendages - acute and chronic symptoms of the disease

August 17, 2013

 inflammation of the symptoms
 Symptoms of inflammation of the uterus Inflammation of the uterus - is one of the most common gynecological diseases  Inflammation of the uterus - is one of the most common gynecological diseases
   largely depend on an infection which has caused disease and features of the body's defenses woman (immunity). Therefore, the disease can be acute or chronic. Sometimes also produce subacute type of flow.

 Inflammation of the appendages - acute and chronic symptoms of the disease

What happens in a woman's body during inflammation of the uterus

Inflammation of the uterus (fallopian tubes and ovaries) or salpingo called adnexitis. Adnexitis can be as one-sided and two-sided. After contact with the infection of the fallopian tubes to them develops first catarrhal inflammation, which is manifested by redness (catch the blood) and the inner mucosal edema. After that, the inflammatory process extends to all layers of the fallopian tubes, capturing and serous (outer) shell.

A feature of the inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes is rapid bonding of the pipe wall that occurs due desquamation (shedding) mucosa cells. This leads to the rapid development of tubal obstruction and infertility.

With further development of the inflammatory process stands out first transparent discharge inflammatory (inflammatory exudate), and then purulent. The inflammatory exudate can get through an opening in the fallopian tube and the ovaries in the abdominal cavity, causing inflammation there. If the holes in the fallopian tubes are sealed on both sides, the inflammatory exudate accumulates in the tube itself. The accumulation of fluid is called hydrosalpinx clear, purulent - piosalpinks. This fallopian tube may rupture, which will be accompanied by heavy bleeding and the spread of infection to the entire abdominal cavity.

Inflammation of the ovaries often develops secondary - infection gets them out of the fallopian tubes. But sometimes infectious agents can enter the ovarian blood or lymph. As a result of inflammation in the fallopian tubes and ovaries formed a single inflammatory conglomerate soldered to surrounding tissues by numerous spikes and leads to the development of persistent infertility.

 Inflammation of the appendages - acute and chronic symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of acute adnexitis

Acute adnexitis usually develops after exposure of a woman's body of a provoking factor. Starts of acute - this indicates that the immune system responds to infection from spreading actively. The woman has high fever, appear chills, malaise. Severe illness, I may be accompanied by disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Against the background of such common occurrences of inflammation appear severe pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
   on one or both sides, extending to the rectum, the area of ​​the sacrum. There may be a Spin (whites) from the vagina at first clear, then purulent. There may be frequent and painful urination.

After a few days in the area of ​​inflammation can be felt tumor formation - hydrosalpinx or piosalpinks, at the break of which may occur peritonitis and sepsis. Acute inflammation of the uterine appendages is often accompanied by endometritis - inflammation of the wall of the uterus, which also aggravates the condition of the woman.

If adequate treatment is not appointed, the process may spread to the peritoneum, leading to the appearance of pain throughout the abdomen, and a sharp deterioration of the woman.

Acute adnexitis lasts for one - two weeks, after which the recovery occurs, or (usually after adequate treatment) or a constant process subsides, becomes sluggish, chronic.

 Inflammation of the appendages - acute and chronic symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of chronic adnexitis

Symptoms of inflammation of the chronic course of the disease is much less pronounced, in some cases, this inflammation are asymptomatic. In most cases, chronic adnexitis Chronic adnexitis: dangerous consequences  Chronic adnexitis: dangerous consequences
   It is a consequence of undertreated acute adnexitis. But sometimes the inflammatory process initially occurs chronically, indicating a significant decrease in immunity.

Just as during acute adnexitis, the cause of acute inflammation are numerous predisposing factor causing a decrease in immunity. When a woman has an exacerbation of general malaise, weakness, a small rise in temperature, aching pain in the abdomen, mucopurulent vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
 . If you do not develop complications, then about a week later signs of the disease are on their own. Sometimes remain moderate aching abdominal pain on the affected side.

Prolonged course of chronic inflammation causes the proliferation of connective tissue in the uterus, blocked tubes, menstrual disorders (including a very painful periods, heavy long periods, intermenstrual bleeding). Due to extensive adhesions, and the transition of the inflammatory process may also interfere with the function of nearby organs - intestines and urinary tract.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • inflammation of the appendages

Pain in the uterine cancer - one of the characteristic symptoms of the disease

May 26, 2013

 the pain of uterine fibroids
 Pain in the uterine fibroids may be permanent aching or sharp cramping in nature - it all depends on the type and size of the fibroids, the presence or absence of complications, as well as the day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 . But the pain is almost always accompany this disease.

 Pain in the uterine cancer - one of the characteristic symptoms of the disease

Pain in the uterine cancer - why they arise

Pain in the uterine myoma Uterine fibroids - when surgery is needed?  Uterine fibroids - when surgery is needed?
   originate from different reasons, but mostly they are linked to the menstrual cycle. The duration and nature of the pain associated with this depends not only on size, but on the localization of fibroids - there submukoznaye, interstitial and subserous fibroids, as well as multiple different localization. Some types of fibroids (for example, subserous) is crucial to the size of myoma node.

 Pain in the uterine cancer - one of the characteristic symptoms of the disease

Pain in submucous uterine myoma

It called submucosal fibroids, located under the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium). Even a small knot in this area can cause menstrual irregularities, which are accompanied by profuse uterine (cyclic and acyclic) blood loss and pain.

Pain in submucosal fibroids can have a constant aching and cramping in nature. Constant aching pain often associated with compression of surrounding tissues node fibroids, which leads to disruption of blood supply (ischemia) - the organism in this case takes the signal as pain.

Cramping usually associated with the menstrual cycle. They occur before and during menstruation and due to the fact that a large number of female hormones estrogen (Gomonov the first half of the menstrual cycle, contributing to the proliferation of the endometrium) does not allow the mucous membrane of the uterus quickly and painlessly separate. On the contrary, much overgrown mucosa is separated with difficulty, slowly in some areas. This is accompanied by profuse bleeding and severe paroxysmal spastic pains. After menstruation ends, the pains are usually held.

 Pain in the uterine cancer - one of the characteristic symptoms of the disease

Pain in the interstitial (intramural) uterine fibroids

Interstitial fibroids located inside the middle muscular layer of the uterus. Sometimes it grows slowly and only compresses the tissue of the uterus, and in other cases is growing inside the uterus or outward from it, that is in the pelvic cavity.

When a tumor compressing the tissue of the uterus appear long aching pain, which can be amplified and become cramping during menstruation. Causes of pain are the same as in the submucous uterine myoma Submucosal fibroids - the indication for surgery  Submucosal fibroids - the indication for surgery

If interstitial fibroids grow outward, it can cause pain and dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

 Pain in the uterine cancer - one of the characteristic symptoms of the disease

Pain in subserous uterine fibroids

This type of fibroid long time may be asymptomatic. Sometimes things do occur minor menstrual irregularities, which are accompanied by pain, but their intensity is low.

Subserous fibroids peculiarity is that it can be placed on a broad or short, thin or long leg. Pain thus can have different causes and nature.

When a small fibroid located at thin long leg pain may be the result of twisting the legs. This clamped located inside the leg blood vessels that supply the tumor with blood. Malnutrition causes tissue necrosis, and severe pain. Such pain can not be tolerated - the patient needed urgent medical care, and if it does not, tumor necrosis may be complicated by peritonitis - a serious infectious-inflammatory process, which may result in the death of a woman.

Fibroids in the long thick stalk does not manifest itself, but grows it begins to compress the surrounding tissue and cause pain and disruption of their function. Thus, if the fibroid is located on the front surface of the uterus, it can cause pain when urinating, back pain and even renal colic, since stagnant urine it can form stones.

If a fibroid is on the rear wall of the uterus, it can squeeze the rectum and surrounding tissue. This area is full of nerve plexus, which can lead to the appearance of chronic pelvic pain - aching long, monotonous, exhausting woman and lead to neuroses. The pain may also be associated with the emergence of compression fabrics hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease

Pain in the uterine fibroids may be of different nature, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish from pain associated with other diseases, including cancer. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a full examination of the sick woman. Only then can be assigned to adequate treatment, which will, inter alia, to the disappearance of the pain.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hysteromyoma
