- Antiphospholipid syndrome - a dangerous autoimmune reactions
- Phospholipids and their role in the human body
Phospholipids and their role in the human body
As is known, all our body consists of cells, each cell is surrounded by a shell - a membrane arranged inside the nucleus, mitochondria and the number of other impurities. The composition of the membranes, nuclei and mitochondria of cells includes a special ingredient - phosphatides or phospholipids. The membrane, they are the structural basis for forming a phospholipid layer. Phospholipids are involved in the formation of platelets, red blood cells, the inner lining of the blood vessels, cells of the nervous tissue.
- Antibodies - to protect the body from the outside "aggressor"
Under normal circumstances, the development of antibodies is a defensive reaction in response to the "enemy-antigen" as an infection or foreign protein. Glued antibody to an antigen, then this complex is excreted from the body. This type of protection is called humoral immunity.
What is antiphospholipid syndrome
In 1986 Hughes British scientist discovered the existence syndrome (number of features), which is based on the development of autoimmune (allergic to own tissues) reacting a phospholipid complex present on the platelet membrane, the inner lining of blood vessels and cells of the nervous tissue. This cider has been called antiphospholipid (APS) or Hughes syndrome.
It has been found that under certain systemic (affecting all similar to body tissue) diseases, such as connective tissue disorders in systemic sclerosis, some chronic diseases, tumors, etc. in the body there is a failure, and begins to produce antibodies against its own tissues, in this case to phospholipids. Affixed to the vessel walls, platelets, directly entering the blood coagulation reaction, antigen-antibody complexes result in the development of thrombosis.
Widespread phospholipids determines the systemic nature of the disease manifestations in antiphospholipid syndrome. The symptoms depend on what kind of amazed krovenozny vessel (artery Vienna, its size), where the vessel is (severe manifestation, with the defeat of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart, kidneys and brain). Of great importance is the rate and vascular occlusion: it can be closed slowly or rapidly emerging clot - thrombus, which broke away from the wall of a larger blood vessel. In the latter case, it is a pattern of sudden acute diseases, such as myocardial infarction or stroke
Stroke - a serious brain injury
. If the blood clot is formed gradually, it is often time to develop new branches of the blood vessels (collaterals) to bypass the affected and the disease can occur unnoticed.
When pregnancy is such a blockage of the blood vessels can cause placental insufficiency (insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus) and miscarriage
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. For pregnant women suffering from systemic scleroderma, often end in miscarriage
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In people with APS may also be common symptoms of the disease. This, for example, a thin mesh lace vessels on the surface of the skin (livedo, often on the cheeks), which is particularly clearly visible in the cold. Another common sign of ASF are difficult to treat ulcers in the lower leg, and gangrene (death of tissue) of fingers and toes.
In men, the manifestation of APS is more often myocardial infarction in women - a stroke. It is also often affects the blood vessels of the liver and kidneys. Sometimes APS manifested thrombosis
Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
blood vessels that supply blood to the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, patients appear after eating the strong attacks of abdominal pain.
The diagnosis may be suspected if a person under the age of 45 years often have diseases related to thrombosis: myocardial infarction, stroke, necrosis (death of) the fingers and toes, leg ulcers, and so on.
Laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis of APS is the detection of antibodies to various types of phospholipid by enzyme immunoassay blood (ELISA).
First you need to identify and treat the underlying disease that led to the emergence of APS (systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, chronic diseases, tumors, and so on). Such treatment will result in a reduction in the blood of antibodies to phospholipids.
Appointed as drugs that reduce the ability of blood sveryvayuschuyu (antiaggreganty), antihistamines (relieve allergic disposition), anti-malarial drugs - they combine the anti-inflammatory effects with the ability to inhibit platelet aggregation, which also contributes to the prevention of thrombosis.
If blood is detected very large number of antibodies and there is a risk of acute toromboza Souda, the blood purification is performed using hemosorption or plasmapheresis (efferent methods of treatment).
In pregnant women with APS timely diagnosis, training and rational management of pregnancy with the use of medication and efferent therapies reduces the risk of complications both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period and contributes to the birth of a viable child.