Infertility Treatment - What principles are the priority - Herbs

September 12, 2012

  • Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
  • Traditional methods
  • Herbs

 herbal infertility treatment

Treatment of infertility herbs - nature comes to the rescue

Nature is very rich in herbs, which have a therapeutic effect in the development of infertility. A large percentage of patients prefer folk remedies. Infertility treatment is justified herbs and highly effective method that can also be used in patients who have contraindications to assign various traditional medicines.

 Herbs | Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority

How can you effectively use the grass

A variety of herbs that have been successfully used in folk medicine in the treatment of infertility, have their own indications for use. In various forms of infertility can recommend a certain type of herbal medicine Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects  Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects
   based approach in each individual case.

The positive results obtained in the treatment of infertility in the appointment as a remedy of broth from psyllium Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach  Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach
   The plant itself is well established in the case of those forms of infertility are associated with the problems of inflammatory changes in the uterus .  To prepare the broth should take one tablespoon of seeds and pour a glass of water .  Next you need to boil on low heat for five minutes and leave the broth to the present .  Be sure to drain and then the shelf can drink up to four times a day for a few tablespoons .  It is better to drink the broth, so it was warm .  This means equally helps in case of infertility associated with male factor .  Broth is recommended that men drink, even if it is shown that most of the sperm is fixed .  A man should drink the broth, and you can do an additional bath of plantain .  For the preparation of such therapeutic baths taken root and plantain leaves in an amount of 50 grams, insisted in one liter of boiling water for forty minutes .  Then the broth can be poured into the tub, but before that do not forget to drain .  The course of treatment is 15 days baths .

As a remedy for infertility The causes of infertility - heredity and lifestyle  The causes of infertility - heredity and lifestyle
   recommended to drink tea instead of broth made from herbs adonis, Knotweed. One spoonful of herbs pour boiling water, leave for a few hours. During the day, prepare a broth to drink up to three times.

 Herbs | Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority

Can I be treated collection of herbs

In order to achieve positive results in the treatment of infertility can be assigned to more than one some grass with healing properties, and the collection of several herbs. In order to prepare a healthful collection, you must take the following plants:

  • mother and stepmother (Leaves)
  • sweet clover (grass)
  • chamomile (flowers)
  • calendula (flowers)
  • centaury (grass)

Each herb will require 50 grams. All plants should be mixed and is already ready to take two tablespoons of the mixture, you need to pour boiling water. Broth from a mixture of herbal drink on an empty stomach with a frequency of up to six times per day. For several months, the woman should take daily fee.

Herbal teas are also prescribed under the forms of infertility are linked to hormonal changes. It is necessary to distinguish between the reception of herbs, depending on the phase of a woman's cycle. In the first phase can take charges of chamomile, calendula, lemon balm and tincture of peony root and lewisia. For the second phase recommended a decoction of rosemary, sage Thlaspi or root. Taking herbs for medicinal purposes for infertility should be a long time. We expect positive results only after several months of continuous administration. Self assignment can even be dangerous in some cases, therefore, recommend a herbal medicine should only be a specialist after the test.

Marina Solovyov

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  • infertility treatment

Betadine candles - a powerful tool against infections - Forum

January 10, 2010

  • Betadine candles - a powerful tool against infections
  • Forum
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I had exactly the same diagnosis. Linex Cutting rate and everything was wonderful. but from Betadine also I thought that go crazy and just stopped using
To quote Natalie:
Who can clarify the situation, I do zaputalas.Skolko reread the information, and I can not understand gardrenellёz - this is purely a women's sore, and *** nothing to do with a partner, and he does not need to be treated and, as they say in some of the comments, but then why to *** contact with him I have these symptoms nebylo? Who knows, please reply, thanks beforehand.
*** It should be treated for both partners. It is safest to pass a swab for culture gardrenellezu that will reveal what exactly is your fear of drugs bacterium. But uncontrolled take medication or put a candle is not necessary.
Who can clarify the situation, I do zaputalas.Skolko reread the information, and I can not understand gardrenellёz - this is purely a women's sore, and *** nothing to do with a partner, and he does not need to be treated and, as they say in some of the comments, but then why to *** contact with him I have these symptoms nebylo? Who knows, please reply, thanks beforehand.
Zdravstvuyte.Kto can tell whether it is possible to cure gardrenellёz using only betadinovyh candles, or even necessarily take some antimicrobials in, ie drink tablets?
Betadine prescribed treatment for 30 days is not much there for 16 year old girls and some writing on day 3 of use were pains as tolerated to 30 days can not imagine the doctor may think to be mistaken with the duration of treatment. What do you advise? Thank you in advance!
Alla I quote:
Please tell us by betadinovyh candles can be a liquid such as water vydnleniya? I put a candle in the night and there is something emerged I had to use two pads dailies.
  It limfa.Iz of iodine cells raspodayutsya infection, and the body tries to "clean up" of the self.
treated colpitis candles ,, ,, Betadine. Course 7 5th day sunbathing and evening began with a meager amount of bleeding slizyu.posle this one time missed (forgot) .krovyanye meager allocation of three dnya.u put me a year ago diagnosed with uterine fibromyositis seal diameter of 8 mm.ya realize that tanning is contraindicated, but want to have a nice easy zagar.takie release in mid-cycle vpervye.kakova may be the reason: the use of candles or sunbathing?
Alla I quote:
Please tell us by betadinovyh candles can be a liquid such as water vydnleniya? I put a candle in the night and there is something emerged I had to use two pads dailies.
b Of course, the candle melts and enters the Rouge ..... what to do with soderzhimomou
I have 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor prescribed Betadine for 7 days in anaerobic flora, and it says here that the pregnant women is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, what to do? put candles or not?
After applying Betadine only became worse. There were all the horrible symptoms of thrush. What did I do wrong?
Hello, and tell me please ... I told the gynecologist that I Calpe, and then I was told that I had growing staphylococcus = (I vstovlyala all sorts of different candles which I prescribed: Terzhinan, etc. But Hexicon helps me for a while !!! And then again, any itching or abdomen hurts, why ???? And now I was a little painful to write and Chu little lower abdomen aches ... Candles betadine help ????? Zarannee thanks! !!
Tatiana I quote:
Can the candles "Betadine" combined with pills "Trichopolum"?
  I doctor has prescribed this way: Trichopolum 5 days to drink and put the candles!
Please tell us by betadinovyh candles can be a liquid such as water vydnleniya? I put a candle in the night and there is something emerged I had to use two pads dailies.
Odga quote:
Hello!!! I'm interested in whether the doctor has appointed Betadine (vaginal suppositories) from the fact that a woman is infertile and can not have children? or only for the prevention of venous diseases ????? Thanks in advance for the incorrect question.
betadine directly from infertility does not help! it is only indirectly helps in eliminating the causes may cause infertility. It is known that the disease can not be defeated without eliminating the cause. A betadine a tool not only for preventing ven.zabolevany, but also for the treatment of inflammation
I colpitis. I was treated three times. different candles. hexicon first, then Nystatin, and then Terzhianom, but nothing helps white blood cells in the smear is still a lot. Tell me, please, I can be treated now, so that it is effective. I do not know to whom and where to turn. Betadine help of vaginitis? thank you in advance
To quote Catherine:
[quote name = "Anna"] Better, of course, to see a doctor again have pain. Only he can correctly identify the cause, assign the necessary examination and treatment to choose. All you need to visit the gynecologist at least once a year (I'm talking to you as a doctor). Yeah we gynecologist prescribes only one *** w that nobody and nothing helps !!!!!!!!!!!
A change gynecologist tried to 1m because world is large enough! In addition, if the process moved into a chronic phase of getting rid of it is not so easy, or you thought took tabletochku and walk? Comprehensive approach is needed here is not only antimicrobial therapy (or antiviral) and restoration of normal flora, its maintenance (and even that depends on what you eat!), Hygiene and abstinence from *** and during treatment. Though of course it all depends on the etiology (causative agent), we are convinced that this is you can not be cured, but can have the regular reinfection? And with such distrust your doctor can do for him not to go - and a waste of your time noticing it too!
I quote:
Better, of course, to see a doctor again have pain. Only he can correctly identify the cause, nazanchit necessary examination and treatment to choose. All you need to visit the gynecologist at least once a year (I'm talking to you as a doctor).
Yeah we gynecologist prescribes only one *** w that nobody and nothing helps !!!!!!!!!!!
Allen quote:
Prompt and genital herpes or warts can be cured simply by these candles?
  There should be a specific treatment - antiviral, immunomodulatory + mestnodestruiruyuschie methods. Treatment may choose only gynecologist at the reception! Self Betadine does not guarantee 100% result.
Better, of course, to see a doctor once the pain has .  Only he can correctly identify the cause, nazanchit necessary examination and treatment to choose .  All you need to visit the gynecologist at least once a year (I'm talking to you as a doctor) .  But on their own, too, can prlechitsya Betadine .  The main thing to take into account that the first few days of treatment may light burning sensation (each in different ways, depending on the degree of clinical manifestations), that's fine, do not stop treatment, over time, these symptoms will pass .  But I do not advise begin treatment knowing that the whole course will not be passed! This leads to the development of resistance (stability) of pathogens in the future will be more difficult to cure inflammation .  At the end of the course I advise you to do the restoration of normal microflora (because inflammation itself partly developed due to dysbiosis) - candles atsilakt can drink preparations soderdzhaschie lactobacilli (ask around at pharmacies), there is a preparation for voosstanovleniya flora - Ekofemin .  And also pay attention to intimate hygiene, in no case do not use conventional toilet soaps, you must choose the gels / foams / mousses (now the huge variety of forms) specially designed for intimate hygiene (Laktatsid, Epigenes-itnim) .  Good luck!
Hello, do not tell, in January registered the candles in inflammation, apparently, somehow misunderstood how to take, as a result of the normal course of treatment and did not pass. To the doctor no longer appealed and still sometimes feel discomfort, pain slack. Can anyone currently taking Betadine to dolechitsya, or can not, it is better to consult a doctor?
These fifteen candles cure cervical erosion matki.Drugie means have not helped.
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